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Thinking Across the Border: CBC and the regional dimension

Explore the benefits of cross-border cooperation and the regional dimension in CBC. Learn about the principles of subsidiarity and partnership in CBC implementation. Email: a.soares@qub.ac.uk, Twitter: @antsoares67

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Thinking Across the Border: CBC and the regional dimension

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  1. Thinking Across the Border:CBC and the regional dimension Dr Anthony Soares The Centre for Cross Border Studies Email: a.soares@qub.ac.uk Twitter: @antsoares67

  2. An example to Europe

  3. But why engage in cross-border cooperation? The maths of CBC: 1 + 1 = > 2 - additional economic revenue (increased activity) - improved delivery of public services to citizens - budgetary savings (shared services) - more sustainable development of cross-border territory (but from what level? National? Regional? Local?)

  4. Cross-Border Territorial Development

  5. The INTERREG effect… in Europe Concrete projects instead of nice ideas… Real partnerships with shared co‐financing instead of nice meetings… Integrated programmes instead of stand‐alone approaches… Innovative structures instead of institutional sclerosis…

  6. CBC and Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 • CB territories seen from a 360° perspective • From selective problem perception to a joint development of integrated potentials • Thematic concentration • Evidence based policy‐making

  7. Towards Territorial Cohesion: Ideal types of different levels of cross-border cooperation(Lundquist and Trippl, 2009)

  8. CBC in Europe (and the island of Ireland?) today: semi-integrated Predominance of public actors (institutional partners of CBC) No specific competence for CBC bodies and institutions Policy implementation through projects (sectoral fragmentation, time-limited) Knowledge deficit of the CBC territory (due to lack at local and national levels of detailed knowledge of regional potentialities)

  9. The European vs national vs regional vs local dimensions: Subsidiarity

  10. The European vs national vs regional vs local dimensions: Subsidiarity “Vertical subsidiarity”– division of labour between levels of governance (as per art. 5.3 of the TEU) “Horizontal subsidiarity” – division of labour between sectors (public, private, civic society) Enacting the principles of vertical and horizontal subsidiarity in the cross-border territory

  11. The Partnership Principle “The partnership principle implies close cooperation between public authorities at national, regional and local levels in the Member States and with the private and other sectors”. “Partnership must be seen in close connection with a multi-level governance approach and the subsidiarity and proportionality principles: each level of government should play its role, and action should be taken at the right level and be proportionate to the objectives”.

  12. Conclusions An integrated approach to CBC results in optimal interventions A regional dimension to CBC can exploit EU policy of concentration Adoption of the principle of subsidiarity to CBC finds the correct level of intervention (regional or local) Whatever the level of intervention, implementation of the Partnership Principle will ensure adoption of solutions with vertical and horizontal participation

  13. Thank you! (a.soares@qub.ac.uk)

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