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How common are Retinal Diseases?

. Reports suggest that by 2030 India alone will be having 1.5 million patients suffering from AMD, a type of retinal disease. Now the situation might seem far from encouraging but retina eye surgery can help improve the situation.

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How common are Retinal Diseases?

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  1. How common are Retinal Diseases? What is the retina? The retina is a thin layer of the membrane towards the back of our eye. It can be thought to be analogous to a film that we have in our cameras. The retina collects the light that has been contracted by the lens, forms an image, and sends the signals to the brain. The brain receives these signals via the optic nerve, interprets it, and gives us the sense of vision. How common are retinal diseases? The retina is a very essential part of our eye, it plays a significant role in allowing us to see the world as it is. But, more often than not, as we age our vision degrades with us. Most common out of the many vision issues that people have are retinal disease. Reports suggest that by 2030 India alone will be having 1.5 million patients suffering from AMD, a type of retinal disease. Now the situation might seem far from encouraging but retina eye surgery can help improve the situation. Why is retinal disease so common? The reason why retinal diseases are so common is that there are different types of retinal problems in general. Some of the more common types of retinal disease that possibly anyone of us can be suffering from are: Retinal Detachment Macular Degeneration Retinitis Pigmentosa Diabetic Eye Disease Retinoblastoma The retina is one of the most sensitive parts of our eye. It is, therefore, necessary that when retina eye surgery is done, they are done from the best doctors possible. If you are from Hyderabad then the best doctors of Hyderabad, in Mumbai consult the best retina specialist in Mumbai or take help from the best eye clinic of Chennai. Our eyes give us the sense of vision and it is important that we take care of them.

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