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IAC Membership Meeting November 18, 2009

Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community . AGENDAWelcome and Chair's ReportRecognition of Key ContributorsWebsite Insights Ethics MinuteProgram: David McClure, GSA, Associate Administrator, Office of Citizen Services and CommunicationsNetworking Reception . Government and Indust

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IAC Membership Meeting November 18, 2009

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    1. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community IAC Membership Meeting November 18, 2009

    2. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community AGENDA Welcome and Chair’s Report Recognition of Key Contributors Website Insights Ethics Minute Program: David McClure, GSA, Associate Administrator, Office of Citizen Services and Communications Networking Reception

    3. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    4. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community IAC Welcomes 29 New Members

    5. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    6. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    7. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community 2009 Executive Leadership Conference Wrap-Up Final Attendance Stats: 249 Government 610 Industry 859 total Speaker presentations, Social Technology panel webcast and #elc09 Tweetbook are now available online at www.actgov.org/ELC2009

    8. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community More on Increasing Government Involvement Established Pacific Chapter in San Diego Established Rocky Mountain Chapter in Denver Exploring ways to deliver value to those outside Wash Met Area

    9. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    10. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Highlights of SIG Review Task Force Transitioning Information Sharing Subcommittee from Homeland Protection SIG to the Collaboration and Technology SIG. Need to: establish SIG performance metrics; increase visibility; improve coordination with conference planning; improve cross-collaboration; and, improve agility.

    11. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Thought Leadership Vista Task Force underway IT Dashboard kicking off Better Buy Project analyzing input SIG Products are flowing!

    12. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    13. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community 2010 Excellence.gov Awards Game Changers: Significant Improvements in Mission Delivery  Nominations deadline is January 8 Apply online at www.actgov.org/excellence.gov2010

    14. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    15. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    16. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    17. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    18. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    19. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Recognition So many contributions – So little time!

    20. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Outgoing IAC Executive Commitee

    21. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Congratulations to Judy Douglas, HP ! Executive Committee Member SIG Liaison

    22. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Congratulations to ACT-IAC Awardees Government Contributor: Casey Coleman, GSA Industry Contributor: Dan Chenok, Pragmatics ACT President’s Award: Darren Ash,NRC Chair’s Award: Roger Baker, VA and Mark Forman, KPMG Janice Mendenhall Award: Bob Woods, Topside Consulting

    23. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    24. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Darren Ash, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alan Balutis, Cisco Systems Dan Chenok, Pragmatics Onelia Codrington, Performance Value Management Kathy Conrad, Jefferson Consulting Kathy Cowles, LGS, Bell Labs Innovations Martha Dorris, GSA Constance Downs, EPA Mark Drapeau, National Defense University Diana Gowen, Qwest Michael Howell, OMB

    25. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Gary Bala, Gopi Bali Jonathan Benett, Department of Agriculture Cindy Brent, ACS Jim Brown, CSC Jon Carr, Robbins-Gioia Martha Combs, Microsoft Lucy Cooley, Deloitte John Edmonds, Department of the Army Jeff Ferdock, CACI Gary Galloway, Department of State Harold Gracey, Topside Consulting Ira Hobbs, Hobbs & Hobbs David Hull, EMC Princess Martin, HUD Dan Matthews, Lockheed Martin Sami Mousa, BBG

    26. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Lateef Abro, Eyak Technologies Tricia Davis-Muffett, USIS Eunice Hill, State Department John Huggins, TechTeam Government David Janoff, HP Stella Kim, SAIC Jennifer Kirkhoff, Deloitte Sandy Levine, Advice Unlimited, LLC Susan Milich, Federal Marketing Associates Mark Samblanet, TechTeam Government Catherine Thomas, XIO Strategies Patrick Zazzaro, OMB

    27. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Rosa Caldas, Zemitek Chris Chroninger, NetStar-1 Ellen Glover, ICF Consulting Deepak Hathiramani, Vistronix Michael Klimkiewicz, HPTI Andy Lieber, RSM McGladrey Venkatapathi Puvvada, Unisys Paul Strasser, Pragmatics Michael Tiemann, FEAC Institute Michelle Tranter, HP Enterprise Services

    28. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Joe Brock, Pragmatics Townley Cozad, Lockheed Martin Jaye Helferd, InterImage Tiffany Hixon, HHS John Teeter, HHS Jerry Williams, HUD *Karen Bedell, Careerstone Group Karen is being awarded with the Partners Chairs for her assistance in driving the Partners Program and AgendaKaren is being awarded with the Partners Chairs for her assistance in driving the Partners Program and Agenda

