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SUSTAINABLE REFURBISHMENT, RETROFIT, ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN HOUSING. The initiatives for the local development with a bottom – up approach. massimo.bianchi@unibo.it IP2013sLIDESlECTUREmb10. Two symbols of .ER Productions. Parma Bacon. Ferrari Mod. CALIFORNIA. The Return on Equity ( ROE ).

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  1. SUSTAINABLE REFURBISHMENT, RETROFIT, ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN HOUSING The initiatives for the local development with a bottom – up approach massimo.bianchi@unibo.itIP2013sLIDESlECTUREmb10

  2. Twosymbolsof .ER Productions Parma Bacon Ferrari Mod. CALIFORNIA

  3. The Return on Equity ( ROE )

  4. The Return on Equity ( ROE )

  5. Bottom up and Top Down Entrepreneurial Districts To understand the development model of ER and Italy based on Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs) we have to consider th two main process of entrepreneurial districts creation : • The historical one that create ( as it happens mainly in the nothers regions of Italy ) entrepreneurial aggregation based on bottom up initiative in an integrated developemnt involving many dimension of local systems • The intervention to establish industrial territorial concentrations funded on a top down process trigged by government support and facilities in a planned perspective ( mainly in south regions )

  6. Models,strategies and organization attitude Concentration Complex Diffusion Undefined Aggregation in a pattern Strength Pole theory Rain system Structured interventions Development strategies Organization attitude Development models

  7. What model to support local system growth in a top down perspective ? Pole theory Rain system Structured interventions • Based on a concentration of intervention that would produce in surrounding areas an induced entrepreneurial initiative • Deriving from micro or small credits distributed to many initiatives diffused in the territory • Connected to Local Territorial Agreements among stakeholders and Territorial Areas on main initiatives to be undertaken within each own role

  8. Results and lessons from Top Down Interventions Pole theory Rain system Structured interventions • Industrial poles becomed as cathedrals in the desert without any induced development • There was no control on the employment of resources distributed among a large amount of entrepreneurial activities • There is a serious difficulty in individuating local stackeholders

  9. The district economy of Emilia Romagna EMILIA ROMAGNA

  10. E.R. Balance among sectorsTurnover , employment and activity ratios. Agriculture 18 % Industry 32 % Commerce and services 35 % New economy business 15 %

  11. IN EMILIA ROMAGNA REGION by enterprises with + 80% of the employment is assured - 30 employees In Italy : + 75% of employment in enterprises with - 70 employees

  12. Bottom Up Development Modl in Mean features of Emilia Romagna economy • High diversified social structure • High diversified economic structure • High networking activity

  13. What’s the matter with italian S.M.E. and probably with the mediteranean way to the development ? Micro enterprise less than 10 employees Annual total turnover Eur 200.000 Assets value Eur 100.000 Small enterprise From 11 to 49 employees Annual turnover not exceeding 1.000.000 Eur Assets value ( Tangible ) 100.000 Eur Medium enterprise 50-250 employees Annual total turnover Eur 10.000.000 Assets value Eur 5.000.000

  14. Regardless of the measure, one result is striking and needs to be emphasized - not only are most enterprises in Europe small, but they also account for a significant amount of European work experience and economic activity.For example, in 2003 there were more than 19 million enterprises in Europe-19 (Table 3.1), providing a job for almost 140 million people. By contrast, there are only about 40 000 large enterprises in existence, which account for only 0.2 % of all enterprises. So, the vast majority of enterprises in Europe-19 (99.8 %) are SMEs.Within the group of SMEs, the vast majority (over 90 %) are micro enterprises, employing fewer than 10 persons.

  15. U.S. Statistics 2003 N° firms establishments employees Annual payroll ( x 1000$ )

  16. The U.E. Approach U.E. Policy support a strategy developed in cooperation with business associations and NGOs whose concrete application relies mostly on the local level, with local and regional authorities fully on board. The mission is to stimulate the interest of young people in entrepreneurship, to develop their entrepreneurial capacity, to increase the number of start-ups. Among the areas of action are primary and secondary education, university education and improving competence in businesses. Identified priorities include offering entrepreneurship education to all age groups, training for teachers, developing cooperation between schools , universities and enterprises.

