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Purposeful Leadership – Module 3 Balancing Structure and Freedom (:75)

Purposeful Leadership – Module 3 Balancing Structure and Freedom (:75). On headset with working mic. No headset, using chat box. Purposeful Leadership. Leadership and Personal Accountability. Balancing Structure and Freedom. Emotional Intelligence. Leading Change. Coaching

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Purposeful Leadership – Module 3 Balancing Structure and Freedom (:75)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Purposeful Leadership – Module 3 Balancing Structure and Freedom (:75) On headset with working mic No headset, using chat box

  2. Purposeful Leadership Leadership and Personal Accountability Balancing Structure and Freedom Emotional Intelligence Leading Change Coaching Opportunities Hard Conversations They build on each other, AND they stand alone

  3. The Leader’s Dilemma To provide structure and focus To allow maximum freedom

  4. Learning Objectives • Identify the different ways to engage teams and the tradeoffs to each approach • Identify how one organization attempted to balance providing structure and freedom

  5. Agenda • Who’s here and where are we going? (:10) • 6 Ways to lead • Breakout (:10) • Main room discussion (:10) • Min specs • Model (:10) • Example (:05) • Andy’s dilemma • Breakout (:10) • Main room discussion (:10) • Summary (:10)

  6. Writing on whiteboard in breakout rooms Breakout Discussion In your breakout group, ….. Read the quote and ….. Summarize your thoughts using ….. Once you are in your breakout room and the instructions slide is pushed out, you will see a menu like above where you can navigate to a blank page and enter group discussion Notes. Use this same menu to go back and forth between the instructions slide and your “notes” page.

  7. Writing on whiteboard in breakout rooms In your breakout group, ….. Read the quote and ….. Summarize your thoughts using ….. Click on the drop down menu then pick the blank page you want to go to jot down thoughts/notes.

  8. Ways to Lead/Influence Approach Pro’s Con’s Compliance at best Over time resistance Speed Authority May be wrong; No alternatives examined; Over time arrogance Speed Confidence Expertise “Empty suit”; in and out groups; may be wrong Speed Fun/Energy Charisma/ Personality They show up (minimum effort) Overused, can be insulting Barter Takes time to build; Requires give and take Follow thru; No stress/wasted energy Relationship w/w Follow thru, commitment over time; sustainability Takes more time; values will be tested; baggage Vision/Idea w/w/w

  9. Ways to Lead/Influence Approach Pro’s Con’s Compliance at best Over time resistance Speed Authority Go fast, to go slow Go fast to go slow May be wrong; No alternatives examined; Over time arrogance Speed Confidence Expertise “Empty suit”; in and out groups; may be wrong Speed Fun/Energy Charisma/ Personality They show up (minimum effort) Overused, can be insulting Barter Go fast, to go slow Go slow to go fast Takes time to build; Requires give and take Follow thru; No stress/wasted energy Relationship w/w Follow thru, commitment over time; sustainability Takes more time; values will be tested; baggage Vision/Idea w/w/w

  10. Breakout Discussion In reviewing the 6 Ways to Lead video, what did you notice about the approaches you use when engaging the teams you lead? What questions / observations / insights did this video create for you? Take :10 to discuss and capture your thoughts on the whiteboard page in your breakout room Have someone ready to summarize when we come back to the main room

  11. “Min Specs” “The few critical boundaries, guidelines, rules, requirements people must stay within as they work together to live out their purpose.”

  12. Engaging Others ? Leaders Clarify/Offer When? 1 Leader driven ? Where? How? ? Leader and team discuss real boundaries/ requirements/ constraints 2 Why? ? ? Who? What? Team driven 3 Team self- organizes ?

  13. Engaging Others What? ? Leaders Clarify/Offer 1 Why? Leader driven ? When? ? Leader and team discuss real boundaries/ requirements/ constraints 2 Where? ? Who? ? Team driven 3 How? Team self- organizes ?

  14. Engaging Others What? ? Leaders Clarify/Offer 1 Why? Leader driven ? When? ? Leader and team discuss real boundaries/ requirements/ constraints 2 Where? ? Who? ? Team driven 3 How? Team self- organizes ?

  15. 3 Key Team Behaviors/ Agreements Being candid and loyal to the absent I avoid gossiping (e.g., I don’t bad mouth someone “not in the room” and I encourage others to refrain likewise.) I don’t deliver messages For others and if I have a beef with someone, I talk to them directly. 1 2 3 4 Team before personal: I put the team/organization’s goals before my own. If someone has an idea that’s working better than my own, I offer my time, budget, resources to help them 1 2 3 4 succeed. Transparency: I am completely open in sharing my thinking and information I have at any given moment. If I disagree, I bring it up in the meeting vs. in the hall, and I do it agreeably. I model the behavior of “If I have more information than you, I am obligated to share it. If it seems you have more than 1 2 3 4 me, I am obligated to ask.”

  16. “Want to know our secret? In 1998 we put into place one simple spiritual principle. We call it the 24 hour rule. If I have a problem with you, I promise to go to you to ‘face it, solve it and forget it.’ We do not talk about people behind their backs. That’s our solemn agreement.” Former female VP at Redken, reflecting on what helped them turn around their business

  17. Girl Scout Min Specs? • Girl-Led • Learn By Doing • Cooperative Learning

  18. Use “Min Specs” to organize efforts • Hunterdon Hospital – Community Service Work • Up to ½ day/week – something you care deeply about • Cannot do anything illegal • Take funds on your own, just post for others to see

  19. Can you think of processes, procedures/programs at your location that a “min specs” approach might be a better way to go?

  20. Breakout Discussion In the Andy’s Dilemma story, we see how a leader chose to engage his people and how they designed their organization to tackle the issue of “balancing structure with freedom”. What did you find interesting in this story? Take :10 to discuss, and if you wish, take notes on your whiteboard. Assign someone to summarize in the main room.

  21. Suggestions… Remember to be firm and clear about the “What” and “Why” and where you can be flexible is around the “How” When offering a bold vision to a group, know that it will scare some, and be empathetic to that, but don’t compromise to try and make it “comfortable” for everyone. Use the Engaging Others model on slide 15 to help you remember to provide a “why” and stay out of the “how”.

  22. Closing thought… “In my 30 years of consulting, I have yet to see an organization client-system that was not overmanaged” ~ Jack Gibb

  23. Questions? Comments?

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