    29. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Patrick Cronin, CGI Federal Habib Nasibdar, Enlightened Sundar Vaidyanathan, Unisys

    30. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Judy Cohen, InterImage Ron Medina, CTAC Tess Palao, CGI Federal Judy Cohen & Ron Medina are being awarded for the contributions to reinvigorating the Small Business SIG Tess Palao was a integral contributor in the successful execution of October 14th Small Business Matchmaking Forum Judy Cohen & Ron Medina are being awarded for the contributions to reinvigorating the Small Business SIG

    31. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Rob Montgomery, Argosy Omnimedia Rob is receiving due to his willingness to assist the SIG and the organization with Webinar Services, i.e. webcastsRob is receiving due to his willingness to assist the SIG and the organization with Webinar Services, i.e. webcasts

    32. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community David Epperly, Archangel IT Architecture PlusArchitecture Plus

    33. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Fiona Barshow, Citizant

    34. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Website Insights David Janoff, HP Communications Committee

    35. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Website Insights

    36. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Then ... and … Now

    37. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Show the value of the ACT-IAC website Describe how you, your company or agency will benefit from this knowledge sharing and collaboration investment Offer tips to help you make the most of site capabilities and functionality Website Insight Series Will…

    38. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Improved collaboration Easier access to ACT-IAC information when and where you need it – at your desk or on a mobile device Opportunity to increase understanding of industry and government needs Insights and the wisdom needed for success today and tomorrow What’s In This For Me?

    39. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community How to share your wisdom by contributing documents and editing them in a Shared Library

    40. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Go to the site - http://www.actgov.org Log in to the site User ID is your email address New users create an account and password Questions? Visit the membership booth after the meeting for specifics

    41. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Register for events Keep up with industry news and events Collaborate and share perspectives with: Other SIG members after registering for the SIG Committees, working groups, task forces, Partners and Voyagers And many, many more things…

    42. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    43. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    44. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    45. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    46. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    47. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    48. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    49. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    50. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    51. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    52. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Scenarios You are a sub to a large prime on a newly awarded IDIQ contract. In hopes of garnering workshare on the contract, you offer to treat prime’s key personnel to a nice dinner and a sporting event. Are you allowed to treat the prime’s key personnel in hopes of gaining workshare on the contract?

    53. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Answers (A) No because it violates procurement integrity by giving favorable treatment for workshare in exchange for gratuities (B) No because it is considered a subcontractor kickback (C) Yes because federal procurement regulations only pertain between the government and the prime (D) Yes because it is a common relationship development process between companies in federal contracting

    54. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community The Correct Answer Is… (A) and (B) Providing gifts of any kind to a prime to potentially influence their decision in utilizing your services as a sub is considered a “subcontractor kickback”. There is a gray area pertaining to developing a relationship between a prime and sub, but an overt effort to influence a prime’s decision involving a gift, gratuity, money, or anything of value is considered improper. The penalties are just as stringent for prime personnel that attempt to solicit kickbacks. The Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 (41 U.S.C. 51-58) was passed to deter this sort of behavior.

    55. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Scenarios As you’re planning to prepare your bid for a formal solicitation, a competing company, with equal technical competency, contacts you to do a flip-flop teaming arrangement for a 50/50 workshare post-award. Given your interest to increase your chances of getting work post-award, you decide to move forward. Is this allowed?

    56. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Answers (A) Yes, as long as you do not share joint proposal information, technical offering, or past performance data. (B) Yes, as long as you do not share and implement joint pricing data, price estimates, or overall price strategy (C) No because the filing of a joint bid by two or more competitors when at least one of the competitors has sufficient technical capability and capacity for contract performance is not allowed

    57. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community The Correct Answer Is… (B) Antitrust Violations are called into play when pricing information or estimates are shared between two bidding companies, including near-identical pricing, follow the leader pricing, identical pricing verbiage in proposal, etc. In any basic teaming scenario, it is not considered collusion when companies “share” technical data or proposal information outside of pricing. If non-price proposal information is identical as indicated in answer (C), that would bring into question the possibility of collusion.

    58. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community For More Information Review FAR Subpart 3.303 and 3.502 Contact your Ethics Officer or General Counsel, or the Office of Government Ethics. See: www.usoge.gov Review the IAC Ethics Corner on the ACT/IAC home page.

    59. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

    60. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community Congratulations! You belong to a vibrant organization!

    61. Government and Industry IT: one vision, one community

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