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SQL Server 2000 세미나 Stored Procedure. 강사: 정원혁 http://mssql.ce.ro. 차 례. 무엇 ? 매개 변수 / Return 일반 SQL 문장과 프로시저의 차이 컴파일이 성능에 미치는 영향 컴파일 해야만 하는 경우 exec/ sp_executesql / sp_prepare / sp_execute 시스템 프로시저 내가 만들기 디버깅. 저장프로시져 - 무엇 ?. 서버에 컴파일 되어 저장된 SQL 문에 이름이 붙은 집합 모든 SQL 문장 사용 가능
SQL Server 2000 세미나Stored Procedure 강사: 정원혁 http://mssql.ce.ro
차 례 • 무엇? • 매개 변수 / Return • 일반 SQL 문장과 프로시저의 차이 • 컴파일이 성능에 미치는 영향 • 컴파일 해야만 하는 경우 • exec/ sp_executesql / sp_prepare / sp_execute • 시스템 프로시저 내가 만들기 • 디버깅
저장프로시져 - 무엇? • 서버에 컴파일 되어 저장된 SQL 문에 이름이 붙은 집합 • 모든 SQL 문장 사용 가능 • cf. VIEW 나 trigger는 일부 문장 혹은 SELECT 문만 가능 • 예) SELECT pub_id, title_id, price, pubdate FROM titles where price is NOT NULL order by pub_id COMPUTE avg(price) BY pub_id COMPUTE avg(price)
저장프로시져 - 무엇? CREATE PROC[EDURE] procedure_name [;number] [ {@parameter data_type} [VARYING] [= default] [OUTPUT] ] [,...n] [WITH { RECOMPILE | ENCRYPTION | RECOMPILE, ENCRYPTION } ] [FOR REPLICATION] AS sql_statement [...n] ------------------------------------ CREATE PROC[EDURE] DROP PROC[EDURE]
매개변수 create PROC p1 as set nocount on SELECT TOP 1 title_id,price FROM titles UPDATE titles set price = price *2 SELECT TOP 1 title_id,price FROM titles set nocount off Go ----------------------------------------------------------------- alter PROC p1 @a numeric(10, 3) as set nocount on SELECT TOP 1 title_id,price FROM titles UPDATE titles set price = price *@a SELECT TOP 1 title_id,price FROM titles set nocount off go
매개변수2 alter PROC p1 @a numeric(10, 5) = 2 , @b varchar(2000) as SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT TOP 5 title_id, type, price FROM titles where type like @b UPDATE titles set price = price * @a where type like @b SELECT TOP 5 title_id, type, price FROM titles where type like @b Go ----------------------------------------------------------------- Exec p1 .5, '%cook'
매개변수3 alter PROC p1 @a numeric(10, 5) = 2 , @b varchar(2000) , @c int output as SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT TOP 5 title_id, type, price FROM titles where type like @b UPDATE titles set price = price * @a where type like @b select @c = @@rowcount SELECT TOP 5 title_id, type, price FROM titles where type like @b ----------------------------------------------------- declare @r int exec p1 .5, '%cook', @r output select @r
alter PROC p1 @a numeric(10, 5) = 2 , @b varchar(2000) as SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT TOP 1 * FROM titles where type like @b UPDATE titles set price = price * @a where type like @b if @@error <> 0 return(-1) else begin SELECT TOP 1 * FROM titles where type like @b SET NOCOUNT OFF return(0) end declare @rtn int EXEC @rtn = p1 0.25 , '%cook' select @rtn RETURN
1. Parsing 2. 이름확인 3. 보안점검 4. 최적화(Optimize) 5. Compile 재 실행 시 ? 같은 context 라면 그대로 사용 (극히 제한적인 경우) 그렇지 않다면 1에서 5의 과정 반복 어떻게 수행되나 (일반 쿼리)
만들 때 1. Parsing 2. 이름확인 보안 점검 (결과저장) 첫 실행 4. 최적화(Optimize) 5. Compile 재 실행 시 ? 그대로 사용 메모리에 없을때 혹은 재 컴파일이 필요할때만 4, 5의 과정 반복 어떻게 수행되나 (SP)
저장 프로시저 장점 • 편의성 :매개변수/ return / result sets • 보안 • 네트웍 트래픽의 감소 • 재사용 • 모듈화 • 성능
compile 과 성능 dbcc freeproccache go use pubs go exec sp_help sales --첫번째 exec sp_help sales --두번째 exec sp_help sales --세번째 exec sp_help sales with recompile --강제 recompile use master go sp_helptext sp_help
use tempdb go DROP TABLE test go CREATE TABLE test ( id int identity , c1 char(100) default 'a' ) go SET NOCOUNT ON declare @i int set @i = 0 while @i < 5000 begin insert test default values select @i = @i + 1 --select @i end oo CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX NC_test ON test (id) go sp_helpindex test CREATE PROC pTest @id int AS SELECT * FROM test WHERE id < @id go exec pTest 2 exec pTest 10 exec pTest 1000 go 반드시 컴파일 해야 할 때
반드시 컴파일 해야 할 때 • 넌클러스터 인덱스가 있을 때(heap) • 데이터 분포가 균일하지 않을 때 • 매개변수로 인해 처리하는 데이터 양이 틀려질 때
CREATE PROC pTest @id int AS DECLARE @sql varchar(200) …… SET @sql = ‘SELECT * FROM test WHERE id < ’ + cast (@id as varchar(20))EXEC (@sql)... !주의 : 권한 문제! Solution: In Line EXEC
