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WISE SOE reporting on Transitional and Coastal waters

WISE SOE reporting on Transitional and Coastal waters. Beate Werner. Situation before WISE. Information Users. Public. M S. EEA. Intern. Conv. Information. COM. Information. Information. Information. Information. Data treatment, formats, channels, deadlines. Member States Data.

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WISE SOE reporting on Transitional and Coastal waters

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  1. WISE SOE reporting on Transitional and Coastal waters Beate Werner

  2. Situation before WISE Information Users Public M S EEA Intern. Conv. Information COM Information Information Information Information Data treatment, formats, channels, deadlines Member States Data

  3. Drivers for data collection ways and pupose of reporting in a shared information system Information Users Policy Effectiveness Public M S EEA Intern. Conv. Useful Information COM SoE Trends An. Data treatment / aggregation Compliance checking Member States Data Purposes for reporting

  4. WISE SOE as tool for EIONET data • EEA indicators need regular, quality controlled information • WISE was developed as tool and process to streamline reporting in water area under WFD • Existing EIONET TC data flow still has to be adaptaed to WISE/WFD reporting as well as future MSFD

  5. SOE data flow (EIONET water) established within the WFD implementation process • Using synergies in data exchange between WFD and SOE/Eionet data • As SOE part of WISE • Building on EEA-REPORTNET tools • In first priority transitional + coastal data from WFD; stepwise extension to marine Water Framework Directive RBD, Water bodies Water Framework Directive RBD, Water bodies transitional waters coast line 1 nautic mile limit in WFD Territorial waters Territorial water limit (4-12 nm) Marine Strategy Framework Directive Marine (Sub-)Regions MS sovereignty or jurisdiction waters EEZ limit Integrating EIONET data and assessments for coasts, river basins and marine regions Chemical status ? High seas

  6. Conceptual adaptation:-SOE sites to represent River basin /water body - SOE sites to enable type specific assessment Technical- use of Reportnet tools in WISE for all reporting- WISE – GIS Networksas reported for WFD Art. 8 EIONET-water adaptation to WFD+ MSFD (TC) conceptually under WISE Necessary for 2010 WFD –requirements - Charact. for RBMD / Water bodies (spatial represent.)- aggregated information on type specific quality classes - surveillance and operational monitoring  adapt networks Status in 2005 EIONET-water- TCM quality data nutrients- HS in biota Using Reportnet, CDR,DD Stratification; stations representative per MS

  7. The challenge • Integration into streamlined reporting under WFD; e.g. between Art. 3, 5, 8 and SOE-data/Eionet data flow • Good monitoring sites for the SOE-reporting/Eionet-water • Representative for water body/group of water bodies • Allowing type-specific assessments • Keep time series from the old Eionet water data set as far as possible • Integrate between TC and M data aspects

  8. SOE-process under WFD 2005-2007 SOE drafting group under WFD WG Reporting • Scope of parameter of SOE-reporting for water quality inland waters • station selection and defining data flow • General recommendations for WISE developments Agreed set of reporting sheets for surface and ground waters in WFD implementation process • Leaving out details on quantity, emissions, TC and marinewater quality and biology

  9. How does Eionet water data change? monitoring site Reference to geography; catchment, WB (Art. 3+5) Parameter, in FW; GW and TC: Nutrients, Chl a, HZ, Reported once under Art. 8 due March 2007 measured regularly (monthly, annually, biannually)

  10. Why / What is a reporting sheet • Verbal description of the scope of data collection for particular parameters • The basis for data dictionary, reporting schemas or xml- format descriptions • The better parameter and formats are agreed, the better is comparability and quality assurance ( ICES)

  11. Next Steps • Clarify questions on 2007 EIONET TC data flow • Eionet water TC stations to be mapped against WFD Art. 8 reporting – t.b. used in 2008 already • Finalisation of reporting sheet for nutrients/ chl a and set up of regular reporting/data access from 2009 onwards. • Development of reporting sheets according to indicators priorities (e.g. including HS – in water, sediment , biota; biological elements)for regular reporting/data access from 2010

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