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Submit Leave Verify Leave Approve/Return

Welcome to TTU’s Approver Training for Online Leave Entry. Submit Leave Verify Leave Approve/Return. Online leave entry introduction:.

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Submit Leave Verify Leave Approve/Return

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  1. Welcome to TTU’s Approver Training for Online Leave Entry Submit Leave Verify Leave Approve/Return

  2. Online leave entry introduction: We are very excited to train you in our new paperless, online leave entry system. This will involve logging into Banner Self-Service to enter your actual time worked or leave time taken. You have been designated as an “Approver” or a “Proxy” for a specific person or department. This means you will verify and approve the time worked and leave taken from your assigned employee(s). As an employee yourself, you will also need to submit your time worked and leave taken as well. The following slides will show you step-by-step how to do so. Let’s get started.

  3. What’s Changing? • No Paper Forms – Entering time and leave in Banner Self-Service will eliminate the current paper leave report & leave summary system. • Summaries available in E-Print- Access Leave Summaries by Org Code using the Banner HR section of E-Print. • Deadline Dates – these dates will change monthly. Deadline calendar will be on HR’s website.

  4. Leave report Due dates • LeaveReport Period: period spans from the 1st day of the previous month through the last day of the month (June 1 – 30) • Leave Report Due: Your completed leave report is due by Wednesday, July 2nd • Approval Deadline: Approvers have until Monday, July 7th to approve all leave reports

  5. Follow these steps: A Access Leave in Banner Self-Service • Click or access this link: https://tturedca1.tntech.edu:9090/ • Under “Self-Service Banner (SSB)” click on Production Database [PROD]. • Click on Enter Secure Banner Web Self Service. • Your User ID is your T# including the T (Example: T00123456) • Enter your PIN and click Login. If you have never logged in to Self-Service, your PIN will be your six digit date of birth (MMDDYY). If you need to reset your PIN please call the IT help desk at x3388. • Once you login, click on Employee and then Leave Report

  6. Steps continued: B Select Access my Leave Report • You will first need to submit your own time and/or leave. • Select “Access my Leave Report” and click Select. • Make sure the correct department is selected and use the drop down box to select the appropriate date range for your leave period. Click Leave Report. Select Leave Period C

  7. Clerical & Support Staff will need to enter time worked and leave taken for each applicable day. Administrative & Faculty will only need to enter any leave taken. Progress Level: In Progress

  8. Earning rows explained: • Regular Hours Worked – only pertains to C&S Staff, Admin/Faculty are not required to enter hours worked • Annual Leave – vacation • Sick Leave – any applicable sick time • Holiday Pay – holidays only • Overtime 1.0: time worked over 37.5 and up to 40 hours/week • Overtime 1.5: any time worked over 40 hours/week • Comp1.0: time worked over 37.5 up to 40 hours/week • Comp1.5: any time over 40 hours/week • Please specify in the comments section details about any Bereavement, Jury Duty, Leave Without Pay, or Other Paid Time as you must meet certain eligibility rules to take these types of leave. Note: The calculation of Overtime 1.0 and Overtime 1.5 is based on actual time worked. Example: if you took 5 hours of annual time and still worked 37.5 hours for the week (42.5 hours total), no overtime would apply. Your actual time worked was 37.5 hours.

  9. Click “Enter Hours” under the appropriate “Earning” row; i.e. Sick, Annual, Jury, etc. Progress Level: In Progress

  10. Enter time to the nearest 1/10thdecimal. Refer to the hours increment chart below. • Click the Next or Previous button to navigate between weeks.

  11. Special Recommendations - copy The copy feature will allow you to enter the same number of hours for multiple days. Once you click on “Enter Hours” for a specific day, enter the hours in the Hours field, then click Copy. Click on the checkbox for each day you wish to copy those hours. Click on the Leave Report button to return to your report (it is not necessary to click copy again).

  12. Recommendations - comments The Comments feature will allow you to communicate important information to your Approver and the Payroll department. Examples include: Bereavement, Unpaid Leave of Absence, FMLA, etc. Click the Comments button. Type your information into the comments box. Click Save to save your comments. Click Previous Menu to return to your report.

  13. preview • Once you have entered in all your applicable hours click the Preview button for a full display. You can use this feature to verify you entered your time accurately. If you choose to print, do so from this Preview screen. Click on Previous Menu once you are done previewing.

  14. Submit for approval Progress Level: Pending • When you are confident that your leave report is accurate and complete, click the Submit For Approval button. • Your submitted time will then be sent to the appropriate person for approval. If it is denied approval it will be returned to you for correction. • *Note* Your approver will email you if your leave report is returned for correction

  15. Approval confirmation

  16. How to check leave balances Click on Site Map Click on Leave Balances

  17. How to check leave balances • Keep in mind: Your updated leave balances will be available for viewing on payday.

  18. reminders • Once you submit your leave report you will not be allowed to access your report again. Watch out for Fat-Finger syndrome. For example, if you accidentally enter 75 instead of 7.5 the system will not reject your error. You can only edit your leave report when the Progress Levels are either In Progress or Returned for Correction. Please notify your approver immediately if you have already submitted for approval and then realize an error. Your approver will then use the Return for Correction feature to send the report back to you. • Deadline reminder: Your leave report needs to be submitted for approval by the deadline date each month. These dates do vary. Please check the deadline calendar on HR’s website for the most accurate information. In order to meet this deadline, you can enter your leave monthly, weekly, or even daily if you prefer. • When to check leave balances? Your updated leave balances will be made available on payday.

