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FWO-Publications in biblio

20 febr. 2014. FWO-Publications in biblio. Update 11 maart 2014: xml -export. Ga naar je persoonlijke biblio pagina, bv https:// biblio.ugent.be/person/ 801000332584 (vervang rode nummer door je personeelsnummer) Pas eventueel de sortering aan (default op jaar gesorteerd)

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FWO-Publications in biblio

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  1. 20 febr. 2014 FWO-Publications in biblio

  2. Update 11 maart 2014: xml-export • Ga naar je persoonlijke biblio pagina, bv https://biblio.ugent.be/person/801000332584 (vervang rode nummer door je personeelsnummer) • Pas eventueel de sortering aan (default op jaar gesorteerd) • klik op de Export knop • kies het 'FWO XML' formaat (bevat impact factor, ranking en category) en bevestig • er wordt een publications.xml bestand gedownload dat je in het FWO e-loket kan opladen De procedure hierboven exporteert je volledige cv uit biblio. Deze export is ook op elke andere resultatenpagina van een meer geavanceerde zoekvraag beschikbaar.

  3. Toevoegen van enkele publicaties • Markeer in je publicatielijst https://biblio.ugent.be/person/801000332584 (vervang rode nummer door je personeelsnummer) de publicaties die je wil exporteren • Ga naar “marked list” • Ga verder zoals boven beschreven

  4. Selecteer “profielbeheer – publicaties” en klik onderaan op de link “importeren publicaties vanuit xml”

  5. http://biblio.ugent.be Ghent University scientificpublications: - peer reviewed / non peer reviewed - articles / books / conference proceedings / phd / working papers / reviews … - linkedto person, departement, project - full textrequired

  6. Register publications Warning: takes somedaystosome weeks to review!!

  7. Classification UGent • Journal articles: A1-4 • Bookrelated: B1-3 • Conference related: P1, C1, C3 • Phd: D1 • Other: V Overview: https://biblio.ugent.be/pages/faq.html#welke-classificatie

  8. UGent / FWO Mapping

  9. Articles: FWO definition a1.1 Papers in journals included in the ISI Web of Science – limited to the following types: papers review articles, letters and notes listed in chronological order, including the impact factor in the year of publication, the effective number of citations mentioned and the number of pages. a1.2 Papers in journals included in the ‘VlaamsAcademischBibliografischBestand (VABB - SHW)’ – limited to the following types: papers, review articles, letters and notes listed in chronological order, including the year of publication and the number of the journal. a2Papers published in widely distributed scientific journals, for which manuscripts submitted are assessed by international experts and which are not included in (a1), listed in chronological order. a3Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals, not included in (a1) or (a2), listed in chronological order. a4Papers published in journals not included in (a1), (a2) or (a3).

  10. a1.1 Papers in journals included in the ISI Web of Science – limited to the following types: papers, review articles, letters and notes listed in chronological order, including the impact factor in the year of publication, the effective number of citations mentioned and the number of pages. = A1 and P1

  11. a1.2 Papers in journals included in the ‘VlaamsAcademischBibliografischBestand (VABB - SHW)’ – limited to the following types: papers, review articles, letters and notes listed in chronological order, including the year of publication and the number of the journal. = A2 AND VABB approved

  12. a2 Papers published in widely distributed scientific journals, for which manuscripts submitted are assessed by international experts and which are not included in (a1), listed in chronological order. = A2 ANDnot-VABB approved

  13. a3 Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals, not included in (a1) or (a2), listed in chronological order. -> A2 and A3 are merged in Biblio: no distinction

  14. A4 Papers published in journals not included in (a1), (a2) or (a3). = A4

  15. Books b1.1 Book author or co-author (limited to books published by a scientific editor; no syllabi or dissertations), listed in chronological order. b1.2Book author or co-author (books included in the ‘VlaamsAcademischBibliografischBestand (VABB – SHW)’), listed in chronological order. b2Chapters in books (no conference proceedings), listed in chronological order. b3Books of which you were an editor (including conference proceedings), listed in chronological order.

  16. b1.1 Book author or co-author (limited to books published by a scientific editor; no syllabi or dissertations), listed in chronological order. = B1

  17. b1.2 Book author or co-author (books included in the ‘VlaamsAcademischBibliografischBestand (VABB – SHW)’), listed in chronological order. = B1 and VABB approved

  18. b2 Chapters in books (no conference proceedings), listed in chronological order. = B2

  19. B3 Books of which you were an editor (including conference proceedings), listed in chronological order. = B3

  20. Other c1Papers in conference proceedings, not included in the previous categories (complete papers, excluding abstracts), listed in chronological order. c2Dissertations, essays, internal reports and conference abstracts. c3Patents, listed in chronological order.

  21. c1 Papers in conference proceedings, not included in the previous categories (complete papers, excluding abstracts), listed in chronological order. = C1

  22. c2 Dissertations, essays, internal reports and conference abstracts. = C3 (conference abstracts) = D1 (phd) = V (reports, essays, …)

  23. c3 Patents, listed in chronological order. Not in Biblio

  24. How to? https://biblio.ugent.be/person/801000337234

  25. Non-VABB • Advanced search • Search on author (personnel / student number) • Addclassifications A, B, C, P, D • Sortresult list • Export to word • Add IF to A1 and P1 • Addotherpublications (V) • Copy / paste into FWO form

  26. Advanced search

  27. Addauthor Add the types youneed

  28. Andsort

  29. Export in word and copy … Include JCR data

  30. Select V

  31. …& paste into FWO form

  32. VABB • Advanced search • Search on author (personnel / student number) • AddclassificationsA1, A3, A4, B, C, P, D • Sortresult list • Export to word • AddIF to A1 andP1 • Identify in advanced search VABB approved A2 and B1 • Identify A2, non-VABB publications • Addotherpublications (V) • Copy / paste into FWO form

  33. A2 – B1 VABB approved

  34. A2 non-VABB

  35. Questions? http://biblio.ugent.be Inge.vannieuwerburgh@ugent.be

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