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Phil Jarvis National LifeWork Centre lifework

The Perfect Talent Storm Implications for Talent Stewards. Phil Jarvis National LifeWork Centre www.lifework.ca. Storm Warnings 3 Converging Megatrends. 1 Aging Population. 2 Upskilling of Jobs. 3 Unprepared Workforce. 1 Aging Population Predictable Demographics.

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Phil Jarvis National LifeWork Centre lifework

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  1. The Perfect Talent Storm Implications for Talent Stewards Phil Jarvis National LifeWork Centre www.lifework.ca

  2. Storm Warnings 3 Converging Megatrends 1 Aging Population 2Upskilling of Jobs 3 Unprepared Workforce

  3. 1 Aging Population Predictable Demographics • Birth rate declining since 1967 • Marriage & childbirth later, fewer children • Boomers who can are retiring (1947-64) • Labour force participation rate declining • Immigration can’t offset natural decline

  4. Percent of Canadian Population 15-64 Years of Age

  5. Projected Worker Shortfall 2011 510,000 2016 1,080,000 2021 1,800,000 2026 2,400,000 2031 3,000,000 Rick Miner, February 2010, People Without Jobs, Jobs Without People • Immigration 2009 – 250,000 (family, credentials, competition) • Under-represented - poor, aboriginals, women, disabled

  6. 2 Upskilling of Jobs Accelerating Knowledge Economy Rick Miner, February 2010, People Without Jobs, Jobs Without People

  7. New & Changing Jobs There has never been a better time to plan a career! • Nano-mechanic • Old age wellness manager • Memory augmentation surgeon • Weather modification police • Waste data handler • Social networking worker • Personal brander/communications advisor • Stem cell bank manager • Adam Gordon, August 2009, Jobs of the Future, Science and Technology Enabled Employment 2020-2030

  8. 3 Unprepared Workforce Education System, Employers The Talent Pipeline

  9. The Pipeline Leaks • HS graduation rate 68% (Miner, 2010, People Without Jobs, Jobs Without People) • 60% of HS grads (41%) register for postsecondary (King, 2009, Who Doesn’t Go To Post-Secondary Education?) • 25% of post-secondary students dropout by the end of the first year and a similar percent change programs or majors (Miner, 2010, People Without Jobs, Jobs Without People) • 60% of those who register in post-sec programs eventually graduate (Parkin, Baldwin, 2009, Research Note #8, Persistence in Post-Secondary Education in Canada: The Latest Research, Millenium Scholarships)

  10. End of the Pipeline • Of 100 students that enter the pipeline (talent supply chain) in grade 9 each year: • 26 graduate on schedule from post-secondary degree, diploma and certificate programs • 50% are not in jobs directly related to their majors 2 years after graduation • 70% of adults would seek more career information if they could start over (Jarvis, 2010, Connecting Talent and Opportunity: Canada’s Foremost Economic and Social Challenge)

  11. Economic Consequences 1% Improvement Productivity $ 13 Billion Education $ .9 Billion Health $1.1 Billion Social Services $1.5 Billion Protection, Prisons $.43 Billion Government Revenues $5.9 Billion TOTAL $ 23 Billion Not to mention human costs

  12. Conclusion As an economic and social imperative, we must do a much better job of preparing citizens of all ages to prosper in the 21st century knowledge economy. A new paradigm of career and workforce development is required.

  13. Career Navigation Paradigm Shift Learning Skills Life Imagination Introductions Choosing Occupation Work Information Lists

  14. Implications for Talent Stewards • EDUCATORS • Myth of career guidance for all • All teachers need to buy into • the new career paradigm • Relevance - “rich tasks” • Essential Skills, Blueprint for • LifeWork Designs, Character

  15. Play is Learning Our school system is based largely on conditioning rather than learning. The only way children can learn is through what adults interpret as play. This is why students retain so little of what they are taught in school. (Children retain 3-5% of curriculum - Carnegie Foundation).

  16. Play is Learning Our school system is based largely on conditioning rather than learning. The only way children can learn is through what adults interpret as play. This is why students retain so little of what they are taught in school. (Children retain 3-5% of curriculum - Carnegie Foundation). What is learned in a state of play becomes a permanent neural pattern in the brain. It is never lost. If we recognized the direct correspondence between play and learning, and the dramatic difference between learning and conditioning, schooling would vastly more successful. John Chilton Pearce, Michael Mendizza Touch the Future (www.ttfuture.org)

  17. www.berealgameonline.ca (Register/Activate Account) www.lifework.ca

  18. Imagination New research demonstrates a link between schoolwork, grades and the vision students have of themselves as happy, successful adults. http://www.miller-mccune.com/culture-society/motivating-students-via-mental-time-travel-15122/

  19. Career Educators • More opportunities than ever for those with • 21st century skills! • Don’t need to find the perfect career. Make • good choices, do your best (15+), move if • need be. • New career possibilities emerging daily • Knowledge of authentic self (compass) • Lifelong commitment to education & skills • Emotional intelligence, attitudes, character • Financial literacy

  20. Implications for Talent Stewards • EMPLOYERS • Sports metaphor • Get involved in education • Stocking the local pond • Training & career management

  21. Implications for Talent Stewards • PARENTS • Be a good role model • Get engaged and inform • Know and support the dreams • Help make connections • Set expectations high

  22. Implications for Talent Stewards • COMMUNITY • Industry education councils • Service clubs • Volunteering, service learning • Networking, making connections • Engaged citizenship

  23. Roger’s Story • Bright , but hated school • Couldn’t wait for school day to end to drop • another transmission • F4K, Career Cruising, Real Game • Electronic postcard connection • John Deere (mentorship, job shadowing, • summer jobs)

  24. Roger’s Story • Bright , but hated school • Couldn’t wait for school day to end to drop • another transmission • F4K, Career Cruising, Real Game • Electronic postcard connection • John Deere (mentorship, job shadowing, • summer jobs) • Happy Ending • John Deere paid full tuition for 2-year Small Engine Repair course at Community College then hired Roger, student loan free.

  25. The Perfect Talent Storm • There’s no avoiding this storm … but: • There have never been so many rewarding • career opportunities to choose from. • Individuals, companies & communities with • 21st century skills will weather the storm and • prosper. • Those with inadequate skills and networks • will be the storm’s victims.

  26. The Perfect Talent Storm Implications for Talent Stewards National LifeWork Centre 1-888-533-5386 www.lifework.ca

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