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Early English History

Early English History. Invasions. A. Three Early parts 1. Britons 2. Picts (to the north) 3. Gaels (to the west) B. Romans 1. Contributions – 2. Ruling and leaving – . Invasions cont. C. Germanic Tribes

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Early English History

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  1. Early English History

  2. Invasions A. Three Early parts 1. Britons 2. Picts (to the north) 3. Gaels (to the west) B. Romans 1. Contributions – 2. Ruling and leaving –

  3. Invasions cont. C. Germanic Tribes 1. Two Groups - Angles and the Saxons (This is where we get the name England, the country was named Angle-Land) 2. Language – Old English originates from German tribes. D. Vikings 1. Origin – Come from Denmark and Norway 2. Why they settled. – England has a nicer climate, and it is easier to farm. 3. Defeated by…Alfred the Great

  4. Chieftains 1. Alfred the Great – 2. Edward the Confessor – 3. William the Conqueror a. why he wanted thrown – b. Norman Conquest – c. Battle of Hastings –

  5. Culture A. Pagan 1. wyrd – 2. weekdays – ex: Thor is Thursday C. Christianity 1. Arrival – brings hope to people 2. Augustine – creates first monastery at Canterbury 3. Monasteries a. Venerable Bede – great monk – write A History of the English Church and People b. education –

  6. Literature A. Epic Poems – Beowulf is an epic poem. 1. Qualities – 2. Mead halls and scops – 3. Value – B. Stories 1. oral – 2. manuscripts –

  7. Literature cont. C. Christian vs. pagan style 1. Christian – 2. pagan – D. Christian vs. pagan elements in Beowulf 1. Fate vs God 2. 2 reasons –

  8. Medieval Period & the Monarchy A. William the Conqueror—from France/Normandy 1. Brings 2. Ideas 3. Anglo Saxons 4. “divine right” 2. Doomsday Book: 1. Contents 2. Problems 3. Magna Carta: 1. “Great Charter”—signed in 1215 2. What it did -

  9. Life and Death A. Hundred Year’s War (1337-1453) • Started by Edward III because they were fighting over a region in France called Guienne. • England lost all French possessions. • Black Death • Killed 1/3 of England’s population • Allowed for upward mobility • Serfs started filling in as workers • Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) • Fighting for the throne • House of York (white rose) • House of Lancaster (red rose) • Settled with Lancastrian family (Henry Tudor) took the throne in 1485 • This also marks the end of the Middle Ages/Medieval Era

  10. Culture • Feudal System: 1. Def. 2. Lasted about 300 to 400 years 3. Division of land – King Church Nobles 4. King→Barons→Knights→Serfs B. The Power of the Church: 1. Catholic church didn’t fit in the feudal system 2. Powers 3. Ex-communication

  11. Literature • Geoffrey Chaucer 1. Upbringing – 2. Careers – 3. Writing - B. Anti-Catholic Church 1. Why? 2. The Canterbury Tales

  12. The Canterbury Tales A. Why it made Chaucer famous. B. Format C. About 1. Plot 2. Pilgrimage—a journey that an individual takes 3. Becket—Murdered by Henry II and the Church *Made him a saint, so he became a martyr *Built a shrine for him at Canterbury 4. Martyr—someone who dies for their religious beliefs D. Incomplete

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