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  3. THE HEADER • A girl in hijab which symbolize us as a Muslim. • Colorful alphabets which symbolize our theme “Islamization of Sociolinguistics”

  4. THE BACKGROUND • Varieties of colors which symbolize the diversity of cultures, languages and norms that we have all over the world. • Cheerful and attractive colors • The shape • THE ENTRIES • Started every entry with Assalamualaikum or Bismillah.

  5. Why “Sociolinguistics”? • Sociolinguistics- Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society.  • Interesting to learn and find out about others. • Understanding language in society. • computer would be the best medium to reach people across the world whom might not be reachable through other methods.

  6. THE CONTENT Introduction about the bloggers Mukaddimah of the Islamization of Sociolinguistics Reflections from Week 1 to Week 11 Group Discussions Graded Assignments 1 and 2 Overall Reflections


  8. HISTORY OF CALL • ponder and contemplate upon the best way in learning and getting knowledge. • world that full of technology. • alleviate the pains of humanity and advance human progress is highly applauded and appreciated in Islam. • excel in all fields of life; science, knowledge, business, industry, charity and political activism. • seek knowledge and get deep understanding about Islam. • “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge” (20:114)

  9. E-PORTFOLIO • more appealing than the traditional portfolio. • good platform for us to share knowledge with others.  • opportunity in spreading knowledge about Islam and propagate Islam throughout the world.  • “Sabl bin Mu’ddh bin Anas narrated from his father that the Prophet I said: “Whoever teaches some knowledge will have the reward of the one who acts upon it, without that detracting from his reward in the slightest.” • ( SunanIbn e Majah, Book of Sunnah, Hadith no 240)

  10. ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE • Who, How, and Why? • Responsibility as Muslim and Khalifah of Allah • Ponder back the to the oneness of Allah • Promote the concept of islamization for the sake of Allah. • the process of trying to make things right. 

  11. ISLAMIZATION OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS • valuable gift which is A’ql by Allah. • Interaction or communication as a medium used by people to strengthen the relationship with other people.  • language is very important to convey the message of Allah ; to give advice to the other brothers and sisters. • Through language itself, man will be able to share ideas that may be beneficial to the other Muslim regardless of any cultures. • SurahAr-Rum verse. 22, that: • ‘And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages, and your colors: Verily in that are signs for those who know.’

  12. CALL IN LANGUAGE SKILLS (LSRWG) • one of the technologies that help us a lot in our process of gaining knowledge where we are able to access to the internet. • helps them better in their creativity and teaching skills. • spread and share our knowledge faster than we do it manually and by steps. • preaching and communicating with others as people who communicate well will look far more convincing in guiding our brothers and sisters to the path of Islam.   

  13. EFFECTIVE POWERPOINT BY VICTOR CHEN • audiences will focus and can grasp our main intention in delivering the presentation. • could be applied when approaching others towards Islam. • opportunity and learn how present Islam in more modern ways and in line with today situations.

  14. COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION (CMC) • 2 types; Synchronous and Asynchronous.  • a way to spread and propagate Islam to the others. • CMC mode to show the writer’s emotions and feelings. • even without the spoken language, people can still communicate with the others using this (CMC). • make friends easily because of the technology improvement.

  15. CMC IN LANGUAGE LEARNING • In recent years, the use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) in EFL classrooms has been increasing. • CMC is very useful for us as a students because it can improve the way we communicate so that it will be more effective and interesting. • careful with the negative and positive effects using CMC. • Responsibility as a Muslim. • platform for us to spread the words of Allah and propagate Islam.

  16. CORPUS LINGUISTICS • refers to the body of text consisting millions of texts. • relies heavily on the use of computers to determine what rules govern the language and what patters (grammatical or lexical for instance) occur.  • Computer in corpus linguistics helps in giving reliability and accuracy. • Not only in English, people also come out with the Arabic corpus which is seemed to be very helpful as a guidance to all Muslims in this world. • can be used as procedures to examine the Islamic beliefs in order to look at the reliability of it. • have the ability to reduce the time needed to find particular words or phrases. 

  17. CONCORDANCER • great help in corpus linguistics as corpus linguistics is a representation of millions of words that has to be analysed.  • help the students to learn the language faster and easier. • help the students to check or reconfirm their assumptions about the way that language is used.

