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Enabling Technology Integration: An Administrator's Guide

Enabling Technology Integration: An Administrator's Guide. Pat Sine May 8, 2000 DASL. Why technology?. General agreement Students need to be technology competent by graduation Technology enables students and teachers to meet other goals more easily, efficiently and completely

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Enabling Technology Integration: An Administrator's Guide

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  1. Enabling Technology Integration:An Administrator's Guide Pat Sine May 8, 2000 DASL

  2. Why technology? General agreement • Students need to be technology competent by graduation • Technology enables students and teachers to meet other goals more easily, efficiently and completely • Good technology use is embedded in the regular administrative and educational endeavors. DASL Presentation

  3. Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century • Council of 21 leaders from diverse fields identified 16 qualities of schools and school systems capable of preparing students for a global knowledge/ information age. • Concluded that the most effective schools will be both centers of lifelong learning and “digital hubs which will be open electronically 24 hours a day, 7days a week, 365 days a year”. Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century, American Association of School Administrators, 1999, <http://www.aasa.org/Events/21stcent4.htm> DASL Presentation

  4. Reports from schools using technology... • 80% have seen an increase in student achievement, 60% moderate to significant • 30% have seen improved test scores • 60% report improved motivation • 28% report decreased behavioral problems Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century, American Association of School Administrators, 1999, <http://www.aasa.org/Events/21stcent4.htm> DASL Presentation

  5. Reports from schools using technology... • 95% believe greater access to educational technology is critical to improving achievement of traditionally low-performing students • Lower-achieving schools are 3 times more likely to see significant improvement in student achievement as a result of technology investments; schools in least affluent areas, twice as likely. Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century, American Association of School Administrators, 1999, <http://www.aasa.org/Events/21stcent4.htm> DASL Presentation

  6. Teachers for 21st Century Classrooms • Only 20% of more than 4,000 public school teachers surveyed nationwide said they were well prepared to integrate educational technology into classroom instruction. Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century, American Association of School Administrators, 1999, <http://www.aasa.org/Events/21stcent4.htm> DASL Presentation

  7. How Can It Happen?

  8. Essential Conditions • Vision with support and proactive leadership from the education system • Educators skilled in the use of technology for learning • Content standards and curriculum resources • Student-centered approaches to learning • Assessment of the effectiveness of technology for learning NETS for Students, International Society for Technology in Education, 1998 <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  9. Essential Conditions • Access to contemporary technologies, software, and telecommunications networks • Technical assistance for maintaining and using technology resources • Community partners who provide expertise, support, and real-life interactions • Ongoing financial support for sustained technology use • Policies and standards supporting new learning environments NETS for Students, International Society for Technology in Education, 1998 <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  10. Key Elements • Technology Infrastructure and Support • Technology Skills • Curriculum Imagination DASL Presentation

  11. Technology Infrastructure and Support

  12. Percent Of Computer-assigning Teachers Whose Students Use Computers Frequently Becker et al. Teacher And Teacher-directed Student Use Of Computers And Software, 1999. <http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/findings/computeruse/html/startpage.htm> DASL Presentation

  13. Frequent Computer Use Occurs More Often With 5-8 Computers In A Classroom Than With 15-30 In A Computer Lab (DATA FOR SECONDARY ACADEMIC TEACHERS) Becker et al. Teacher And Teacher-directed Student Use Of Computers And Software, 1999. <http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/findings/computeruse/html/startpage.htm> DASL Presentation

  14. Classroom Use And Access By Subject Taught Becker et al. Teacher And Teacher-directed Student Use Of Computers And Software, 1999. <http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/findings/computeruse/html/startpage.htm> DASL Presentation

  15. State of Delaware • Every classroom wired for Internet, phone and video access as of October, 1998 • DCET provides maintenance support for infrastructure support up to the box on the wall; OIS provides maintenance for wide-area networking equipment • DCET provides leadership in reviewing and updating network standards and implementation DASL Presentation

  16. State of Delaware • OIS provides a help line • Legislature provided $13 million over 3 years to put a computer on every teacher’s desk (FY 99-01) • Delaware Student-to-Computer Ratio now about 1 to 5 (only using Internet-accessible computers) DASL Presentation

