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Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

A r t S m a r t. 1 st Grade . Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053. P o r t r a i t. Vocabulary. Portrait A picture of a person. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053. P o r t r a i t.

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Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

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  1. ArtSmart 1stGrade Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  2. Portrait Vocabulary Portrait A picture of a person Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  3. Portrait Vocabulary See how different techniques and textures enhance or distort portraits? Texture Charcoal Neon Paint Embossing Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  4. Texture Vocabulary Actual Texture How something feels when touched Visual Texture How something appears to feel like in a portrait or picture Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  5. Vocabulary HowDoesThisFeel? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  6. Vocabulary HowDoesThisFeel? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  7. Vocabulary HowDoesThisFeel? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  8. Vocabulary HowDoesThisFeel? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  9. Vocabulary HowDoesThisFeel? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  10. Vocabulary HowDoesThisFeel? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  11. Vocabulary Space Space Describes the area: • Above • Below • Around • Within • Throughout • Behind • In Front • Of a Picture Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  12. Vocabulary Value Value Describes the lightness and darkness of a line, shape or form Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  13. Vocabulary Review Portrait = A picture of a person. Actual Texture = How something feels when touched. Visual Texture = How something appears to feel. Space = Describes the area in a picture. Value = Describes the lightness and darkness. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  14. Vocabulary Painter Leonardo da Vinci Italian artist raised by his Grandfather. Very curious about the natural world. Tried to capture the person’s feelings in his paintings. He painted portraits, using texture, spaceandvalue. Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  15. Vocabulary MonaLisa Leonardo da Vinci Used Texture And Space And Value Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  16. Vocabulary MonaLisa Mona Lisa This is one of the MOST famous paintings in the World!!! It’s located at The Louvre in Paris. • How does she feel? • What is she thinking? • What do you see behind her? • Do you see texture? • Do you see values with many shades of color? Rosa Parks Elementary 22845 N.E. Cedar Park Crescent Redmond WA 98053

  17. Drawing

  18. Eyes, Noses &Lips

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