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Ch.5 Modular Programming

Ch.5 Modular Programming. From the text by Valvano: Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12 Published by CENGAGE, 2010. Chapter 5 Objectives. Present an introduction to modular programming Use conditional branching to perform decisions

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Ch.5 Modular Programming

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  1. Ch.5 Modular Programming From the text by Valvano: Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12 Published by CENGAGE, 2010

  2. Chapter 5 Objectives • Present an introduction to modular programming • Use conditional branching to perform decisions • Implement for-loops, macros and recursion • Implement modular programming using subroutines • Present functional debugging as a method to test software

  3. 5.1 Modular Design • Successive refinement was introduced in Section 1.6 of the text. • Reasons for Modular Design • Functional Abstraction allows resuse of software modules. • Complexity Abstraction allows the division of a complex system into less complicated components. • Portability—hardware details can be isolated—sometimes called Hardware Abstraction. • Security—the hiding of details and restriction of access makes the system more secure.

  4. 5.1.1 Definitions and Goals • Program Module —a self-contained task with clear entry and exit points. • Entry Point —In C this is the header file; in assembly it is the list of public subroutines that can be called. • Exit Point —ending point of a software module. • In most embedded systems the main program does not exit. • An object could be a subroutine or data element; a public object is one that is shared by multiple modules; a private object is not shared. • I/O devices should be private—i.e. used by only one module.

  5. 5.1.2 Functions, Procedures, methods, and Subroutines • A subroutine is the assembly language version of a function, and may or may not have input or output parameters. • A subroutine begins with a label (the name). • A subroutine ends with the rts instruction. • A bsr or jsr instruction is used to call a subroutine if there are input parameters. • Registers can be used to implement “call by value.” (see Figure 5.1 on page 155.)

  6. 5.1.3 Dividing a Software Task into Modules • Coupling—the influence one module’s behavior has on another module. • Coupling is to be minimized enhance clarity and to make modules more independent. • Quantitative measurement of coupling—the number of bytes per second (bandwidth) that are transferred from one module to another. • It is poor design to pass data through public global variables—a FIFO queue is better.

  7. 5.1.3 (cont.) • Each module should be assigned a logically complete task. • A module is logically complete when it can be separated from one system and placed into a second system.

  8. Checkpoint • Checkpoint 5.2 List some examples of coupling. • Parameters passed • Shared globals • Functions called • Shared I/O devices

  9. Example—Breaking a Software System into Modules • Figure 5.2 of Volvano (page 157). • System goal • Sample ADC • Perform calculations on the data • Output results • From the figure– set of tasks at the beginning, followed by a long list of tasks. • Linear approach is shown on the left. • Modular approach (main program—3 modules)

  10. Modular Approach Example • Subroutines • ADC_Init, ADC_In (module 1) • SCI_Init, SCI)_Out (module 2) • Module 3 • Math_Calc (has private subroutines, Sort and Average) • Sort (called twice by Math_Calc) • Average • Easier to understand and debug.

  11. Possible Changes/Debugging/Reuse • SCI subroutine could be replaced directly with LCD subroutine (LCD_Init, LCD_Out). • Debugging • Each subroutine can be debugged. • Then each module can be debugged. • Then debug the entire system. • Reuse • Example, the ADC module could be used in another system.

  12. Call Graph and Data Flow Graph for the Example System • Figure 5.3,Call Graph, Valvano’s text, page 159. • Figure 5.4, Data Flow Graph

  13. 5.2 Making Decisions • 5.2.1 Conditional Branch Instructions • Chapter 3 introduced the following: bcc, bcs, beq, bne, bmi, bpl, bra, brn, bvc, bvs, and jmp. • Unsigned branches that follow a subtract, compare, or test instruction: • blo—branch if unsigned less than • bls—branch if unsigned less than or equal to • bhs—branch if unsigned greater than or equal to • bhi—branch if unsigned greater than

  14. More Conditional Branches • Signed branch instructions follow a subtract, compare or test. • Signed branch instructions: • bit—branch if signed less than • bge—branch if signed greater than or equal to • bgt—branch if signed greater than • ble—branch if signed greater than or equal to

