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The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Glasgow City Primary Schools

The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Glasgow City Primary Schools. Louise Marryat, Researcher. Presentation outline. What is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)? Why are we are we collecting these data? How can schools use results? What have we found so far?.

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The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Glasgow City Primary Schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Glasgow City Primary Schools Louise Marryat, Researcher

  2. Presentation outline • What is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)? • Why are we are we collecting these data? • How can schools use results? • What have we found so far?

  3. What is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire?

  4. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (www.sdqinfo.org) • A brief behavioural screening questionnaire for 3-16 year olds. • 2 versions – 3-4 years, 4-16 years • Can be completed by teachers, parents, or children (11-15 yrs) • Already used: • as before- and after- measure • as a population measure of children’s wellbeing e.g. ‘Growing up in Scotland study’ • as part of the annual assessment of looked-after children in England • routinely in Glasgow as part of ‘Nurture Group’ assessment • NOT a diagnostic tool

  5. The SDQ domains

  6. SDQs in Glasgow

  7. When are we collecting SDQs in Glasgow?

  8. Why are SDQs being collected in Glasgow? • Part of the Evaluation of the Parenting Support Framework in Glasgow City • Explore levels of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in Glasgow • Look at individual difficulties across childhood

  9. How are SDQs being used in Glasgow? • Part of a wider parenting evaluation • Part of the transition documentation • To inform Education Services/NHS • For use in schools • Big Noise evaluation

  10. What do schools receive and what can they do with results?

  11. What schools receive e.g. Results passed to P1 staff at transition:

  12. How can SDQs be used in schools? • Formalises measures of social/emotional development • Creates a shared language • Used for class/seat planning • An ‘early warning system’ to highlight children who may need extra support • A document to go back to if problems arise later • To highlight where additional training may be required by a teacher • As a baseline for tracking progress • Any other suggestions?

  13. What do preschool staff say about the SDQ? • “it gives people a wee bit more insight into this wee one, he could be a wee Einstein but…no social skills” Nursery Head n.9 • “it also highlighted some wee children that maybe we had never actually thought about (in this way) before” Nursery Head n.4

  14. Staff views of the P3/6 Pilot • “It definitely makes you think about the pupil. Because although we often have to consider that pupil, their behaviours and so on, not a lot of the time do you actually sit down and think about a pattern you see about things.” [P3 staff] • “Well, for myself it’s an eye opener, you know, that many children in the survey feel like that... for adults, its enlightening for us, and the children, I think it’s comforting for them to know that.” [P6 staff]

  15. What have we found out so far?

  16. 30 month findings • 3-8% of children had indications of language difficulties • 8.8% had likely total difficulties on the SDQ • 13.4% having difficulties with conduct problems • Substantial overlaps between SDQ subscale scores • Children with difficulties on the SDQ are about 3xas likely to have language delay than those with no difficulties • Most children with difficulties on SDQ or language assessments were in the lowest (“core”) category of developmental risk

  17. Preschool “Likely Difficulties” on subscales by year: 2010 to 2013

  18. 2013: Preschool girls vs. Boys likely difficulties

  19. 2010-2012 Preschool results: SDQ scores once level of deprivation etc. Is taken account of. Red = worse Cream = average Green = better

  20. P3 “Likely Difficulties” on subscales cohort: 2012 pilot; 2013; UK 5-10 yrs

  21. P3 Pilot results by gender

  22. Proportion of boys in Glasgow with likely difficulties by age

  23. Joining up the data: School Inductions 2012

  24. Linking data – Who attends School induction/Triple P seminars?

  25. Linking data – Who attends School induction/Triple P seminars?

  26. Acknowledgements • The EY establishments, parents and primary staff who took part • John Butcher, Morag Gunion, Amanda Kerr, Dr Michele McClung, and City of Glasgow Education Services • Prof. Phil Wilson Dr Lucy Thompson, Dr Jane White and Fiona Sim • Dr Graham Connelly • Kim Jones, Sheena McGowan, Elsa Ekevall & Kelly Chung • Dr Sarah Barry (Robertson Centre for Biostatistics)

  27. Thank you. louise.marryat@glasgow.ac.uk www.glasgow.ac.uk/psfevaluation

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