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Mla style: why we cite our sources

Mla style: why we cite our sources. A Video Tutorial. Table of Contents. TABLE OF contents. Citing with Word: Step by Step. What is Plagiarism?. Why Citing is Good. Now You Try it. . Introducing Dr. U!. All About MLA. Citing Sources 101. What is plagiarism?.

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Mla style: why we cite our sources

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  1. Mla style: why we cite our sources A Video Tutorial Table of Contents English III - Junior Research Project

  2. TABLE OF contents Citing with Word: Step by Step What is Plagiarism? Why Citing is Good Now You Try it. Introducing Dr. U! All About MLA Citing Sources 101 English III - Junior Research Project

  3. What is plagiarism? English III - Junior Research Project

  4. WHY SHOULD I CITE MY SOURCES? English III - Junior Research Project

  5. INTRODUCING DR. UMENTATION! English III - Junior Research Project

  6. ALL ABOUT MLA STYLE – NOTES HERE WOULD BE GOOD! English III - Junior Research Project

  7. A LESSON ON CITING – TAKE NOTES!!! English III - Junior Research Project

  8. THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE GOING TO SHOW YOU IN DETAIL HOW TO FIND, CITE, AND CREATE YOUR SOURCES & WORKS CITED PAGE Using Microsoft Word to Cite your Sources and Create your Works Cited Page English III - Junior Research Project

  9. Using the research sites provided to find your topic. English III - Junior Research Project

  10. Find an interesting fact or quote about your topic. English III - Junior Research Project

  11. Read & Highlight quote or comment that interests you. English III - Junior Research Project

  12. "It is difficult to estimate the number of persons who currently work, or have ever worked as prostitutes for many reasons including the various definitions of prostitution. National arrest figures [in the United States] range over 100,000. The National Task Force on Prostitution suggests that over one million people in the US have worked as prostitutes in the United States, or about 1% of American women." Highlight a quote, fact, or comment you would want to use in your paper. English III - Junior Research Project

  13. So, you found your quote…now what? • First you want to get the correct citation for you quote. • Then it’s time to put it in your paper. • There are 2 ways to place a quote that is NOT YOURS in your paper. • Paraphrase • Direct Quote English III - Junior Research Project

  14. Paraphrase Direct Quote • Must summarize the quote yourself • Increased risk of plagiarism • Quote may lose some of its intensity • Can type or copy quote verbatim (word for word) • No fear of plagiarism • Able to maintain quote’s legitimacy A summary in your words Straight for the Horse’s Mouth English III - Junior Research Project

  15. Your words of introduction to your paper. Your words of introduction to your paper. Your words of introduction to your paper. Fact 1. Fact 2. “The National Task Force on Prostitution suggests that over one million people in the US have worked as prostitutes in the United States, or about 1% of American women (AUTHOR, pg. #).” Place your direct quote in “quotations” English III - Junior Research Project

  16. 1. Type or copy + past quote into body of your paper. MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THE FONT IF NEEDED!! English III - Junior Research Project

  17. 2. Select the References Tab in Microsoft Word 2007 . English III - Junior Research Project

  18. 3. Click on the “REFERENCES” Tab Click on the “STYLE” button Scroll down and SELECT “MLA” English III - Junior Research Project

  19. 4. From “REFERENCE” Tab: Select “MANAGE SOURCES” English III - Junior Research Project

  20. 5. Next Select the “TYPE” of Source – “DOCUMENT FROM WEB SITE English III - Junior Research Project

  21. Select “OK” 6. Complete all necessary information that you can. If your source DOES NOT have an AUTHOR, leave it BLANK. English III - Junior Research Project

  22. 5. Select “INSERT CITATION” and Select the Appropriate citation for the quote you just typed. Make sure cursor is at the END of quote you just typed or Copy+Pasted English III - Junior Research Project

  23. 6. Select the Correct Citation for the Quote used English III - Junior Research Project

  24. English III - Junior Research Project

  25. Final step is to create your “Works Cited” page. Click on References tab then “BIBLIOGRAPHY” tab. English III - Junior Research Project

  26. Select “Works Cited” English III - Junior Research Project

  27. Your list of sources will be populated for you and in alphabetical order. Make sure that the words “Works Cited” are centered! English III - Junior Research Project

  28. Q & A Answer the following questions in the text box provided below. What does MLA stand for? What is Plagiarism? What does MLA stand for? What does MLA stand for? What does MLA stand for? What does MLA stand for?

  29. English III - Junior Research Project

  30. Now you try it? Complete MLA Worksheet#1 “Paraphrase, Direct Quote, and Citing.” English III - Junior Research Project

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