  18. LEXICOGRAPHY • Lexicography literally means the study of words. • multiple dictionaries that serve as an interpretation for the non-native speakers. • understand the language of the Quran better.  • fulfill the needs of those engaged in such a sacred task as propagating Islam.

  19. COMPUTATIONAL STYLISTICS • used to study the stylistic characteristics of particular texts, authors, genres, periods etc. • to achieve more accurate detection and explanation of such linguistic patterns. • group of people that involved in this area become easier. • they can analyzed the play, poems, novel, short stories etc by using the computer.

  20. FORENSIC LINGUISTICS • a branch of Applied Linguistics. • it helps a lot in solving the problem that is related to text and language that occurs in a crime. • Good choice for the student to further their future in the same field or things related to it. • brings benefit to the human nation.

  21. OVERALL REFLECTIONS • Effectiveness of CALL in language learning process. • balancing between the Western and also Islamic knowledge and also insight on Islamization of knowledge. • importance of teamwork, cooperation and patience.  • the significance of computer as an important tool in language learning. • know how to create blog and realize that blog is important not only for entertainment but also to share information and knowledge with others. • propagate Islam through our blog.

  22. “Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer – We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do.” • (An-Nahl, verse 97)


  24. GRADED ASSIGNMENT 1: SUMMARY OF EMPIRICAL ARTICLE ON CALL IN LANGUAGE SKILLS • Title: • A Preliminary Investigation of Supplemental Computer-Assisted Reading Instruction on the Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension of First-Grade African American Urban Students. • Journal: • Journal Of Behavioral Education, 20(4), page 260-282. • Objective: • This preliminary investigation examined the effects of a computerized supplemental reading program on the oral reading fluency, reading growth rates, and comprehension of 8 African American first graders. • Participants: • Eight African American first-grade students (six boys and two girls) participated in this study.

  25. Material: • Study materials included assessment materials, the Read Naturally software program, three laptops, and one desktop computer, a timer, tangible rewards, and teaching materials. • Findings: • Computer-based program such as Read Naturally Software Edition (RNSE) has the beneficial effects especially for the high-risk learners. It has been proved that the software make it effective to the RNSE as the supplemental instructional support.

  26. Reflection: • Through reading we can actually propagate our religion. So, we need to practice in order to be a good reader that’s not only know how to read but also comprehend it. Moreover, Allah SWT revealed the first ayah in the holy Quran which is Iqra’. Allah SWT said in the ayah, • READ in the name of your Lord and Cherisher who created…… • (verse 1)

  27. GRADED ASSIGNMENT 1: LESSON PLAN (READING SKILL) • Class: CFS Students, Advanced Level • Date: 13.3.2013 • Time: 80 minutes • Proficiency level of students: Advanced • Language skill: Reading • Objectives: • To improve their level on speed reading • Able to comprehend the text given • Able to use the computer as the source to improve their reading skill


  29. GRADED ASSIGNMENT 2 : SUMMARY OF JOURNALON CMC (ASYCHRONOUS) The Benefits of Facebook ‘‘Friends:’’ Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites Introduction This study examines the relationship between use of Facebook ,a popular online social network site and the formation and maintenance of social capital. Method A random sample of 800 Michigan State University (MSU) undergraduate students All 800 students were sent an email invitation from one of the authors.

  30. Measures • measures of facebook usage, • measures of psychological well-being • measures of social capital. Findings • Facebookhas garnered a very strong percentage of users on college campuses where 94% of the undergraduate students Facebook members: • spending between 10 and 30 minutes • having between 150 and 200 friends listed on their profile

  31. The researchers suggest that suggests : • Facebook primarily to maintain existing offline relationships. • Facebook is indeed implicated in students’ efforts to develop and maintain bridging social capital at college, although we cannot assess causal direction. • Students reporting low satisfaction and low self-esteem appeared to gain in bridging social capital if they used Facebook more intensely

  32. Discussion • There is a positive relationship between certain kinds of Facebook use and the maintenance and creation of social capital. • Facebook appears to play an important role in the process . • The participants overwhelmingly used Facebook to keep in touch with old friends and to maintain or intensify relationships. • Facebook might make it easier to convert weak ties into strength ties, in that the site provides personal information about others etc.