  17. The Added Value per Occupied Person

  18. The organizational dimension is strictly connected to the problem of labour constraints .

  19. Management versus S.M.E. Traditional theories S.M.E. are … Undercapitalized Hardly to change their work methods Oriented to local market New Theories S.M.E. are … Supported by family estate Strongly innovative and flexible Easy moving in globalization flows

  20. Let’s have a look to the directory of a Small and Medium Enterprises Associations of Forlì (Italy ) ( ) N° of employees at 31.12.2003

  21. Basic territorial structures • High diffusion of small business many of them individual • Sturdy link of economic activities with the local culture supported by numerous cultural enterprises ( fairs, festivals, cultural heritage and events ) • Support of local municipalities in the development of territory and entrepreneurship • University seats spreaded in the territory • High interconnections with information and technological networks • Settlements and industrial areas diffused in the territory with an especial attention to ecology

  22. Packaging, • General use machinery AUTOMATED MACHINES • Motorcycles and motobikes • Automotive industry MOTOR INDUSTRY EXISTING CLUSTERS ELECTRONICS • Electric and electronic equipment • Leather and textile fashion production FASHION • Food processing FOOD INDUSTRY • Biomedical and orthopedic equipment • Medical research HEATH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH EMERGING CLUSTERS • Infrastructures • Value-added Services LOGISTICS • Publishing industry • Culture and entertainement MULTIMEDIA The Results : Emilia Romagna Industrial Clusters

  23. The Results : Emilia Romagna Industrial Clusters Modena Reggio Emilia Agricultural machinery Piacenza Machine tools Carpi Textile Mirandola Biomedical equipment and disposables Bologna Packaging Motorcycles Fusignano S.MauroPascoli Footwear Parma Food industry (eg Barilla) Rimini Woodworking machinery Sassuolo Castellarano Ceramic tyles (world leaders) Forlì Furniture

  24. Education and Research Network La Cattolica University Ferrara University PIACENZA Parma University PARMA FERRARA 6,500 RESEARCHERS AND PROFESSORS REGGIO EMILIA RAVENNA MODENA BOLOGNA CNR National Research Council (800 Researchers and Technicians) FORLI’ Modena University 5 UNIVERSITIES with 130,000 students, 1,369 full professors, 1,717 associated professors, 1,830 researchers (Bologna University: the oldest of Europe) ENEA National Body for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (400 Researchers) Bologna University RIMINI

  25. Technological Transfer Centres Network • SOPRIP • SSICA (Food processing) • TETA (Food) • PARMA TECNINOVA • AS ( Integrated services for) enterprises • CENTRO SERVIZI PMI • Reggio Emilia Innovazione • COIMEX • CRPA (Dairy and meat products) • LAB. D’IMPRESA (Injection moulding) • LEGNO-LEGNO (Wood) • CRR Consorzio Reggio Ricerche • CONSORZIO FERRARA INNOVAZIONE • FERRARA RICERCHE PIACENZA PARMA FERRARA REGGIO EMILIA MODENA POLO CERAMICO Agency RAVENNA • Consorzio Mobile 2000 • CSR Research&Studies BOLOGNA • API SERVIZI • CITER (Textile) • CONSOBIOMED (Biomedical) • DEMOCENTER (Industrial automation) • TECNOERA (Textiles and Garments) • R&S Engineering (Wood processing) • CRITTdi Spilamberto FORLI’ • ARTIFICIO (R&D for Art and Culture) • CENTRO CERAMICO (Ceramic tyles) • CERMET (Quality ) • ECIPAR Emilia Romagna • GEMINI • ICIE (Cooperatiive Institute for Innovation) • QUASCO (Building ) • QUASAP (Quality & Service for Public Tenders) • SCS (Services for Innovation) • SPINNER Technology Transfer and NTBF RIMINI • CENTURIA (Agro-industry and environment ) • CERCAL (Footwear ) • CRPV (Vegetables and fruit products) • CISE for Innovation & Economic Devolpment

  26. An historical Reference to Local Bottom - Up Development 12th – 18th Cent. The original Hanseatic League was a mercantile alliance of about 80 trading cities and their merchant guilds. The League founded and governed a trade cartel amongst cities along the coast of Northern Europe and inland trade routes from the 12th through the mid-17th century. Their reach extended along the Baltic Sea

  27. A jump to XXI Cent. The case of European Big Waterways

  28. Governance and operative Management

  29. LevelsofGovernance

  30. A general survey on Governance Networking in European Big Waterways.

  31. Different levels of performing structures

  32. What About the Links with the territory ? • Regions • Provinces • Municipalities • Prefectures • Chambers of Commerce • Associations among local governments • Public and private enterprises • Associations of Employiers • Citizen and customerAssociations • Local Networks • ………….

  33. Networking What is this ?

  34. The Differentiationof Network Links

  35. Links Location around WaterwaysFrom linear approach to focal point action.

  36. How to built a Network ?Top Down or Bottom Up ?

  37. Clustering Versus NetworkingApproach CLUSTERING : From the top to the bottom ( Top Down Processes ) NETWORKING : From Bottom to the Top ( Bottom up Processes)

  38. An Example of bottom up economy :the Focal Points on Volga River

  39. Moving people and focal points

  40. Micro business and bottom up economy

  41. Poor but effective premises

  42. New perspectives • Bottom Up economy • SMES Creation and improvement • Involvement of Local Stakeholders

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