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Into the Sea Genre: Narrative Nonfiction Author’s Purpose: Inform, Influence Skill: Author’s Purpose By: Brenda Z. Guiberson Illustrated by: Alix Berenzy. Compiled by Terry Sams, Piedmont. Summary.
Into the Sea Genre: Narrative Nonfiction Author’s Purpose: Inform, Influence Skill: Author’s Purpose By: Brenda Z. Guiberson Illustrated by: Alix Berenzy Compiled by Terry Sams, Piedmont
Summary Sea turtles start life as tiny animals not much bigger than a bottle cap. They hatch out of leathery eggs left in sandy nests dug into the beach. A baby turtle's first journey is to cross the beach and find its way into the sea. There the little turtle must stay out of the way of sea birds and fish, until it grows into a larger turtle with a big, hard shell. But the little turtle's adventures are just beginning.
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction • Narrative Nonfiction tells about true events • The events are told in the order in which they happen. • What are some other stories we have read this year in this genre?
Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose • An author’s purpose is the reason or reasons an author has for writing. • Authors often have more than one reason for writing. • Four common purposes are to inform, entertain, express, and persuade. • Knowing the author’s purpose will help us understand the story better.
Comprehension Skill Review –Summarizing • A summary is a short statement that tells the main ideas of a selection. • A story summary should tell the goals of the characters, how they try to reach them, and whether they reach them or not. • A summary of an article should tell the main idea, leaving out unnecessary details. Tips on Summarizing
Vocabulary Skill:Multiple-Meaning Words • Many words have more than one meaning. To decide which meaning of a word is being used, look for clues in the surrounding sentences or paragraph. • Use context clues, experience, and word order to decide on the correct meaning of a multiple-meaning word. Click on the title to practice this skill.
Comprehension Review – Steps in a Process • Steps in a process is the procedure you follow to make or do something. • Some processes occur in cycles, such as the water cycle or changing of seasons. • The steps occur over and over again in the same order. • The events in the life of a sea turtle are steps in a process. This is called a “life cycle.”
Life Cycle of a Sea Turtle Turtle reaches sea and swims to eat and grow. 1 2 A female hatches from an egg. 3 Eggs form in the adult turtle’s body. 5 4 Turtle returns to ocean. Turtle swims to land and lays her eggs.
Weekly Fluency Check -Read with Accuracy • Students should read with words with accuracy. • Often, missing or misreading a word can change the meaning of a sentence. • When readers encounter new or difficult words, each word should be read carefully so the reader fully understands what they are reading and does not get confused. • Go to pages 518-519, beginning with “As the turtle. . .”
Research Skill – Diagrams, Scale, and Captions • A diagram is a drawing that shows how something is put together or how something works. It usually has labels. • A scale drawing is a diagram in which a certain measurement on the drawing (such as 1 inch) corresponds to a real-life measurement (such as 1 foot). • A captionexplains what is happening in a drawing or photograph.
Writing Assignment Choose an ocean animal that is described in Into the Sea. Find information about the animal from at least two sources and write a short report about it.
Fun Stuff • ABC Order • Spelling Hangman • Reading Test • Vocabulary Match up • Tour Georgia’s Wetlands • Tour the Red Sea • Zoo Books • Sea Creatures Links • Secrets of the Sea • What do You Want to Know About Turtles?
Say It! coral current protection muscles underside ridges awkward flippers
More Words to Know ecosystems hatchling mussel plankton
awkward uncomfortable or uncoordinated
underside the bottom side of something
coral a substance made up of the skeletons of tiny sea animals
ridges raised narrow strips
protection safety
muscles • body tissues that move body parts
flippers broad, flat body parts used for swimming
current a flow of water
ecosystems interaction of organisms in their environment
hatchling a newly-hatched animal
mussel a water animal that looks similar to a clam
plankton small living things in water that are food for many fish
The little turtle eats tiny plants and animals called plankton.
The little turtle eats tiny plants and animals called plankton.
The muscles in your body might get sore if you over exercise.
The muscles in your body might get sore if you over exercise.
The tiny sea turtle is the last hatchling to break out of her leathery egg.
The tiny sea turtle is the last hatchling to break out of her leathery egg.
Spelling WordsWords with No Sound Clues • iron • animals • yesterday • cement • moment • favorite • August • suppose • support • welcome
Spelling WordsWords with No sound clues • giant • probably • usually • especially • machine • stomach • relatives • canoe • Canada • buffalo