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PBL learning processes

PBL learning processes. must be in keeping with its educational concept and pedagogic purposes. 專業. 教育. Concept. Population. Content. Profession. To be. To know. Professionalism. Dent istry. Medi cine. Man agement. Behavior. Process. Life Sci. To do. Professional.

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PBL learning processes

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  1. PBL learningprocesses must be in keeping with its educational concept and pedagogic purposes

  2. 專業 教育 Concept Population Content Profession To be To know Professionalism Dentistry Medicine Management Behavior Process Life Sci. To do Professional

  3. PBL之目的是培養專業人才的能力 Broad spectrum of knowledge/skills 博學多能 Good problem-solving skills 解決問題 Good team/corporate spirit 團隊精神 Appropriate professional behavior 專業操守 Effective communication skills 溝通技巧 Self-directed learning skills 自主學習 to lead to life-long learning 終身學習 各行高等教育專業目標,學習心態及行為素質會不同嗎?

  4. Regrouping of students occurs for each unit, no 2 students will be in the same group in more than 1 unit through our their medical education.. PBL SDL, SCL SGL, SBL Unit-2, McMaster March, 2000

  5. Problem-exploration: to understand, to define, to search, to analyze and to synthesize 腦力激盪設訂目標 Brain-storming 尋找資料精研細讀 Inquire & study 討論砌磋切問討教 Problem-solving: to exchange, to discuss, to refine, to change, to add and to conclude Discuss 反省回饋有錯必改 Feedback & improve

  6. A functioning group looks like this ……… 和諧且互動 切問而近思 互輔並互助

  7. 小班教學 1 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx Mini-T

  8. 小班教學 2 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx Mini-L

  9. 小班教學 3 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx ppt

  10. 小班教學 3 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx ppt

  11. 小班教學 3 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx ppt

  12. 小班教學 3 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx ppt

  13. 簡報問答 ? Q&A

  14. 互動討論 PBL

  15. 可能是… 需要知道… 學習項目… 已有的資訊 設 Learning issues (from facts) are then organized into learning objectives 學習項目(尚未綜合整理的) 學習目標(已討論疏整排列過)

  16. PBL is not a methodor tool forteaching(教學) it is a philosophy of let-learn (使學)

  17. Conclusion Summary and take home messages for administrators in education management

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