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The PRISM Project, with some focus on the coupler

The PRISM Project, with some focus on the coupler. Jean-Claude ANDRE CERFACS, 31 057 Toulouse cedex, France Thanks to Sophie VALCKE and Guy BRASSEUR. PRogramme for Integrated earth System Modelling (PRISM). An Infrastructure Project for Climate Research in Europe. - MPG-IMET , Germany

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The PRISM Project, with some focus on the coupler

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  1. The PRISM Project,with some focus on the coupler • Jean-Claude ANDRECERFACS, 31 057 Toulouse cedex, France • Thanks to Sophie VALCKE and Guy BRASSEUR 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  2. PRogramme for Integrated earth System Modelling (PRISM) • An Infrastructure Project for Climate Research in Europe

  3. -MPG-IMET, Germany (Dr. Guy Brasseur, coordinator) -KNMI, The Netherlands -MPI-MAD, Germany -Met-Office, United Kingdom -UREADMY, United Kingdom -IPSL, France -Météo-France, France -CERFACS, France -DMI, Denmark -SHMI, Sweden -NERSC, Norway -ETH Zurich, Switzerland -ING, Italy -MPI-BGC, Germany -PIK, Germany -ECMWF, Europe -UCL-ASTR, Belgium -NEC Deutschland -FECIT/Fujitsu -SGI Deutschland -SUN, Germany PRISM Participants 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  4. Overall PRISM Objectives • - Undertake a pilot infrastructure toward the establishment of a distributed European network for Earth system modelling • -> Co-ordinate European Climate Modelling efforts: • Create a European service and management infrastructure for developing, coordinating and executing a long-term programme of European-wide, multi-institutional climate and Earth System simulations • -> Develop a European Climate Modelling System: • A portable, efficient and user-friendly Global Climate System based on actual models, and associated diagnostic/visualisation softwares 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  5. PRISM components Atmospheric Chemistry -MPG-IMET -UREADMY -IPSL -Met. Office -Météo-France -KNMI Atmosphere: -MPG-IMET(ECHAM) -Météo-France (ARPEGE) -IPSL (LMDZ) -Met. Office (Unified Model) -UREADMY -ING Land Surface -IPSL (Orchidée) -Met. Office -MPG-IMET -UREADMY -Météo-France (ISBA) Regional Climate: -SHMI -DMI -Met. Office Coupler CERFACS (Oasis) Ocean Bio-geochemistry: -MPI-BGC -IPSL -MPG-IMET -Met. Office Sea Ice: -NERSC -UCL-ASTR -Met. Office -IPSL -MPG-IMET Ocean: -Met. Office (FOAM) -MPG-IMET (HOPE) -IPSL (OPA/ORCA) -UREADMY 4th Intenrational Workshop, NCAR, M

  6. PRISM Manpower • General coordination54 (42) • System specification26 (13) • Quality assurance, coding rules and portability56 (43) • Specification of the data management system26 (13) • Development of PRISM System Coupler86 (39) • Interfacing of Atmosphere with PRISM System66 (18) • Interfacing of Atmospheric Chemistry with PRISM System 62 (21) • Interfacing Land-surface schemes with PRISM System60 (22) • Interfacing of Ocean Models with PRISM System50 (18) • Interfacing of Sea Ice with PRISM System66 (28) • Interfacing of Ocean Bio-geochemistry with PRISM System57 (30) • Interfacing regional models with PRISM System46 (23) • Assembling of the PRISM System62 (31) • Development of diagnostics and visualisation tools180 (90) • System installation, Communication and Networking 101 (61) • Demonstration Experiments with PRISM 172 (86) • TOTAL 97 person year (48 funded by European Commission for 4,8MEuros) 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-13, 2002

  7. PRISM Status • Project official start: December 1, 2001. • The PRISM System Specification Working Group (SSW): • formed by all the workpackage leaders. • chaired by Eric Guilyardi • coordinates the definition phase (first 6 months) and • the writing of two documents: • REquirements, Design Options and Constraints (REDOC) • What we would ideally like • Architecture Choices, Detailed Design and Implementation (ARCDI) • The best technical compromise • REDOC and ARCDI reviewed at the next SSW meeting (Toulouse, April 18th, 2002) and (hopefully) approved at the First Project Meeting (Toulouse, May 22-24, 2002) 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  8. REDOC/ARCDI timetables • Many questionnaires going around in the climate modelling community: • REDOC I.1: Scientific aspects (due by 11/03) • REDOC I.2: Input to each component (due by 11/03) • REDOC I.4: Simulations and coupling configurations (due by 11/03) • REDOC III.1: Review of existing and future components (due by 25/03) • All groups, including Japan and USA, from the climate modelling community interested in interacting with PRISM may participate to the definition phase by answering these questionnaires ! • See http://www.met.rdg.ac.uk/~ericg/prism/SSW.html and all workpackage links therein (official PRISM WEB site ready soon: www.enes.org and prism.enes.org).

