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Sikh Girls Targeted By Predatory Forces & Women in Sikhism & Islam (39 slides)

This presentation aims to empower Sikhs, especially young girls, with knowledge about the role and position of women in Sikhism in relation to Islam. It explores the issue of aggressive conversions and the targeted victimization of Sikh girls. The presentation includes excerpts from reports, religious texts, historical records, and online video resources.

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Sikh Girls Targeted By Predatory Forces & Women in Sikhism & Islam (39 slides)

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  1. Sikh Girls Targeted By Predatory Forces & Women in Sikhism & Islam (39 slides) WSA Comparative Religion Series Version 2

  2. Preface Sikhism, being a fairly young religion, has many elements that mirror the wider society’s perceptions of right and wrong, and Sikhs tend to view the world from this vantage point. Therefore ideas such as oneness of mankind, tolerance, human rights, gender equality, respect for other faiths, fair treatment of prisoners, sanctity of life, truthfulness, etc are ideals that easily resonate with the community. These are ideals that are inline with 21st century values. However, there are older paths which embrace norms that are far removed from what we have come to view as acceptable universal moral values and behaviour. In that ‘parallel world’, deception, rape, plunder and cold-blooded murder is acceptable in some situations – and even religiously ordained. Hogwash you say? Read on…..! Click to proceed….

  3. Sikh Girls Targeted By Predatory Forces Of late, there have been several cases of young Sikh girls being drugged and raped by their Muslim friends, and then an attempt is made to force them into Islam by telling them that a video of the rape would be released to friends, family and the online community at large if they refuse. Other girls, with rudimentary knowledge of Sikhism, have been told various tales against Sikhism and the Sikh Gurus in order to lure them into Islam. This presentation was created to help empower Sikhs, especially young impressionable girls, with knowledge about the role and position of women in Sikhism in relation to Islam, and the problem of aggressive conversions. The message is put across using mostly excerpts from reports, religious texts, historical records as well as online video resources.

  4. Police protect girls forced to convert to Islam “Extremist Muslims who force vulnerable teenage girls to convert to Islam are being targeted by police, Met. Chief Sir Ian Blair (left) has revealed. Police are working with universities to clamp down on "aggressive conversions" during which girls are beaten up and forced to abandon university courses”. Source: Daily Mail (U.K) Click to proceed….

  5. Punjabi Girls Groomed for Sex! Racially-Motivated Sexual-Exploitation “The grooming of Punjabi girls for sex by predatory Muslim men is an increasing problem for the Punjabi community, with this vile practice taking place throughout towns and cities across Britain. According to Hindu and Sikh Support groups and community leaders, girls as young as 13 have been targeted by gangs of mainly Pakistani-Muslim men. These men initially engage in seemingly innocent relationships with ‘Kuffr’ girls (non-Muslim). These girls are showered in attention and lured with gifts, drinks and cigarettes”. Source: Sarabha Panjab News Click to proceed….

  6. "Islam gives an open license to Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with women as long as these women are not Muslims and/or when these Muslim men are living in an infidel country. " Abdul Kasem, Faithfreedom.org Click to proceed….

  7. Where are Sikh Girls Targeted? • Schools & universities • Social gatherings • Vesaikhi Melas (yes, no kidding!) • Parties, carnivals • Entertainment outlets, including bhangra events, etc. This is a global problem. We have encountered cases from Europe, USA, India, South-East Asia, Australia, etc. Many of the Muslim boys tend to be mostly Punjabis of Muslim/Pakistani origin and easily gain trust as a result. Girls seldom go public out of shame, but have talked about it privately.

  8. Taqiyya – Islamic Concept of Lying In Order to Achieve Objectives ".....lying to hide or misrepresent the true nature of Islam to the unbelieving world is actually part and parcel of Islam’s method of carrying out jihad against non-Muslims.” Muhammad bin Maslamah said, "O Messenger, we shall have to tell lies." , "Say what you like," Muhammad replied. "You are absolved, free to say whatever you must.“ Ishaq:365, Tabari VII:94 Taqiyya is based on Koran verses 3:28 and 16:106 as well as hadith, tafsir literature, and juridical commentaries. “Truth is high; higher still is truthful living.” SGGS 62

  9. Application of ‘Taqiyya’ Muslims can apply ‘Al Taqqiya’ to relationships, therefore it is permissible to lie to a woman to persuade her, make her feel good or keep her quiet. It is permissible in Islam that Taqqiya can be used to allow a Muslim to gain any advantage over a Kuffr” (non-Muslim). “It allows Muslims to say things like ‘I Love you’, ‘You are so Beautiful’, to form relationships, with the intention to keep them as concubines or convert them down the line”. “One who speaks lies shall fall into hell and burn!” Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) Pg 142

  10. Women In Sikhism & Islam: Women In Society

  11. Women In Sikhism "In a woman man is conceived, From a woman he is born. With a woman he is betrothed and married. With a woman he contracts friendship. Why denounce her, the one from whom even kings are born? From a woman a woman is born. None may exist without a woman." SGGS 473 “A Sikh casting his eyes upon the beautiful womenfolk of families other than his own regards them as his mothers, sisters and daughters.” Bhai Gurdas Ji* "A woman, is the favourite in her parental home, loved dearly by her father and mother. In the home of her in-laws, she is the pillar of the family, the guarantee of its good fortune... Sharing in spiritual wisdom and enlightenment and with noble qualities endowed, a woman, the other half of man, escorts him to the door of liberation." Bhai Gurdas Ji, Varan V.16 *Guru Arjan Dev Ji referred to Bhai Gurdas Ji’s Varan as the "Key" to the Guru Granth Sahib.

  12. Women are deficient in mind and religion: Mohammed asked some women, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?" The women said, "yes," He said, "This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind." Vol. 3:826 Mohammed to women: "I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you." Vol. 2:541 Women are a bad omen: Mohammed said, "Bad omen is in the woman, the house and the horse." Vol. 7:30 Women nullify prayers: Mohammed said, "Three things corrupt prayer: Women, dogs, and donkeys." Abu Dawud, Salat 109 “Why denounce her, the one from whom even kings are born?” SGGS 473 Hadiths*: About Women *Hadith are oral traditions relating to the words and deeds of the Islamic prophet Mohammad, and are important in the interpretation of Islamic philosophy.

  13. Hadiths: Women In Hell The majority of people in hell are women: Mohammed said, "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women. " Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124 "Narrated ‘Imran bin Husain : The Prophet said, ‘I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.’"1 Bukhari vol.4:464 p.305. "Most hell-dwellers are women. They are ungrateful and unthankful to their husbands." Bukhari vol.7:125,126 p.96 "Most women in Hell ungrateful to their husbands". Sahih Muslim vol.2:1926 p.417 "Most of the women will be in Hell. They had abundant curses and were ungrateful to their husbands. They are deficient in reason due to two women’s testimony counting the same as one man. They are deficient in religion due to having to leave off prayer during menstruation". Ibn-i-Majah vol.5:4003 p.320 Depiction: The prophet’s visit to Hell: Dante's Inferno Canto 28, verses 30-31; Illustration by Gustave Dore 1 Muhammad al-Bukhari (810 - 870) was a famous Islamic scholar most known for authoring the most authentic hadith collection named Sahih Bukhari.

  14. Interesting, right? This is just a sneak preview of the full presentation. We hope you like it! To see the rest of it, just click here to view it in full on PowerShow.com. Then, if you’d like, you can also log in to PowerShow.com to download the entire presentation for free.

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