  19. Leave entry submission complete Congratulations, you have submitted your first electronic Leave Entry report! Your submission will now need to gain approval. If it is denied approval, you will be notified to correct and re-submit. For testing purposes, we will have you approve your own leave report. This is exactly the same process you would follow for your own employees once we go live as of July 1. The next few slides will show you step-by-step instructions on how to complete the approval process.

  20. Approval process steps 1 Return to Menu To approve any leave you will first need to return to the main menu. To do so, simply click on “Site Map” 2 Select Leave Report From the site map you will then need to click on “Leave Report” under the Employee section

  21. Steps continued Select Approve or Acknowledge Time 4 Select Leave Period 3 Select the appropriate department if more than one is listed. From the drop down menu you can select the Leave Period for which you need to approve and then click Select Select “Approve or Acknowledge Time” and click Select • Past and future leave periods could be available in the drop down menu, so be sure to select the appropriate leave period for your current approvals.

  22. Department Summary • Every employee within the department will be grouped into three categories depending on their progress level: • Pending – these submissions are ready for your review • In Progress – the employees have started their leave report but have not submitted them for approval • Not Started – these employees have not started their leave report. If the deadline is near, please remind anyone in this category to submit their leave ASAP.

  23. Leave review • Please review each person’s submitted leave for accuracy by clicking on their name. Everyone MUST submit a leave report whether leave is taken or not. For Clerical & Support Staff, actual hours worked along with any leave taken must be entered for each appropriate day. For Administrative/Faculty, only leave that has been taken must be entered. • Keep in mind: by approving someone’s leave report you are acknowledging the fact that it is accurate.Please be sure to review it thoroughly.

  24. Once you have reviewed the submitted leave you can then click Approve or Return for Correction. • Remember to send an email notification to your employee if you are returning their leave report. Helpful Hints: You can approve each leave submission individually or you can click “Previous Menu” to view the summary of everyone’s submitted leave again. From there you can approve or return several employees all at once.

  25. Helpful hints Helpful Hints continued: You can approve each leave submission individually or you can click “Previous Menu” to view the summary of everyone’s submitted leave again. From here you can check the boxes in the “Approve or FYI” column next to each person’s name you would like to approve. If you want to approve all at once you can click the “Select All, Approve or FYI” button to select all these boxes for you. To finish simply click “Save”.

  26. Approval complete • Once saved and approved, the queue status for each approved entry should change to “Approved” • If you have returned any reports for correction please notify the employee(s) by email to correct their leave report and resubmit for approval right away. • Due to the time sensitive nature of this reporting, please stress the importance of correcting the reports ASAP. All approvals must be completed by the deadline each month even if multiple approvals are needed.

  27. Final thoughts • Once you have approved a leave report it will be submitted to the next person in line for approval. • The normal flow is as follows: • Employee • Supervisor • Dean or Administrator • Payroll • Anyone in this chain of command can return any submitted leave for correction. • If this happens, the leave sheet will be sent directly back to the employee. • The employee will need to correct the leave and re-submit it for approval. • It will then be available to you in Banner Self-Service to re-approve. Helpful Hints: • As a general rule of thumb, please notify the employee via email if you use the “Return for Correction” button. The leave reporting process is very time sensitive, and this will help ensure leave is submitted accurately and on time for each leave period. Monthly emails will be sent notifying you of deadlines. • Everyone must submit a leave report whether leave is taken or not. Please encourage your team to follow through with this process. Anyone that has not submitted leave will show in the “Not Started” group on your Department Summary screen.

  28. 2014 Leave entry schedule: The above table outlines the Leave Entry deadlines scheduled for the remainder of 2014. Upcoming year schedules will be announced in Tech Times AND will be posted on the HR website (http://www.tntech.edu/hr)

  29. Leave entry approval complete Congratulations, you have approved your first electronic Leave Entry submission! Your approved submission will now need to gain any further approvals needed and then final approval from the Payroll department. If any submissions are returned you will be notified to re-approve. Thank you for your cooperation – have a wonderful day!

  30. Questions? Contact: Jessica Northcutt, HR Project Manager JLNorthcutt@tntech.edu x3259 Dragica Bugosh, HR Benefits Specialist Dbugosh@tntech.edu x3082 Sonya Haney, Payroll Specialist Shaney@tntech.edu x3036 To reset your PIN, contact ITS Help Desk x3388

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