  33. Conclusion • online social network plays a big role in a society. • It suggests how SNSs help maintain relations as people move from one offline community to another. Reflections • Through CMC we can actually strengthen the bond between Muslim and non –Muslim. The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy.(Surahal-Hujuraat49:10)

  34. Link  Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook "friends:" Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 1. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol12/issue4/ellison.html

  35. GRADED ASSIGNMENT 2: ASYNCHRONOUS SOCIAL NETWORK (FACEBOOK), SUB-DIALECTS IN PERAK Introduction • What is asynchronous communication? • asynchronous communications occurs with time constraints. (e.g. email). People choose asynchronous communication like email for delayed, controlled and longer messages. • What is sub dialect? • a subdivision of dialect. • Sub dialects can be divided further, ultimately down to idiolects. • Normally sub dialects of one dialect are quite close to each other, differing mainly in pronunciation and certain local words.

  36. Sub dialects in Perak

  37. Literature Review • A research was conducted by Collins (1987) (the study to understand the issues of perspective on Malay dialect research in Malaysia.) • Different kind of perspectives is being investigated to see the use of different dialects used by people from different regional. • Each group or community holds its own dialects, cultural traits, values, religion and ethnic distinctiveness.

  38. Methodology A.Participants • People from different regions in Perak (with different sub dialects of Perak). • The participants were chosen randomly by the researcher through the facebook.

  39. B.Instrument • The results were measured using facebook as the medium to find the data for analysis. • Then the results were collected by the researcher to further explore the outcomes and results for the findings. • Then the results were calculated and tables were drawn to show differences of Malay dialect in Perak among people from different areas or communities.

  40. Table 1: analysis of the some words that used by the Facebook users in the comments.

  41. Discussion • 1) The main characteristic of the northern Perak is the -a final vocal is pronounced as /ɑ/ such as /a/ in "dark", which is varied from standard Malay -a that pronounced as /a/. • Other characteristics of the dialect are final consonant -r is pronounced as -q and final consonant -s is pronounced as -ih (e.g.:Lapar = Lapaq (Hungry), Lepas = Lepaih (release, after). • The northern Perak dialect is said to have a close linguistic affinity to Kedah Malay.

  42. 2. the southern part of Perak is using different kind of dialect. • This is also because of the geographical factors which the southern parts of Perak such as Ipoh, Manjung, Chemor and etc using standard Malay dialects. • The dialect is similar to the Kuala Lumpur or Johor dialects which is more standardize and easy to understand by other speakers. • The southern Perak’s dialect has less differences form the standard malay. The choice of words and phonological aspects is still the same

  43. 3. Lastly, the middle part of Perak such as Kuala Kangsar, Sungai Siput and etc are also speak different kind of dialect. • Some people said that the dialect spoken by the people is actually original Perakiandialect. • For this dialect, it has no influences compared the northern and southern part of Perak. • The choice of words, lexical, phonological features and etc of this dialect is different and unique on its own. • For example, the speakers replaced the word ‘teman’ for ‘saya’(I), ‘kome’ for ‘awak/kamu’(you) and etc

  44. Conclusion • So basically dialect variation is conveyed through its regional or social dimension. • The ways they express themselves are different though it might carry the same meaning to it. • For example, the word cries. In Northern Perak, they say it as nanges, in Southern Perak, they use the standard Malay which is menangis while in Middle Perak, they use teriak to indicate cries. • As part of the Malay society, the Malays of Perak have their own sub dialects which are different from other regions of Perak.

  45. Reflection • We can learn that every languages or dialects have their own uniqueness and distinctiveness. • Although we speak different languages or dialects still our aim is to propagate words of Allah SWT. • By learning others culture and dialects/language we can strengthen the bond and create mutual understanding with each other.

  46. References AsmahHj. Omar, 1976, The phonological diversity of the Malay dialects, Kuala Lumpur:DewanBahasadanPustaka. Collins, James T., 1988, Malay Dialect Research in Malaysia: The Issue of Perspective.(pg.236-264) Za'ba, 1962, IlmumengarangMelayu, Kuala Lumpur: DewanBahasadanPustaka. [Secondedition.]

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