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Week 6 Stations

Week 6 Stations. September 9 th - 13th. Mrs. Gill & Mrs. Lane. Voice Level: 0. Goals: Establish fluency by spelling grade level appropriate words accurately. Monday. Read through your spelling contract. Choose a task to complete. Complete the task on a piece of paper.

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Week 6 Stations

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  1. Week 6 Stations September 9th- 13th Mrs. Gill & Mrs. Lane

  2. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Establish fluency by spelling grade level appropriate words accurately Monday Read through your spelling contract. Choose a task to complete. Complete the task on a piece of paper. Staple the paper to your contract to be turned in on Friday. When we have finished stations you will place your completed task into your homework folder with your spelling contract Complete a task from the “When you are finished” page Spelling Materials: Pencil, lined paper, spelling contract (in binder), spelling words (in binder) EL.5.6.7 2006 Spelling:Spell roots or bases of words, prefixes (understood/misunderstood, excused/unexcused), suffixes (final/finally, mean/meanness), contractions (will not/won't, it is/it's, they would/they'd), and syllable constructions (in•for•ma•tion, mol•e•cule) correctly.

  3. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Recognize problem and solution structures in narrative writing Tuesday • Re-read the introduction, first attempt, and second attempt. • Read the conclusion to solve the problem and highlight. • Highlight the following • Transition in blue • Idea in yellow • Events/Action (verbs) in pink • Solution to the problem in yellow • Emotion about the solution in green • Transition out of attempt in blue • Dialogue in orange Writing EL.5.3.2 2006 Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text:Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved. EL.5.5.1 2006 Write narratives that: • establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict. • show, rather than tell, the events of the story. EL.5.6.2 2006 Use transitions (however, therefore, on the other hand) and conjunctions (and, or, but) to connect ideas. Materials: Deconstruction Sheet, highlighters, EL.5.1.1 2006 Decoding and Word Recognition:Read aloud grade-level-appropriate narrative text (stories) and expository text (information) fluently and accurately and with appropriate timing, changes in voice, and expression. 4. Place the sheet in your Station Folder 5. Complete a “Finished” task

  4. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Deconstruct Problem and Solution relationships within Narrative Text Wednesday Writing Teacher Station EL.5.3.2 2006 Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text:Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved. EL.5.5.1 2006 Write narratives that: • establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict. • show, rather than tell, the events of the story. Materials: Pencil, Reading Journal, Story

  5. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Deconstruct Problem and Solution relationships within Narrative Text Wednesday Open your Reading Journal to the notes you took yesterday about Problem and Solution graphic organizers. Take out the story from your resources. Find a partner As you read the story with your partner, complete the graphic organizer. Glue the graphic organizer into your Reading Journal. Turn your Reading Journal in with a Graphic Organizer Rubric. Complete a “Finished” activity. Writing EL.5.3.2 2006 Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text:Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved. EL.5.5.1 2006 Write narratives that: • establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict. • show, rather than tell, the events of the story. Materials: Pencil, Reading Journal, Graphic Organizer, Rubric, story

  6. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Lesson 2.7 Estimating Products Monday Go to Everyday Math Online Play Multiplication Bull’s Eye Play for the entire station. Math Students will display the ability to gain experience with making and using magnitude estimates for products of multidigit numbers, including decimals. Complete Math Journal pgs. 47-49. CCSS: SMP1, SMP3, SMP5, SMP6;5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.4, 5.NBT.7 Materials: Netbooks

  7. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Lesson 2.8 Multiplication of Whole Numbers and Decimals Tuesday Go to Everyday Math online Play Factor Bingo Play for the entire station. Math Students will display the ability to review the partial-product method for whole numbers and decimals. Complete Math Journal pgs. 50-53. CCSS: SMP2, SMP3, SMP5, SMP6, SMP8;5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.3a, 5.NBT.4, 5.NBT.7 Materials: Netbooks

  8. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Lesson 2.9 The Lattice Method of Multiplication Wednesday Go to Everyday Math online Play High Number Toss Play for the entire station. Math Students will display the ability to review and practice with the lattice method for multiplication of whole numbers and decimals. Complete Math Journal pgs. 54-56B. CCSS: SMP1, SMP5, SMP6, SMP8; 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.7 Materials: Netbooks

  9. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Thursday Lesson 2.10 Comparing Millions, Billions, and Trillions Go to Everyday Math online Play Number Top-it (7-Digit Numbers) Play for the entire station. Math Students will display the ability to gain experience with comparing the relative sizes of 1 million, 1 billion, and 1 trillion and use a sample to make an estimate. Complete Math Journal pgs. 57-58. CCSS: SMP1, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6; 5.NBT.1, 5.MD.1 Materials: Netbooks

  10. Goals: • Gain an understanding of life in America before explorers settled. • Recognize how different environments contribute to living habits. Special Note: See rubric for requirements • Together read through pages _________. • As you read, think about and answer the guiding questions. • Use your Social Studies book, the news paper, and any other resources to answer your questions. • Look over your rubric, be sure to meet the requirements. • Create a Prezi, Powerpoint, or poster to display what you have learned. • Be ready to present with your group. Social Studies SS.5.1.1 2007 Ways of Life Before and After the Arrival of Europeans to 1610. Identify and describe early cultures and settlements that existed in North America prior to contact with Europeans. SS.5.1.2 2007 Ways of Life Before and After the Arrival of Europeans to 1610. Examine accounts of early European explorations of North America including major land and water routes, reasons for exploration and the impact the exploration had. SS.5.1.4 2007 Ways of Life Before and After the Arrival of Europeans to 1610. Locate and compare the origins, physical structure and social structure of early Spanish, French and British settlements. Materials: Pencil, Social Studies book, Newspaper, Resource books, Netbooks, rubric, guiding questions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (Next week) Voice Level: 1

  11. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Write a summary Monday Teaching Station Project Materials: Netbooks

  12. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Collect, analyze, and interpret data from the snack stand Tuesday Project Materials: Netbooks

  13. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Collect, analyze, and interpret data from the snack stand Wednesday The following are math problems, based on our snack stand. Use these to help you understand our math and interpret the data. When you are finished, complete a “finished” task Project Materials: Netbooks

  14. Voice Level: 0 Goals: Collect, analyze, and interpret data from the snack stand Thursday Use the data we collected to create graphs on your netbook with the teacher’s assistance. Project Materials: Netbooks

  15. Voice Level: 1 • Goals: • Recall important details from the text • Use details to support your answers • Summarize the text Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Read the text, “Goat Cheese and Big Macs” with a partner. Complete the “Find the Evidence” on the last page in your Reading Journal. Use Evidence Based terms or you will not receive full credit. Staple the rubric for “Find the Evidence” on the page where your answers are. Complete the Critical Thinking sheet. Use Evidence Based terms or you will not receive full credit. Place the Critical Thinking sheet in your Stations folder. Write a summary in your Reading Journal. Place the rubric in your journal to mark the page. Turn-in your journal and rubric. Miscellaneous EL.5.2.3 2006 Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Nonfiction and Informational Text:Recognize main ideas presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas. EL.5.2.4 2006 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge EL.5.1.1 2006 Decoding and Word Recognition:Read aloud grade-level-appropriate narrative text (stories) and expository text (information) fluently and accurately and with appropriate timing, changes in voice, and expression. Materials: StoryWorks, rubric, critical thinking page, lined paper

  16. Find the Evidence! RubricName:____________________ #_________________ Date:____________ Total:___________ 3 2 1 0 6 4 2 0

  17. Summary RubricName:____________________ #_________________ Date:____________ Total:___________ 3 2 1 0 6 4 2 0

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