  15. 5.2.2 Conditional if-then Statements • Performing Comparisons • Read first value into a register. • Compare the first value with the second. • Subtract (suba, subb subd) • Compare (cmpa, cmpb, cpd, cpx, cpy) • Conditional Branch (CCR is set after above operations.) • Program 5.1, page 163 of Valvano (G1, G2 are the two variables)

  16. 5.2.3 Conditional if-then-else Statements • Unconditional Branch • Can be used to provide “else” • See Figure 5.7, page 166. • See Program 5.6, page 166.

  17. 5.2.4 While Loops • While and Do-While Structure • Microcomputer is waiting for some event. • Program 5.7 (page 167) • Figure 5.8 (page 166).

  18. 5.2.5 For Loops • Special case of Do-While. • Convenient way to perform repetitive operations. • Figure 5.9 illustrates two ways: counting up and counting down. • Freescale has convenient set of instructions: dbeq, dbne, ibeq, ibne, tbeq, tbne. • See bottom of page 167 • (3-byte instructions) • Example: dbeq r, target; decrement register r, and branch to target if r is equal to zero.

  19. 5.3 Macros • Definition—a template for a sequence of instructions. • Name • Code Sequence • A macro is invoked using its name—then the code sequence is placed in the assembly language program by the assembler—a “copy and paste” –like proceedure.

  20. Three Parts of a Macro • The header—MACRO directive and label. • The code sequence, including arguments as needed. • The ENDM directive, terminating the macro.

  21. Macro Example • See text, page 168 and 169. • negd: MACRO coma comb addd #1 ENDM

  22. Recursion • Recursive Program—one that calls itself. • The stack can be used to separate the parameters, variables, and register values for each instantiation.

  23. 5.3 Writing Quality Software • 5.5.1 Assembly Language Style • Names should have Meaning • Avoid Ambiguities—do not use variable names that are vague or have more than one meaning. • Give hints about the type • DataPt (pointer) • timeBuf(data buffer)

  24. 5.5.1 Assembly Language Style (cont.) • 4. Use the same name to refer to the same type of object (i,j,k as indices, V1 and R1 could refer to voltage and resistance). • 5. Use a prefix for public objects (MIN_PRESSURE) • 6. Use upper and lower case to specify the scope of an object. • 7. Use capitalization to delimit words • Table 5.3 gives other examples.

  25. 5.5.1 Assembly Language Style (cont.) • 8. The single entry point is at the top of a subroutine—comments could be used. • 9. A single exit point is at the bottom. • 10. Write structured programs—use if, if-else, do-while, while, for, and switch structures. • 11. Register values should be saved.

  26. 5.5.1 Assembly Language Style (cont.) • 12. Use high-level languages whenever possible. • 13. Minimize conditional branching.

  27. 5.5.2 Comments • Valvano says that comments are the least important aspect involved in writing quality software. • The assumption is that it is better to write well-organized software with simple interfaces (see bottom of page 177). • Examples are shown on page 177-188.

  28. 5.5.3 Inappropriate I/O and Portability • “Portability is diminished when it is littered with user input/output.”—page 179

  29. 5.6 How Assemblers Work • Usually two passes are required. • First—a mapping between symbolic names and their numeric values is made—a Symbol Table. • Second—the object file is created. • Definitions to remember: • Source code —a file of characters usually created with an editor—assembler processes the label, opcode, and operands field. • Object code is the binary values produced. • Listing —address, object code, and source code.

  30. Checkpoints • Checkpoint 5.20: What does the assembler do in pass 1? • Checkpoint 5.21: What does the assembler do in pass 2?

  31. 5.7 Functional Debugging • Stabilize the system—create a test routine that fixes (stabilizes) all the inputs. • Single Stepping • Breakpoints—software will execute up to this point and then stop for logging information. Scanpoints record data when executed, but do not stop the execution. • Conditional Breakpoints • Instrumentation: Print Statements (problems discussed—page 181.

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