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The MEDINA e-infrastructure: indicators and models for marine ecosystem assessment Roberto Pastres

The MEDINA e-infrastructure: indicators and models for marine ecosystem assessment Roberto Pastres Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatic and Statistic pastres@unive.it. MEDINA: Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Indicators for North Africa http://www.medinaproject.eu/

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The MEDINA e-infrastructure: indicators and models for marine ecosystem assessment Roberto Pastres

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  1. The MEDINA e-infrastructure: indicators and models for marine ecosystem assessment Roberto Pastres Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatic and Statistic pastres@unive.it

  2. MEDINA: Marine Ecosystem Dynamics • and Indicators for North Africa http://www.medinaproject.eu/ • FP7 Collaborative Project • Duration: 36 months • Start date: 01/10/2011 • 12 Participants from 9 countries • Coordinator: Roberto Pastres

  3. MEDINA Overall objectives (1): -To contribute to the assessment of coastal ecosystem status in North African countries; -To enhance the monitoring capacity for those regions. -To identify major risks due to climate change and suggest adaptation strategies. -To feedback MEDINA’s scientific contribution within the EU regulatory framework.

  4. MEDINA Overall objectives (2): -To ensure the optimal exploitation of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) capabilities in supporting on-going monitoring&assessment, also through the fusion of satellite Earth Observation and conventional monitoring data. -To promote international cooperation for sharing data and services with on-going EU efforts, with the relevant GEO Community of Practices and with GOOS-Africa

  5. MEDINA’s key features: • Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response conceptual framework for on-going monitoring and assessment. • Use of mechanistic models (biogeochemical, Habitat Suitability, Food Web etc ….) for establishing causal links between Drivers/Pressures and State/Impacts. • Fusion of remotely-sensed and in-situ observation, through modelling, for monitoring optimization.

  6. Environmentaldrivers/stressors Ecologicalindicators EO indicators GCOMS model Model hindcastsand forecasts Habitatmodel In situdata Foodwebmodel FVCOM model Local ecosystem assessment Pilot cases EIA model WP5 WP4 Regional ecosystem assessment WP3

  7. The e-Infrastructure is the key component of MEDINA The Medina e-Infrastructure is being developed by

  8. To achieve the goals of MEDINA, a key element is the use and exploitation of existing data and spatial information • The MEI, built in WP3, will act as a toolfordiscovering, accesing and visualisingspatial, indicators and modelresults. • It will be fully compatible in design and usability with GEOSS GCI, and thus accesible through GEOSS website. • MEDINA e-infrastructure will guarantee viability, compatibility and sustainability with existing databases.

  9. What is the MEDINA e-Infrastructure? • Infrastructure that supports access to geographic interoperable spatial information. • Distributed geographic database, based on standardized protocols to ensure interoperability. • A tool to disseminate Medina products.

  10. MeI conceptual model


  12. How will the MeI work DATA Indicatorsresultsfrom PML Partners Indicatorsresultsfrom ACRI Access MEI CASES Indicatorresultsfrom UAB Medina e-Infrastructure Local Goverments Otherspatialresultsfrom MEDINA Researchers Download, visualise and use maps Others Relevantlayersfrom JRC, ESA.. 01/02/13 14

  13. The MEDINA e-Infrastructure will be tested at 5 pilot sites.

  14. Tests on MEDINA indicators (WP5-UAB) are ongoing: MeI Viewer (www.medinageoportal.eu) Chlorophyll a Bathymetry

  15. MEDINA will also make available web-based models :Habitat Suitability model for Posidonia oceanica (ACRI+UNIVE)

  16. The model was calibrated at five mediterranean areas and is now being tested on North African sites Model output (green = presence) Observations

  17. We presented the HS model as case study at GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot. Phase-6. • The aim of this pilot is to demonstrate the added-value of developing the models in the context of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI). • A new Business process Broker component will be used to extend the current GCI capabilities. Where needed, new interoperability arrangements will be developed to integrate new capacities underpinning MEDINA and this pilot.

  18. MEDINA contribution to GEOSS

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