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JEOPARDY. Definitions. Penalties. Rules. Measure. The Ref. Linesman. Potpourri. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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  1. JEOPARDY Definitions Penalties Rules Measure The Ref Linesman Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

  2. JEOPARDY Which penalties are considered stick infractions for the purpose of a Game Ejection ? Definitions - 100 Slashing, High Sticking, Cross-Checking, Spearing, and Butt Ending (Rule 28 ( f ))

  3. JEOPARDY What penalty(s) should be assessed a player who injures a player as a result of a body check ? Penalties - 100 Major plus Game Misconduct (Rule 50 ( a ))

  4. JEOPARDY A minor penalty, or at the discretion of the Referee, a Major and a Game Misconduct shall be assessed to any player who checks or intimidates a player while carrying her stick above the _____ of his opponent. Rules - 100 SHOULDER (Rule 62 ( a ))

  5. JEOPARDY Where should a stick measurement be taken and what equipment should be used? Measurements - 100 At the Referee crease A tape measure or stick gauge (Rule 21 ( f ))

  6. JEOPARDY When does the Referee use the line change procedure? The Referee - 100 Every stoppage of play (Procedure Manual Section 4)

  7. JEOPARDY What arm does an official raise to signal a delayed offside at the blue line ? Linesmen - 100 Her non whistle arm (Procedure Manual Section 5)

  8. JEOPARDY Potpourri - 100 What is the name of the Technical Director of Officials for the OMHA? Mr. Rick Morphew

  9. JEOPARDY What is the definition of Home Base ? Definitions - 200 1/2 way between the hash marks and the goal line 6-8 inches off the boards. (Procedures Manual Section 6)

  10. JEOPARDY What penalty(s) is assessed to a team official who verbally taunts, insults or intimidates a players based on discriminatory grounds ? Penalties - 200 Game Misconduct or Gross Misconduct at the discretion of the referee (Rule 47 ( f ))

  11. JEOPARDY What penalty must be assessed to a player receiving his second misconduct penalty of the game ? Rules - 200 Game Misconduct (Rule 31 ( c ))

  12. JEOPARDY What penalties are assessed to a player who cross-checks a player above the normal height of their shoulders ? The Referee - 200 Major plus a Game Misconduct (Rule 54 (b ))

  13. JEOPARDY Measurements - 200 What is the maximum length allowed for a players stick ? 63 inches (Rule 21 ( b ))

  14. JEOPARDY Linesmen - 200 What is the determining factor for off-side when the puck has completely crossed the blue line ? Position of the players skates (Rule 72 ( c ))

  15. JEOPARDY How many Levels are there in the HCOP Program ? Potpourri - 200 6

  16. JEOPARDY Give the full definition of a “Short-handed ” Definitions - 300 Shorthanded means that a team is below the numerical of it’s opponent on the ice (Glossary)

  17. JEOPARDY What penalty is assessed to a player who injures an Opponent by kneeing or elbowing ? Penalties - 300 Major plus a Game Misconduct (Rule 56 ( b ))

  18. JEOPARDY A player from team A is assessed a Minor and Major Penalty at the same time. Which penalty is served first ? Rules - 300 The Major is served first in all cases (Rule 28 ( c ))

  19. JEOPARDY In ounces, how much does a regulation puck weigh? Measure- 300 5 ½ to 6 ounces

  20. JEOPARDY Team A is short handed. The Referee signals a delayed Penalty on team A. Team B scores before the penalty can be assessed. What penalties (if any) are now in effect ? The Referee - 300 The penalty being served is terminated and the delayed penalty is assessed and served in the normal manor. (Rule 28 ( b ))

  21. JEOPARDY Can a Linesman report a Checking from Behind infraction? Linesmen - 300 Only if it calls for a Major or Match (Rule 42 ( d ) Situation 8)

  22. JEOPARDY If 2 players from the same team are on a breakaway and the player in control of the puck is fouled from behind causing him to lose control of the puck and his teammate picks up the puck and gets a clear shot on goal but does not score is a penalty shot awarded to the player denied the scoring opportunity ? Potpourri - 300 YES (Rule 35 Situation 2)

  23. JEOPARDY Name the 9 classes of penalties Definitions - 400 Minor, Bench Minor, Major, Misconduct, Game Ejection, Game Misconduct, Gross Misconduct, Match, and Penalty Shot (Rule 27 ( a ))

  24. JEOPARDY A trainer sprays water on or at an official and is identifiable. What Penalty(s) is assessed ? Penalties - 400 Bench Minor plus a Gross Misconduct (Rule 33 ( b ) Sit 3)

  25. JEOPARDY Can a player not wearing a “ C “ or “ A “ request a measurement of any kind? Rules - 400 No. (Rule 18 ( b ) Situation 6)

  26. JEOPARDY Measurement - 400 Can a goal be disallowed as a result of any kind measurement ? No. (Measurement Guidelines ( 6 ))

  27. JEOPARDY During a fight the Referee instructs all other players to go to their respective bench or a designated neutral area. What penalty is assessed to player who fails to do so after being instructed to by the Referee ? The Referee - 400 Misconduct Penalty (Rule 59 ( a )(5))

  28. JEOPARDY The puck is shot by a player from being her blue line. A potential icing is signaled by the back linesman. An opposing player is within 10 ft. of the bench and a sub comes onto the ice as the puck passes within reach of the 2 players. Neither player makes an attempt to play the puck and it proceeds down the ice and crosses the goal line. Is this Icing ? Linesmen - 400 No icing Rule 65 Situation 16

  29. JEOPARDY What are the dimensions (in feet) of a regulation sized rink ? Potpourri - 400 200 feet long by 100 feet wide (Rule 2 ( a ))

  30. JEOPARDY What is the definition of the Aggressor in a fight ? Definitions - 500 The player attempting to continue a fight by throwing or attempting to throw punches, or by continuing the grappling action with his opponent with the intent of intimidation or punishment. (Glossary)

  31. JEOPARDY A - 3 5 + 2 B - 10 2 A - 4 5 B - 11 5 + 2 A - 5 5 + 2 + 2 B - 12 2 B - 13 5 + 5 + 2 + Gm Penalties - 500 On ice strength of both teams ? A 6 / B 5 What time penalties are served ? B 12 2 min

  32. JEOPARDY What penalty should be assessed a Captain or Alternate Captain who leaves their players bench to discuss any interpretation of the rules with the Referee ? Rules - 500 Minor Penalty for Delay of Game (Rule 18 ( f ))

  33. JEOPARDY What is the maximum curvature allowed for a players stick ? Measurements - 500 No limitation. (Rule 21 ( b ) Situation 1)

  34. JEOPARDY A player unfastens his helmet and challenges an opponent to a fight. What happens if : A) there is no fight ? B) his helmet comes off during a fight ? The Referee - 500 A) Assess a Misconduct B) Assess a Gross Misconduct (Rule 24 Clarification 1 & 2)

  35. JEOPARDY Can the linesmen report a double Minor penalty for spearing to the Referee? Linesmen - 500 Yes, during the first stoppage of play. (Rule 42 ( d ) Situation 4)

  36. JEOPARDY A player deliberately throws his stick , but not at the puck or puck carrier. What penalty is assessed ? Potpourri - 500 A Minor Penalty (Rule 82 ( c ))

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