  17. Christina School District DASL Presentation

  18. Technology Skills

  19. NETS for Students 1. Basic Operations and Concepts 2. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues 3. Technology Productivity Tools 4. Technology Communications Tools 5. Technology Research Tools 6. Technology Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Tools NETS for Students, International Society for Technology in Education, 1998 <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  20. NETS for Teachers 1. Basic Operations and Concepts. 2. Personal and Professional Use of Technology 3. Application of Technology in Instruction. 1. Technology Operations and Concepts 2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences 3. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum 4. Assessment and Evaluation 5. Productivity and Professional Practice 6. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues NETS for Teachers, International Society for Technology in Education, 2000 <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  21. NETS for Teachers: Performance Profiles • General Preparation Profile: introductory skills, knowledge, and attitudes • Professional Preparation Profile: integration of technology and curriculum • Student Teaching/Internship Profile: application of technology in student teaching/internships with students • First Year Teaching Profile: responsibility for use of technology to support teaching, learning, communications, management, and professional productivity in their classroom NETS for Teachers, International Society for Technology in Education, 2000 <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  22. NETS for Teachers NETS for Teachers, International Society for Technology in Education, 2000 <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  23. One plan to get there Milford School District Technology Assessment Project http://www.udel.edu/sine/milford DASL Presentation

  24. Defining Levels of Competence Integrator Adept Competent Novice Uninitiated DASL Presentation

  25. Defining Areas of Competence • Computer and Network Competencies • Word Processing • Spreadsheets • Communication and Internet Use • Graphics and Presentation Technologies DASL Presentation

  26. Carrying It Out • Teacher-assessors are trained in administering the assessments • Teacher-assessees take each assessment with an assessor in their building • The assessment session is used to help teachers understand the goal of using computers in the curriculum, give them a target to aim for and help them reach the goal. DASL Presentation

  27. Curriculum Imagination

  28. Does It Compute? Key Messages • The effectiveness of technology depends on how it is used. • When technology is used for higher order thinking skills supported by teachers’ proficient to direct use, student achievement is positively impacted. • The main message: when teachers use the computer to teach higher-order thinking skills, students benefit. Does It Compute? The Relationship Between Educational Technology and Student Achievement in Mathematics, Educational Testing Service, 1998, <http://www.ets.org> DASL Presentation

  29. Does It Compute? Key Messages • Educators should focus on whether teachers have training and how they use computers rather than how much time students spend in front of computers. • What matters most is not the computers or technologies themselves, but rather what teachers and students do with them. Does It Compute? The Relationship Between Educational Technology and Student Achievement in Mathematics, Educational Testing Service, 1998, <http://www.ets.org> DASL Presentation

  30. Anytime, Anywhere Learning • Regular access to computers improves students’ performance • Second only to writing skills, critical thinking was most directly affected Powerful Tools for Schooling: Second Year Study of the Laptop Program, October 1998, <http://rockman.com/projects/laptop/> DASL Presentation

  31. Technology Enhances Student Achievement By fostering higher-order thinking skills Powerful Tools for Schooling: Second Year Study of the Laptop Program, October 1998, <http://rockman.com/projects/laptop/> DASL Presentation

  32. What can we do?

  33. Recommendations for Education Policymakers and School AdministratorsFrom the CEO Forum • Education policymakers and school administrators should create systems that reward the integration of technology into the curriculum. • Hiring standards for teachers and administrators should include technology integration proficiency by fall 2000 and they should be mandatory by 2002. • Policymakers and education administrators should make a commitment by 2000 to advocate for technology-inclusive professional development as a means to ensure teacher and student success in the classroom. Professional Development: A Link to Better Learning. CEO Forum, 1999. <http://www.ceoforum.org/reports.cfm?CID=3&RID=2> DASL Presentation

  34. Recommendations for Education Policymakers and School AdministratorsFrom the CEO Forum • Performance evaluations for in-service teachers and school administrators should encourage and reward technology integration and innovation by 2000. • Subject-based curriculum standards and measurements should include appropriate technology integration components by 2002. • Student performance assessments should capture the educational benefits enabled by technology by 2002. Professional Development: A Link to Better Learning. CEO Forum, 1999. <http://www.ceoforum.org/reports.cfm?CID=3&RID=2> DASL Presentation

  35. DASL Presentation

  36. Resources Some slides adapted from materials provided by • NETS, cnets.iste.org/index2.html • Edvancenet, www.edvancenet.org DASL Presentation

  37. Resources • Becker, Henry J., Ravitz, Jason L. and Wong, YanTien, Teacher And Teacher-directed Student Use Of Computers And Software. Center for Research on Information Technology & Organizations, University of California, Irvine and University of Minnesota, 1999. <http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/findings/computeruse/html/startpage.htm> • Professional Development: A Link to Better Learning, The CEO Forum, 1999. <http://www.ceoforum.org/reports.cfm?CID=3&RID=2 > • Preparing Schools and School Systems for the 21st Century, American Association of School Administrators, 1999. <http://www.aasa.org/Events/21stcent4.htm> • NETS for Students, International Society for Technology in Education, 1998. <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> • Powerful Tools for Schooling: Second Year Study of the Laptop Program, October 1998. <http://rockman.com/projects/laptop/> • NETS for Teachers, International Society for Technology in Education, 2000. <http://cnets.iste.org/index2.html> DASL Presentation

  38. This presentation can be found at www.udel.edu/sine/admin2000 DASL Presentation

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