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USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention and FAA Hiring Practices

USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention and FAA Hiring Practices. POC: Lt Col Mike Munn. FAA Hiring Practices. Background.

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USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention and FAA Hiring Practices

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  1. USAF Air Traffic Controller Retention andFAA Hiring Practices POC: Lt Col Mike Munn

  2. FAA Hiring Practices Background • During a recent visit to Luke AFB, the AF/CV was asked about FAA hiring practices. The AF controller community is concerned that the FAA won’t hire military controllers over 31 years old. AF/CV wants to discuss issue in person with AF/XO.

  3. FAA Air Traffic Control Hiring • Public Law 92-297 allows DOT to establish maximum entry age limit for appointment to FAA • DOT policy person must be appointed prior to age 31 • FAA 1999 wage scale increased salaries by 30% • FAA radar controller estimate base salary $89-121K • USAF controllers seeking jobs with the FAA will continue to negatively impact the AF mission Source: HQ FAA/AAT-5

  4. FAA Hiring Pattern FY 94 - 137 FY 99 - 265/350 FY 95 - 157 FY 00 - 265 FY 96 - 102 FY 01 - 265 FY 97 - 671 FY 02 - 565 FY 98 - 834 FY 03 - 1165 Note: FY 99 - 03 FAA projected hiring based on projected retirements and normal attrition. Line controller and facility management levels capped at 15,000. (Does not include personnel at HQ FAA.) Source: HQ FAA/AAT-5

  5. Military Annual Standard Composites Pay FY 99 Note1:Active AF Standard Composite Rates: Use to estimate cost of military personnel Note2: Includes miscellaneous (BAS, FSA, Social Security Tax, SDAP, clothing allowance, etc) retired pay accrual, BAH, PCS cost, incentive special pay Source: SAF/FMBOP

  6. USAF Pay RaisesFY99 - Beyond Note: SAF/FMB projects future pay raises at 3.9% beyond FY01 Source: SAF/FMBOP

  7. Pay Comparison • Awaiting AF/DPRC inputs. Source: AF/DPRC

  8. FAA-USAF Pay Comparison Base Pay & Locality Pay Differential Base Pay Source: SAF/FMOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  9. Recommendations • Stop pursuing age policy exemption • Forge agreement with FAA to only hire controllers with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 years service • AF should retain re-enlistment incentives for 18-24 months • Restructure ATC career field to support AEF and return facility manning levels to 95 percent

  10. Backup Slides

  11. ATC 2005 New ATC Road Map based on AEF mission • Short Term Goals (FY99-00) • Contract or hire GS civilian controllers: • Keesler ATC Technical Training School staff • Low traffic density VFR towers • AOF staff positions (TERPS and Training) • Conduct studies of CONUS units based on hours of operation, traffic count, airspace, mission requirements

  12. ATC 2005 • Medium Range Goals (FY00-02) • Select candidate CONUS ATC locations for downsizing and force restructure • Assess impact of proposed changes with FAA, MAJCOMs, AF/DP and XP • Present plan to AF/XO • Garner buy-in from MAJCOMs • Implement restructure plan

  13. ATC 2005 • End State (FY02-05) • Build down to actual ATC requirements • Reallocate any excess resources

  14. Average Sew On Times Source: AF/DPRC

  15. Reenlistment Rates SEP RNL TOT RNL TERM PERIOD ELIG ELIG RNL RATE 1ST FY98 125 95 34 .39 AF AVG .54 FY99/01 30 23 10 .44 AF AVG .44 2ND FY98 287 225 115 .51 AF AVG .69 FY99/01 79 61 31 .51 AF AVG .68 CAREERFY 98 404 222 197 .89 AF AVG .92 FY99/01 98 66 57 .86 AF AVG .90 SOURCE: USAF/DPRS

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