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the speed of change

Holistic Witness in Changing Societies Global Higher Education Consultation June 17, 2011 - Winnipeg, Canada Marlene Wall, PhD. the speed of change. How do we view our witness in changing societies?. RELEVANT EDUCATION We must offer an education that is relevant.

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the speed of change

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  1. Holistic Witness in Changing SocietiesGlobal Higher Education ConsultationJune 17, 2011 - Winnipeg, CanadaMarlene Wall, PhD

  2. the speed of change

  3. How do we view our witness in changing societies? RELEVANT EDUCATION We must offer an education that is relevant.

  4. “The world in which today’s students will make choices and compose lives is one of disruption rather than certainty, and of interdependence rather than insularity.” (AACU, 2007)

  5. In an era when knowledge is the key to the future, all students need the scope and depth of learning that will enable them to understand and navigate the dramatic forces – physical, cultural, economic, technological – that directly affect the quality, character, and perils of the world in which they live. (AACU, 2007)

  6. In an economy where every industry – from the trades to advanced technology enterprises – is challenged to innovate or be displaced, all students need the kind of intellectual skills and capacities that enable them to get things done in the world, at a high level of effectiveness. (AACU, 2007)

  7. In a democracy that is diverse, globally engaged, and dependent on citizen responsibility, all students need an informed concern for the larger good because nothing less will renew our fractured and diminished commons. (AACU, 2007)

  8. In a world of daunting complexity, all students need practice in integrating and applying their learning to challenging questions and real-world problems. (AACU, 2007)

  9. In a period of relentless change, all students need the kind of education that leads them to ask not just “how do we get this done?” but also “what is most worth doing?” (AACU, 2007)

  10. Micah 6:8 • And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. • Ya se te ha dicho lo que de ti espera el Señor: Practicar la justicia, amar la misericordia, y humillarte ante tu Dios. • On te l'a enseigné, ô homme, ce qui est bienet ce que l'Eternel attend de toi: c'est que tu te conduises avec droiture, que tu prennes plaisir à témoigner de la bonté et qu'avec vigilance tu vives pour ton Dieu.

  11. How do we view our witness in changing societies? PLACES OF HOSPITALITY We must create places of hospitality.

  12. I Peter 3:15-16 • Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. • Estén siempre preparados para responder a todo el que les pida razón de la esperanza que hay en ustedes. Pero háganlo con gentileza y respeto. • Si l'on vous demande de justifier votre espérance, soyez toujours prêts à la défendre, avec humilité et respect, et veillez à garder votre conscience pure.

  13. How do we view our witness in changing societies? LIFE AS PILGRIMS We must live as pilgrims, and not tourists.

  14. Hebrews 12:1 • Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and . . . let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. • C'est pourquoi, nous aussi qui sommes entourés d'une telle foule de témoins, débarrassons-nous de tout fardeau, et du péché qui nous cerne si facilement de tous côtés, et courons avec endurance l'épreuve qui nous est proposée. • Por tanto, también nosotros, que estamos rodeados de una multitud tan grande de testigos, despojémonos del lastre que nos estorba, en especial del pecado que nos asedia, y corramos con perseverancia la carrera que tenemos por delante.

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