SP_EXECUTESQL • Similar to stored procedures, but… • Requires identification of parameters by application • Does not require persistent object management • Syntax: sp_executesql [@stmt =] stmt[ {, [@params =] N'@parameter_name data_type [,...n]' } {, [@param1 =] 'value1' [,...n] }] Repeated calls with the same @stmt use cached plan (with the new parameter values specified)
SP_EXECUTESQL • Example: Q#1: sp_executesql N'insert mytable values(@p)', N'@p float', 1.0 Q#2: sp_executesql N'insert mytable values(@p)', N'@p float’, 2.0 Q#3: sp_executesql N'insert mytable values(@p)', N'@p float', 1.0 Q#2 and Q#3 use same cached plan as Q#1 • ODBC and OLEDB expose functionality via SQLExecDirect and ICommandWithParameters
Prepare/Execute • Similar to SP_EXECUTESQL • Parameters are identified by the application • Does not require the full text of the batch to be sent on each execution. • Handle returned on prepare used to invoke batch at execution time • Also usable via ODBC and OLEDB when cursors are involved
Prepare/Execute • ODBC and OLEDB expose functionality via SQLPrepare/SQLExecute and ICommandPrepare • Example: SQLPrepare(hstmt1, (unsigned char *)"select OID from Orders where CustID = ?", SQL_NTS); … SQLBindParameter(hstmt1, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, sizeof(szCustomerID), 0, &szCustomerID, sizeof(szCustomerID), NULL); … rc = SQLExecute(hstmt1); …
적은 Round-TripsSQL Server 2000 개선 부분 • Prepare/Execute model: • 모든 파라메터의 타입을 명시할 수 있음 • Prepare와 Execute 간의 요청 사항 없음 • N 번의 라운드트립은 N 번의 수행을 이야기 한다. • 권고 사항 : 항상 Prepare/Execute 사용하자!
Prepare Execute Execute Prepare Execute Execute UnPrepare UnPrepare Prepare Execute Execute Response Prepare Execute Execute Response Handle Response Response UnPrepare Handle Response UnPrepare Response Prepare/Execute Round-TripsSQL 서버 7.0에서 User Code … … 7.0 Client … … SQL Server 7.0
Prepare Execute Execute Prepare Execute Execute UnPrepare UnPrepare Prepare+Execute UnPrep+Prep+Exec Execute Execute Response Response NewHandle+Response Handle +Response Prepare/Execute Round-TripsSQL 서버 2000에서 User Code … … 2000 Client … … SQL Server 2000
Plan Sharing Between Users • Maximizes effectiveness of caching mechanisms • Sharing rules: • Avoid changing environment (SET or database settings) in middle of application or connection • Insure that batches/procedures don't require implicit resolution Except when absolutely necessary
Plan Sharing Between Users • Example of implicit resolution: • Mary and Jane are two users in database DB • Both have objects named FOO • For Mary, “select * from DB..FOO” means “select * from DB.Mary.FOO” • For Jane, it means “select * from DB.Jane.FOO • If Jane is executing the query the query “select * from DB..FOO” an implicit resolution is required A batch/procedure compiled by Mary with this query could not be used by anyone except Mary
Inappropriate Plan Sharing • If optimal plan for a parameter value is not the same as the cached plan, optimal execution time will not be achieved This is why the server is "conservative" about auto-parameterization • Application takes responsibility for determining what to parameterize When using sp_executesql, prepare/execute, and/or stored procs
그럼 뭘 써야하지? • Stored Procedures • Multiple applications are executing batches • Parameters are known • Prepare/Execute • Multiple applications are executing batches • Parameters are known • Single users will use batches again • SP_EXECUTESQL or EXEC • Parameters are known • Single users may use batches again
그럼 뭘 써야하지? • Auto-parameterization • Don’t design new applications to use • Beneficial to existing applications which cannot be modified • Ad-hoc caching • Don’t design new applications to use • Provides benefits in limited scenarios
권고 사항 • Insure all users execute in the same environment • Avoid implicit resolutions • Take advantage of plan sharing • Do not parameterize constants whose range of values drastically affect optimization • 최대한 저장 프로시저를 사용한다 • Prepare/Execute를 사용한다. (SQLExecute 대신)
system procedure 만들기 • Master 에 저장 + sp_ 로 시작 어디서든 실행 가능 • sp_lock / sp_who2 등을 개선시켜보자 blocking 관계에 있는 것만 보여주기 • 모든 table 의 행/ 컬럼 수 세기, 크기 구하기 • table의 모든 index 나열