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Competitive Matching Grant: Principles and Approaches and Achievement

This lecture note explores the principles and approaches of competitive matching grants, focusing on its selective nature, support for innovative ideas, and accountability. It also delves into the grant amount, basic principles, selection process, and key achievements to date.

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Competitive Matching Grant: Principles and Approaches and Achievement

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  1. Competitive Matching Grant: Principles and Approaches and Achievement Ganesh Kumar Shrestha Sr. Planning & Admin. Officer Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade Ministry of Agricultural Development A Lecture Note for a Training organized by Staff College, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur ) 2015

  2. :jfutd\

  3. Instrument- an instrument to achieve project's objective. It is purposive from the side of the grant providers, rationale in-built (Agenda- visible), generally controversial. Competitive Matching Grant Selective (target group/beneficiaries), Support innovative ideas, Purposive, Agenda visible, Accountability from the side of the grant recipients in-built, monitoring and evaluation remain key issue Grant

  4. Grant Amount (PACT)

  5. PACT has made a provision of grant to meet one of its key objectives of developing partnerships in well-performing or emerging agricultural commodity value chains. 2.Grants are available only to the eligible value chain participants from prioritized agricultural commodity value chains. Basic Principles (PACT)

  6. 3. PACT's grant scheme follows an integrated value chain development approach. 4. PACT grants are competitive matching grants 5. PACT matching grants intend to help filling some of the funding gap in the investment capital of the beneficiaries' sub project. 6. Only proposed proposals for sub projects with demonstrated financial sustainability for the joint applicants can be considered for support under PACT's grant scheme. Basic Grant Principles (PACT)- contd.,.

  7. 7.Grant recipients' contribution should come in the form of cash only. 8. PACT follows an output based financing system 9. Compliance with environment and social safeguards is prerequisite to PACT's grant. Basic Grant Principles (PACT)- contd.,.

  8. SELECTION OF GRANT RECIPEINTS Three Stage Assessment Process Competitive, Transparent and Objective First- Project Concept Note Stage (20-30% selection) Second- Field Verification (90+ % Approval) Third- Full Proposal (75+ % Approval) Micro-grant- Two Stage Evaluation (Proposal + Field Appraisal)

  9. SECOND STAGE: FIELD VERIFICATION Invitation to submit FPP • Institutional Capacity • Technical Capacity • Experience • Financial Capacity About Grant Applicants • Field Verification Initial Environmental and Social Screening and Categorization Rejection About PCNs Technical Appropriateness

  10. Third Stage: FPP Evaluation Technical evaluation Rejection Full Project Proposal (By Applicant) Approved (Sub-project) Financial evaluation 10

  11. Two types of Service Delivery Compared

  12. Two types of Service Delivery Compared. contd..

  13. Key Achievements to Date

  14. Project's Current Status (Jan 2015)

  15. Project's Projected Status ( July 2015)

  16. Projected Status (December 2017)

  17. Weighted Progress 2009-013)

  18. Achievements by Components Component 1: Agriculture and Rural Business

  19. Achievements by Components Component 1: Agriculture and Rural Business

  20. Achievements by Components Component 2: SPS and Food Trade

  21. Achievements by Components Component 3: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation

  22. Achievements by Components Component 3: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation contd..

  23. Call 1, Call 2 and Call 3 (SPs) Direct Beneficiaries

  24. Direct Beneficiaries contd..

  25. Sub-project Managers

  26. Key Infrastructures Developed by GRs through PACT's Matching Grant

  27. Sustaining the current achievements including infrastructures developed. Increasingly high demands for the PACT's grant (Meeting people's expectations) Delayed in meeting milestones and deadlines by many grant recipients- grant disbursement delay Delayed in field appraisal of the activities and outputs achieved by GRs Integration of value chain functions along specific value chain still problematic and challenging due to tendency of most of the persons to get involved in everything Key Challenges

  28. Lacking effective mechanisms for retaining Government Officials due to indirect and direct monetary incentive mechanisms Effective and intensive utilization of Government Officials Key Challenges

  29. Direct financing to grassroots organizations increases project reach and it could be one of the best options to enhance competitiveness of small agriculture holders and agribusinesses Shifting from input based financing system to output based competitive grant system is a challenging task. This requires transparency, good governance and proactive service delivery from the side of the service provider. Success of output based financing system depends on intensive and timely monitoring and supervision. Lessons Learned

  30. Active participation and involvement of MoAD line agencies (government) is crucial in the implementation of big projects like PACT for sustainability of the project activities, outputs, outcomes and impact. Grant and Credit/Loan should be available simultaneously Lessons Learned

  31. Thank you

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