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Education Reversed. Carnegie Mellon University - School of Design Summit. Roy Sharples. 18 th. April. 2014. All concepts, writings, photography & graphics (unless otherwise stated) @ Roy Sharples 2014 Please do not re-use without permission of the author. 1.
Education Reversed Carnegie Mellon University - School of Design Summit Roy Sharples 18th April 2014 All concepts, writings, photography & graphics (unless otherwise stated) @ Roy Sharples 2014 Please do not re-use without permission of the author.
1 The outsiders & mavericks who make innovation happen 2 The revolutionaries 3 Societal change 4 Economics 5 Technology 6 Creating solutions to complex problems 7 What difference does it take? 8 Action
The outsiders and mavericks who make happen I N N O V A T I O N
The poles of radical incremental I N N O V A T I O N v/s
T H E Revolutionaries
Creating your own T R I B E
The serial revolutionist B R A N D
Thethat changed the M A C H I N E W O R L D
The repeatable hit making M A C H I N E
Theof the C U L T A M A T E U R
is the ability to look at exactly the same thing as everyone else but see something different C R E A T I V I T Y
Societal C H A N G E
books corrupted the young, n' encouraged rebellion, dulled the mind C O M I C R O C K R O L L Cinema Architecture T E L E V I S I O N Fashion Music 1 9 5 0 S Technology Art
Bell-bottoms, long hair, love, psychedelia, experimentation, anarchy, and Cinema O F N R E E Architecture R E V O L U T I Fashion Music 1 9 6 0 S Technology Art
Rapid of societal change, egalitarian society. diversity, broad-ranging styles and tastes. Cinema P A C E Architecture C U L T U R A L Fashion Music 1 9 7 0 S Technology Art
Self-centered, materialistic, androgyny making , and the rise of consumer goods. M O N E Y Cinema Architecture Fashion Music 1 9 8 0 S Technology Art
Multiculturalism and alternative media. , therave scene and , cable television and the internet. G R U N G E Cinema Architecture H I P H O P Fashion Music 1 9 9 0 S Technology Art
of the internet, excessive access to information, making it possible for people to interact, mass globalization, using goods and services, sell and buy , research and learn. Cinema G R O W T H Cinema Architecture Cinema Fashion Music Cinema O N L I N E 2 0 0 0 S Technology Art
The economics of …it’s not always L I F E R A T I O N A L
that gravitates toward people, than to the technology T E C H N O L O G Y P E O P L E
Augmented R E A L I T Y
Let entertain M E Y O U
Explosive of digital networking G R O W T H
Who’s journalist now T H E ?
Creating S O L U T I O N S To C O M P L E X Problems
P E O P L E ? What happens when you ignore “Streets in the Sky”Park Hill, Sheffield, England
C E N T E R ? What happens when you put people at the Fallingwaterby Frank Lloyd Wright Pennsylvania, USA
What D I F F E R E N C E does it take?
A T T I T U D E I M A G I N A T I O N E X E C U T I O N WHAT it takesCORE COMPETENCIES • 50%Consulting • 25%Business • 25%Technology
C R E A T I V E L E A D E R S L O O K K N O W T H I N K S I M P L I C I T Y R E S P E C T D E S I G N L O V E F R E E D O M I N V E N T M I N D !
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