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The History of Cars: Exploring the Impact on Oil Production

In this lesson, students will watch videos about the history of cars and their relationship to oil production. They will take notes to prepare for a quiz and also learn about carbon offsetting. The lesson also covers modern car design and its role in creating closed loop systems. Students will play a game of Top Trumps and explore the impact of cars on air pollution.

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The History of Cars: Exploring the Impact on Oil Production

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  1. Cars Nuffield STEM Futures

  2. Lesson 1:Cars in our lives: Introductory film 7

  3. Activity 1.1:The history of the motor car Learning outcomes You will be able to: • Record information from video clips. • Explain the relationship between car ownership and oil production.

  4. Activity 1.1:The history of the motor car You are going to watch a series of video clips about the history of cars. Make notes to help you answer questions in a quiz on this topic. You and your partner will compete against other pairs in the quiz. You will be able to use any notes you make during the quiz. Watch the first video clip without writing anything, just to see the type of information that you need to record. Agree with your partner the best way to make notes. Watch each video clip in turn (including the first one). This time make notes to use in your quiz.

  5. Activity 1.1:The history of the motor car Peak oil graph animation link: http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/futures-animations

  6. Who wants to be a million tonne carbon off-setter? Watch the animation carefully, and be prepared to answer questions about it. You could win a million tonnes of carbon offsetting.

  7. For approximately how many years have humans been using oil in large quantities? A10strong as an ox 100 A: B: 1000 200 C: D:

  8. 100 years) As strong as

  9. What is the maximum rate of production of oil on the graph (millions of barrels per day)? A15strong as an ox 30 A: B: 80 800 C: D:

  10. 80 million barrels per day

  11. When is oil production expected to peak? A2010strong as an ox 2025 A: B: 2080 3000 C: D:

  12. 2010

  13. When was the industrial revolution in the UK? A1800sstrong as an ox 1700s A: B: 1600s 1900s C: D:

  14. 1800s

  15. What was the main fuel of the industrial revolution? Awood as an ox coal tar A: B: oil coal C: D:

  16. coal

  17. What was the coal used to make to drive early engines? Ahot waters an ox steam A: B: hot oil coke C: D:

  18. steam

  19. Where was the first modern oil well? AEngland as an ox North Sea A: B: America Asia C: D:

  20. Asia

  21. When was the first modern oil well built? A1918s an ox 1848 A: B: 1840 1912 C: D:

  22. 1848

  23. When were the first cars built? A1835as an ox 1899 A: B: 1904 1882 C: D:

  24. 1882

  25. When did Henry Ford start line manufacturing cars? A1918 as an ox 1965 A: B: 1914 1930 C: D:

  26. 1914

  27. How many model T Fords had been built by 1927? A15000000as an ox 15000 A: B: 150000 14 C: D:

  28. 15000000

  29. By which year was car ownership common? A1955s an ox 1930 A: B: 1940 1965 C: D:

  30. 1965

  31. Which of the following will happen after oil has peaked? plants all die cars all stop A: B: technologies develop people grow vegetables C: D:

  32. technologies develop

  33. Which of the following might cars use for energy in the future? Aoil as an ox coal A: B: electricity wood C: D:

  34. electricity

  35. What do hybrid cars use for energy? A coal and oil ox oil and wood A: B: hydrogen and water petrol and electricity C: D:

  36. petrol and electricity

  37. Activity 1.2:Film clip 8

  38. Activity 1.2:Top trumps Learning outcomes You will be able to: • Make a choice from someone else’s perspective. • Explain how some features of modern car design are helping to bring cars into a closed loop system. • Use data for a purpose.

  39. Activity 1.2:Top trumps Pupil activity Part 1 of 2 • Deal out all the cards (2 players or more). • Place your cards face down in a pile. • First player selects a category from their top card and reads out its value. • The next player reads out the value for same category. • The best value wins and the winner collects the trick. • The winner chooses the category for the next round. • If the hand is drawn, the cards are placed in the middle to be collected by the next winner. • Use the sustainable car fact files to make some new cards.

  40. Activity 1.2:Top trumps Pupil activity Part 2 of 2 • Play the game again with the new cards. • Select a character from the list provided. • Select a car you think your character would choose. • Now decide which new car your character would choose if: • the cost of petrol increases by 50% • the Government subsidises cars with low emissions (200g per km). • think of a strap line to advertise your character’s new car.

  41. Plenary: Lesson 1 Discuss: What are the main benefits and disadvantages of cars? How will cars of the future increase the benefits and reduce the disadvantages of cars?

  42. Lesson 2: Investigating air pollution:Introductory film 9

  43. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Learning outcomes You will be able to: • Use a standard technique to collect and compare samples along a transect. • Assume a role in a team. • Evaluate teamwork. • Plan an investigation. • Evaluate the reliability of the investigation. • Draw conclusions from data.

  44. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 1 of 7 In this activity you will: Carry out an air pollution survey in your school grounds or local park. Choose a site where there are some trees near a road. Collect soot samples from trees to indicate pollution levels. Decide whether you think the pollution levels need to be taken into account when locating a picnic table.

  45. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 2 of 7 Divide up the tasks between members of your team. Decide on the different roles needed and what equipment you should take into the field. Your investigation should involve: • Measuring the distance from the road, tree height, tree circumference. • Identifying and recording tree species and lichens. • Taking samples of soot from trees.

  46. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 3 of 7 Equipment list to choose from

  47. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 4 of 7 • Write down your investigation question. • Use a magnifying glass to inspect the sootiness of your samples. • Decide whether each sample is more or less sooty than the standard sample at site 1, and more or less sooty than the previous sample. Fill this into the evidence table. • Together decide a rank order of sootiness for your samples.

  48. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 5 of 7 • Agree a standard technique to collect reliable data from your site.

  49. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 6 of 7 • How reliable is your data? To answer this question, think of all the factors that you would need to keep the same to make your investigation completely reliable. Make a table similar to this one.

  50. Activity 2.1:Soot from cars Pupil activity Part 7 of 7 For discussion: Where should you site a picnic table in the sampling area? What are the benefits of working together in a team? How did you decide who was going to do which job? What aspects of working as a team did you find difficult? What would you do differently next time in order to work more effectively?

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