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Jeopardy. The French and Indian War. Acts. Boston. People. Causes and Effects. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. Final Jeopardy.

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  1. Jeopardy The French and Indian War Acts Boston People Causes and Effects $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. What was one major effect for the French after the French and Indian War ended? France lost its land in North America. 1 - $100

  3. 1 - $200 • How did the colonists react to the Proclamation of 1763? • They were angry with King George III and ignored his rule about moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. They used power without authority and went against the King’s rule.

  4. 1 - $300 • Why did Britain begin taxing the colonists? • To pay off the war debts from the French and Indian War.

  5. 1 - $400 • Was King George using power WITH authority or power WITHOUT authority when he passed the Proclamation of 1763? • Power WITH authority

  6. 1 - $500 • What did the Proclamation of 1763 say? Why did King George pass this law? • That the colonists could not claim land west of the Appalachian Mountains. This land was to be reserved for the Native Americans. King George passed this law to avoid further problems with the Native Americans.

  7. 2 - $100 • Why did the British government pass the Stamp Act? • They wanted more money to pay off the debts from the French and Indian War.

  8. 2 - $200 • What caused King George to pass the Intolerable Act? • As a punishment for the Boston Tea Party

  9. 2 - $300 • How did the colonists react to the Intolerable Acts? • They united and helped Boston by sending food and supplies.

  10. 2 - $400 • How did the colonists react to the Townshend Acts? • By boycotting all British goods.

  11. 2 - $500 • What was the Sugar Act? • A high tax was placed on molasses.

  12. 3 - $100 • What was the Boston Tea Party an effect of? • It was a protest of the high taxes given by the King.

  13. 3 - $200 • What was an effect of the Boston Massacre? • The colonists did not feel that Britain had any right to rule over them.

  14. 3 - $300 • What was a main cause of the Boston Massacre? • Many British soldiers were being sent to the colonies to keep order. The colonists were protesting and violence broke out.

  15. 3 - $400 • The Intolerable Acts was a punishment for what event? • The Boston Tea Party

  16. 3 - $500 • Why would the closing of the Boston Harbor be a big problem for the colonists? • It would negatively affect their ability to trade and get needed supplies.

  17. 4 - $100 • What was George Washington’s role in the American Revolution? • He was the general of the colonial army.

  18. 4 - $200 • What was Sam Adam’s role in the American Revolution? • He organized protests against the British

  19. 4 - $300 • What did the First Continental Congress decide? • They decided to boycott trade with Britain until the Intolerable Acts were stopped.

  20. 4 - $400 • What did Benjamin Franklin want to accomplish with his “Join, or Die” cartoon? • To unite the colonies against Britain

  21. 4 - $500 • How did Patrick Henry share his message about going to war against England? • He gave his, “Give me Liberty, or Give Me Death!” speech

  22. 5 - $100 • What was an effect of the Stamp Act (and a big reason for the Revolutionary War)? • The colonists felt that they were being treated unfairly by the British government. They did not like having to pay taxes with be represented in the government of England. (Taxation without representation!)

  23. 5 - $200 • If I add 4 ½ + 6 1/3, I will get • 10 5/6

  24. 5 - $300 • If I subtract 7 ¼ - 2 5/8, I will get • 4 5/8

  25. 5 - $400 • If I divide 4,359 by 19, I will get • 229 remainder 8

  26. 5 - $500 • If I multiply 25.6 x 5.3, I will get • 135.68

  27. Final Jeopardy • Define “physical adaptation” and “behavioral adaptation” and give an example of each using a real animal. • Answers will vary

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