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The VegAna package and its relevé data model

The VegAna package and its relevé data model. Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa (University of Barcelona) First vegetation schema workshop 24 th -27 th April 2007 NESCent, Durham (USA). http://biodiver.bio.ub.es/biocat/homepage.html. Biodiversity Databank of Catalonia (BDBC).

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The VegAna package and its relevé data model

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  1. The VegAna packageand its relevé data model Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa (University of Barcelona) First vegetation schema workshop24th-27th April 2007 NESCent, Durham (USA)

  2. http://biodiver.bio.ub.es/biocat/homepage.html Biodiversity Databank of Catalonia (BDBC)

  3. Biodiversity Databank of Catalonia: Amount of data New project: Spanish relevé data bank (~70.000 relevés)

  4. VEGANA (VEGetation edition and ANAlysis) • An integrated package for the management and analysis of biodiversity data. The VegAna package http://biodiver.bio.ub.es/vegana

  5. VegAna modules: QUERCUS QUERCUS is a tool for editing, storing and manipulating vegetation relevé data.

  6. VegAna modules: QUERCUS Primary table editor Create/edit primary (source) relevé tables. Taxon abundance values: Braun-Blanquet scale, individual counts, cover percents, P/A data,... Allows user-defined fields. Data import/export from BDBC, plain text files, TURBOVEG XML Work table editor Nomenclatural processing and tabular work Generate documents of relevé tables (RTF). Simple analytical tools Generate synoptic relevé tables Export/transform for numerical multivariate analysis

  7. QUERCUS XML data model: Relevé tables Relevé Table ID Coloring, author display,… Relevé data Table entries (order)

  8. QUERCUS XML data model: Relevé/plot (I) Date of survey Source institution data Bibliographic origin Plot specifications Syntaxonomic information Plot author Digitization information

  9. QUERCUS XML data model: Relevé/plot (II) Geographical referencing Taxon observation entries User-defined data Mucina, L., J. H. J. Schaminee, and J. S. Rodwell. 2000. Common Data Standards for Recording Releves in Field Survey for Vegetation Classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 11:769-772.

  10. QUERCUS XML data model: Taxon entries Name accepted by the organization (or thesaurus) Original name given to the plant observed Abundance value (string) Vegetation layer cf., group, s.l.,… Mucina, L., J. H. J. Schaminee, and J. S. Rodwell. 2000. Common Data Standards for Recording Releves in Field Survey for Vegetation Classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 11:769-772.

  11. VegAna modules: FAGUS FAGUS is a personal editor of floristic or other biological citation data. • Can be used to gather data with different aims: • 1. Generate documents listing flora • 2. Managing small collections • 3. Display taxon distributions • Allows user-defined fields • Provides import/export facilities for • ABCD, Darwin Core 2,…

  12. Thesauri for QUERCUS and FAGUS Taxonomic, syntaxonomic and bibliographic thesauri files are obtained from VEGANA web page. Both editors also have capabilities to edit/update thesaurus files.

  13. VegAna modules: YUCCA YUCCA is a tool for the cartographic display of geo-referenced information. • Used in to build distribution maps (taxa/syntaxa/nº of citations, etc). • Requires map images/configurations for the desired geographical area (Web Map Services).

  14. VegAna modules: GINKGO GINKGO is a multivariate analysis statistics program. It has been developed within the context of numerical community ecology.

  15. Technical topics All the software is entirely developed in Java programming language – Java virtual machine (JRE 1.5.x or later). Almost all files are stored in XML format FREELY distributed, with automatic updates. Languages supported: English, Spanish, French and Catalan. http://biodiver.bio.ub.es/vegana

  16. VegAna extended: B-VegAna

  17. Exporting Welwitschia to other databases

  18. Thank you for you attention! Programming: GINKGO, QUERCUS:   Miquel De Cáceres FAGUS, YUCCA: Ricard García, Javier Moreno & Miquel De Cáceres BDBC, Welwitchia, Webherb: Rafael Quadrada Project coordination: Xavier Font i Castell. First vegetation schema workshop24th-27th April 2007 NESCent. Durham. USA

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