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Bullying Video

Bullying Video. Reality High: Middle and High Schools. What is bullying?. Bullying. There are five identifying features of bullying. It is deliberate, hurtful behavior. It is repeated over a period of time. It is often difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.

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Bullying Video

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bullying Video Reality High: Middle and High Schools Designed by: T. Migliaccio & J. Raskauskas

  2. What is bullying?

  3. Bullying There are five identifying features of bullying. • It is deliberate, hurtful behavior. • It is repeated over a period of time. • It is often difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. • It is difficult for those who bully to learn new social behaviors. • Those who bully have, and exercise power inappropriately over others.

  4. Bullying Forms • Physical violence, for example hitting and kicking. • Relational, emotional and verbal, for example name-calling, exclusion, gossip, threatening and coercion. • Damage to property, for example taking lunches or destroying schoolbooks. • Cyber-bullying by text messaging or internet.

  5. Bully Video Scenes Scene 1: Cafeteria Scene 2: Classroom Scene 3: Hallway Scene 4: Key Themes Scene 5: End of School

  6. BullyingScene 1: Cafeteria • Initial Discussion Questions • Gender and Bullying • Discussion Questions • Cycle of Bullying • Bullies • Discussion Questions • Victims • Discussion Questions • Bystanders • Discussion Questions • Types of Bullying Discussion Questions • Teacher/School Response and Responsibility Discussion Questions

  7. Have you thought of relational aggression (the mistreatment by Angela of both Jeff and Lisa) as bullying? Do boys bully (or get bullied) the same as girls?

  8. Gender Differences

  9. Can girls be physically violent? Can boys exclude, embarrass or sexually harass other boys?

  10. Which characters/scenes in the video do you see each of these different roles?

  11. Bullies • Confident Bullies • Followers or Henchmen • Reluctant Bullies • Anxious Bullies • Bully-Victims

  12. Why do you think bullies bully people? For each bully type discussed above, why do you think each of the bullies bully?

  13. Victims • Passive • Provocative

  14. Why do you think victims are often blamed for being victims? What can victims do to change their situation?

  15. Bystanders • Passive Bystander • Disengaged Onlooker • Defender • Passive Defender

  16. Why do you think the different bystanders do what they do? What are their reasons?

  17. How do each of the people involved in bullying help to continue it? What responsibility do they have in stopping bullying? Why should they?

  18. What are things you think teachers should do to make school safer? Deal with bullying? What are some of the obstacles for teachers to help make students feel safer? What can be done to help teachers overcome the obstacles?

  19. BullyingScene 2: Classroom • Relational Aggression • Discussion Question • Roles in the Classroom • Teacher Response Discussion Questions • Effects • Discussion Questions

  20. Relational Aggression Forms • Cyberbullying • Notes • Exclusion

  21. Are there are other forms of relational aggression?

  22. Roles in the Classroom • Bully • Followers/Henchmen • Victim • Defender • Passive Bystander

  23. How can a teacher be aware of such bullying? What can they look for? Who can help them to be more aware? What would make students want to go to teachers for help? Are there teachers who are safer? Why?

  24. Effects • Absenteeism • Lower grades/test scores • Peer Rejection • Poor physical health • Poor mental health • Conflict with parents

  25. What other effects have you seen bullying have on people? What can students do to reduce the effects? What can teachers and the school do to reduce the effects?

  26. Bullying:Scene 3: Hallway • Harassment • School Culture • Discussion Questions • Effects • Discussion Questions

  27. Harassment • Cyberbullying • Sexual harassment

  28. School Culture • Violence and Power • Supported by students • Condoned by schools/community/family/government

  29. What is the relationship between bullying and power?How can it be changed? By students? By teachers/staff? By administration?

  30. Effects and People • Bullies • Followers • Bystanders • Defenders • Passive Defenders • Victims

  31. How does this affect the learning environment?How does it affect other relationships (family, friends, girl/boyfriends)?

  32. Bullying:Scene 4: Key Themes • Negative Consequences • Power: Fear • Reluctance to Help

  33. What Negative Consequences do you see from bullying?How can these affect a person’s future?

  34. What does power get you in school? How are power and fear related?

  35. Why are people afraid to help?Whose responsibility is it to help stop bullying? How can staff/teachers/schools stop it if they don’t see most of it?

  36. What are positive ways to deal with this that the Victim could try? Bystanders? Teachers? School?

  37. Bullying:Scene 5: End of School • Tom-Jeff • Kyle-Larry • Nikki-Jenna • Mary-Teacher

  38. What are other ways students can help stop/reduce bullying? Why do you think students refrain from helping to stop bullying/harassment? What are ways teachers/staff can help stop/reduce bullying? What are things schools can do to help stop/reduce bullying? How can schools help to promote/support students: victims, bystanders and defenders?

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