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METHODOLOGY AND ORGANISATION. Why You Don’t Fall Through the Floor. Linguistics. Strength of materials. Moc materiałów?.

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  2. Why You Don’t Fall Through the Floor

  3. Linguistics Strength of materials Moc materiałów? SM is about the resistance of materials(and structures) against external environmental actions (forces, deformations, temperatures etc.) which may lead to the loss of load bearing capacity Wytrzymałość materiałów Wytrzymać: co? Ile? Jak długo? Сопротивле матеpиаов Opór materiałów? Résistance des matériaux Opór materiałów? Festigkeitlehre Nauka o sile materiałów? Hållfasthetslära Nauka o spójności materiałów? 材料力学 No, to już zupełna „chińszczyzna”!

  4. Physics Mathematics Theoretical mechanics(of a rigid body) Roots of SM • Differential calculus • Matrix algebra • Calculus of variations • Numerical methods • Theory of elasticity • Theory of plasticity • Material Science SM(mechanics of a deformable body) HIPOTHESES EXPERIMENTS

  5. Students are expected to study by their own, making use of available contacts hours and suggested readings. Course syllabus for undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering is on display (see Means of Communication) It consists of compulsory contact hours: : 60 - in winter semester (30 lectures + 30 design exercises), and 75 – in spring semester (30 lectures + 30 exercises + 15 laboratory exercises)plus 30 hours of consultations (voluntary) Means of communication All important announcements for students will be exposed on official display panel next to the room 302, and on the web site www.civ-eng.pk.edu.pl. Instruction language will be English, however some terminology will be given in Polish. For benefit of both parties students and professors are suggested to use English at any circumstances.

  6. Basic textbook in English will be: V.D da Silva, Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Springer, 2006 Other optional books: J.Case, A.H.Cliver,C.T.F. Ross, Strength of Materials and Structures, Arnold co-ed. J.Wiley&Sons, New York, Toronto, 1999 S.Timoshenko, Strength of Materials, Van Nostrand Co., 2nd 1940, available at any Open Course Ware(OCW) resources provided by UK or US universities Basic textbook in Polish: S.Piechnik, Mechanika Techniczna Ciała Stałego, wyd. Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków 2007, and other educational materials at ZWM web sitehttp://limba.wil.pk.edu.pl

  7. Requirements • Students have to: - attend all compulsory activities (lectures, exercises, labs), - fulfil all home assignments - pass written verification of their knowledge during the semester - pass final examination (in form of a test). • The basis for students’ evaluation will be their performance during the semester. Final exam, if passed successfully, will modify only this assessment. • Students with negative evaluation by the end of semester, but having done all efforts to get positive evaluation (collecting 40-55% of possible points), will be allowed to take a pre-examination - once in a semester.

  8. Student after passing SM examas a bar structure

  9. stop

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