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Pragmatic Portfolio Project. Requirements…. Requirements for Pragmatic Portfolio Project. Create a binder # , a collection of practical items useful to you that meets the following requirements ## …
Pragmatic Portfolio Project Requirements…
Requirements for Pragmatic Portfolio Project • Create a binder#, a collection of practical items useful to you that meets the following requirements##… • Topic: Your potential career from an ecological perspective or something of particular interest to you from an ecological perspective. • Include: • A section for articles that I give you, starting with the directions for this project and Mortimer Adler’s essay, How to Mark a Book. • A section for college information including: the name of your first choice college (also include your second choice if you are truly debating between two schools); degree type; semester-by-semester requirements for the degree; course descriptions for each course you will take to earn the degree; any additional necessities (GPA, certificate exams, internships, etc.) If you choose the “something of particular interest to you” option you need not include this in your binder; hand it in separately. • A book review section including a trade book review with chapter-by-chapter summaries that include 1) chapter title, 2) annotation*, and 3) reflection statement. This book must directly relate to your topic and the environment. Include reviews of any other books you read for this project in this section; books beyond the first book may deviate from the environmental theme with prior approval • A section for reviews of professional journal articles including at least four copies of articles from professional journals on your topic, marked the way Mortimer Adler told you, and with annotated bibliographies+ • A section for reviews of feature magazine articles including at least four copies of feature articles from magazines on your topic, marked the way Mortimer Adler told you, and with annotated bibliographies • Ten separate and relevant artifacts+ + each with titles and annotations • A section for reflections/essays etc. on class activities as specified my Mr. Ross for the remainder of the course • Completed Weekly Planning Sheets, Beginning November 21 until end of project. (You are responsible for printing these.) Binder sections will be denoted using Roman numeral-outline format
The symbols decoded • # I imagine that the final product will fit into a 3-inch binder—maybe bigger, maybe smaller—depending on what your artifacts are. • ## Each of the following requirement areas should be its own section in the binder. Make it excellent, neat. Use page protectors and those cool little colored tabs. • * Annotation—an annotation is a properly formatted summarizing paragraph • + Annotated bibliography—an annotated bibliography is a properly formatted summarizing paragraph accompanied by a properly formatted bibliographic citation (MLA). • ++ Artifacts include things like photographs, CDs, brochures, newspaper articles, magazine articles, essays, physical objects (ticket stubs to an event,) writings, reflections, poems, copies of emails you’ve sent to people who assisted your project, etc.), evidence of a project you’ve undertaken for this assignment, etc. Use your imagination. Think of this as the show-and-tell section of your binder. Twenty photographs count as one artifact; your artifacts must be diverse.
Be advised… …to meet the requirements will earn you a 75%, C for the binder. In order to earn a ‘B’ or an ‘A’ you must go above-and-beyond; read more books; do more things; design a project to get your story out; work with other people, understand the way they feel; have fun, play; and enhance the meaning of your topic for you and for others.* *This is based on the book A Whole New Mind, Why right-brainers will rule the future, by Daniel Pink. It is a book that I recommend you read.
Remember… • If you’re thinking of this project as something useful that you can take with you to college or on to your next project then you’re thinking of it the same way that Dr. Adler and I are.