  9. REDOC I.1 - Scientific aspects I.1-1: As a first step, a definition of the PRISM model components is requested. This list will probably go along the definition in the workpackages (what about the carbon cycle?). Please indicate also the general relations between the models or model components by identifying the involved processes. I.1-2: Which scientific principles (such as conservation laws, positive definiteness of variables, consistency across interfaces, ...) need to be obeyed by the coupling interfaces? I.1-3: What are the global parameters that need to be consistently defined in the coupled system (such as initial date, length of integration, calendar, earth radius, restart saving frequency, solar constant, ...)? I.1-4: Should these parameters be defined by a "master "model (the atmosphere) and be transferred to the other models via the coupler, or by the user running the coupled system in a coupling input file, or by a default coupling input file available in a central repository and be transferred to all model components? 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  10. Project Organization • Steering Group • One representative from each participating group • Executive Committee • Guy BRASSEUR (Chair), Gerbrand KOMEN (Vice-Chair), • Sophie VALCKE (CERFACS), John MITCHELL (UKMO), • Martin STENDEL (DMI) • Advisory Group • To be defined later on 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  11. Distribution Policy • Basic philosophy • It is in the spirit of PRISM to make software widely and publicly available as OPEN SOURCE. Therefore PRISM will plead for this cause. However, PRISM also recognizes the fact that some of the existing software is bound by existing conditions • =>Working Group on • - Checking the legal intentions of the participants • - Checking the legal situation concerning the codes to be developed for as well as the existing ones used by PRISM • - Checking the possible license models (L-GPL ?) • - Planning for the after-PRISM time 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  12. OASIS news, from 2000 (2.4) to 2002 (2.5) • March 6th, 2002: • A new CLIM communication library, based on MPI1, is born ! • Thanks to Jean Latour and Arnaud Caubel (Fujitsu/Fecit). • CLIM/MPI1 fully compatible with OASIS 2.4, • same instructions than CLIM/MPI2. • Models have to be started by the user in a pseudo-MPMD mode • Ex on the VPP5000: > mpiexec -n 1 oasis : -n 3 toyatm : -n 1 toyoce • MPICH allows pseudo-MPMD mode • Models started in a pseudo-MPMD mode share automatically • the same MPI_COMM_WORLD; the last argument of • CLIM_Init routine, previously an error code, returns a local communicator to be used by the model for internal parallelisation.

  13. OASIS news, from 2000 (2.4) to 2002 (2.5) • In-house Oasis 2.5 beta version includes: • CLIM/MPI1 communication library • NetCDF format for grid and restart files • Namcouple simplifications • More elaborate toyclim model: • 3 models • parallel communication between • parallel model and OASIS • (direct parallel communication • between two parallel models) C A C A OASIS O C A • Additional developments to be included in Oasis 2.5 (~April 2002): • F90 partial rewriting • (elimination of user-defined parameters in parameter.h) • Other minor improvements

  14. OASIS news, from 2000 (2.4) to 2002 (2.5) • Planned for Oasis 3.0 = PRISM wp3a 1st deliverable (12/2002): • Model Technical Coupling Interface (MTCI): • reduce the number of OASIS routines, for easier use • set of high level routines, that encapsulate OASIS low-level routines, to be implemented in the models to deal with the export and import of coupling fields. • Interfacing with the SCRIP interpolation library: • Bilinear and bicubic interpolations for logically-rectangular grids • 1st and 2nd order conservative remapping for all grids • Pseudo parallelisation of OASIS on a field-per-field basis 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  15. OASIS news, from 2000 (2.4) to 2002 (2.5) • What to include in the PRISM coupler (12/2003, 12/2004)? • Driver: • Static or dynamic ? All models initially launched, or dynamical launch whenever needed ? • Coupling configurations supported? For any two models: -> different executables running concurrently -> different executables running sequentially -> in one executable and running concurrently -> in one executable and running sequentially 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  16. OASIS news, from 2000 (2.4) to 2002 (2.5) • What to include in the PRISM coupler (12/2003, 12/2004): • Transformation library: • Full parallelisation • Localisation: • in Model Technical Coupling Interface library (model processes), or • in additional coupling processes? • Which type of transformation is performed where? • local (ex: time integration) in MTCI; non-local in additional coupling processes? • Type of operation: • Time operations: integration, interpolation, … • 2D spatial interpolation: nneighbour, bilinear, bicubic, conservative remapping • 3D spatial interpolation (?) • Others:energy conservation, combination, algebraic operations, … • Type of grids: • lat-lon, logically-rectangular, atmospheric reduced, unstructured (?)

  17. OASIS news, from 2000 (2.4) to 2002 (2.5) • What to include in the PRISM coupler (12/2003, 12/2004): • Data Transfer library: • Direct communication between models • with automatic repartitioning. • Automatic choice of different types of • communication for the different configurations(?) • E.g. - message passing between different executables • - memory copies for component assembled in one executable • Transfer of 3D coupling fields (regional coupling, atmosphere-atmospheric chemistry coupling, ocean-biogeochemistry coupling) A O A O A 4th International Workshop, NCAR, March 12-14, 2002

  18. ENES: European Network for Earth System modelling • Formed by university departments, research centres, meteorological services, computer centres and industrial partners who signed the ENES Memorandum of Understanding: • Purposes: • help in the development and evaluation of state-of-the-art climate and Earth system models • facilitate focused model intercomparisons in order to assess and improve these models • encourage exchanges of software and model results • help in the development of high performance computing facilities dedicated to long high-resolution multi-model ensemble integrations • Possibly proposed as a Network of Excellence for the European FP-6? Under discussions (contact: G. Brasseur brasseur@dkrz.de)

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