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Projects of bibliographical synthesis

Projects of bibliographical synthesis. Renata ANADAO PINAFFI Paulo Henrique MARTINS Lucas Daniel NOGUEIRA MOTTA André COIMBRA. Subject : Médicine, tele diagnosis . Telehealth and Telemedicine.

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Projects of bibliographical synthesis

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  1. Projects of bibliographicalsynthesis • Renata ANADAO PINAFFI • Paulo Henrique MARTINS • Lucas Daniel NOGUEIRA MOTTA • André COIMBRA Subject: Médicine, telediagnosis. Sujet médecine, tele diagnostic.

  2. Telehealth and Telemedicine • The term 'telemedicine' more appropriately describes the direct provision of clinical care via telecommunications diagnosing, treating or following up with a patient at a distance. • The term ‘Telehealth' is used to describe all the possible variations of healthcare services using telecommunications. Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  3. The development of the telecommunications and computer technologies used to provide home tele-health services; • The introduction of sophisticated electronic devices for measuring patient physiological parameters in-home; • The development over the past decade of electronic devices for administering drug and other therapies in-home; • The increasing level of familiarity, comfort, and enthusiasm among providers all of these technological innovations. Technological Development[8]: Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  4. Specialties of medicine that use this kind of consultation[3]: • Psychiatry; • Internal medicine; • Rehabilitation; • Cardiology; • Pediatrics; • Obstetrics; • Gynecology; and • Neurology. Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  5. Electronic devices and sensors • There are also many peripheral devices and sensors which can be attached to computers which can aid in an interactive examination. Examples[9]: • An otoscope allows a physician to “see” inside a patient's ear; • A stethoscope allows the consulting physician to “hear” the patient's heartbeat. • A tele-eegdevice monitors the electricalactivity of a patients brain and thentransmitsthat data to a specialist. Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  6. Telecommunications and technologies[5] 1. Stored-and-forwarded Digital images, video, audio and clinical data are captured and "stored" on the client computer; then at a convenient time transmitted securely ("forwarded") to a clinic at another location where they are studied by relevant specialists. The opinion of the specialist is then transmitted back, like un result . Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  7. Telecommunications and technologies • 2. Real-time • A telecommunicationslinkallowsinstantaneous interaction. Video-conferencingequipmentis one of the mostcommonforms of synchronoustelemedicine. Peripheraldevicescanalsobeattached to computers or the video-conferencingequipmentwhichcanaid in an interactive examination. Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  8. Telecommunications and technologies • 3. Remote monitoring. • Sensors are used to capture and transmit biometricdata. Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  9. Conclusion With the telemédicinewe can start to consider normal the fact to be in contact with a health professional, to talk in the telephone, to change email…As we make nowadays with familiar friends and. We each could have a 'Personal Diagnosis System' as part of our home entertainment centers. This system would monitor our daily health status and automatically notify a health professional if we become ill. Sujet médecine, telediagnostic . RENATA ANADAO PINAFFI

  10. http://www.telemedicine.com/ • http://tie.telemed.org/articles/article.asp?path=articles&article=movieTransmissionSystemCellPhone_ko_hhct04.xml • http://tie.telemed.org/articles/article.asp?path=telemed101&article=tmcoming_nb_tie96.xml • http://members.tripod.com/~ProviderHelper/index-4.html#PRIMER • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telehealth#Store-and-forward_telehealth • http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/S/store_and_forward.html • http://tie.telemed.org/articles/article.asp?path=articles&article=weightLossInRuralAdultPopulation_kfbckd_tie07.xml • Home Tele-Health Systems: A Guide for Home Care ProvidersSpringfield, PA: Home Care Management Associates, Ltd., 1998 • Perednia D A, Allen A. Telemedicine technology and clinical applications. JAMA, Feb 8, 1995, 273(6): 483-8. (Link last checked on June 10, 2004). • Merrell R C. Telemedicine in the 90's: Beyond the future. Journal of Medical Systems, 1995, 19(1): 15-8. (Link last checked on June 10, 2004). • Kurtz G L. The future of telecommunications in rural health care. Healthcare Information Management, Summer, 1994, 8(3): 5-9. (Link last checked on June 10, 2004). • Gustke S S, Balch D C, West V L, Rogers L O. Patient satisfaction with telemedicine. Telemedicine Journal, Spring, 2000, 6(1): 5-13. (Link last checked on June 10, 2004). • http://www.phsa.ca/AgenciesServices/Services/Telehealth/default.htm Bibliographicalreferences Sujet médecine, tele diagnostic.

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