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Explore the Commonwealth of Nations, Canada's geographical features, diverse population, official languages, economy, and national sports. Test your knowledge on Canada's facts and learn about famous landmarks and animals that call Canada home.

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  1. CANADA 1

  2. What is the Commonwealth of Nations? • Where is Canada situated? • What does it border on? • What is the area and population of Canada? • What is the climate like? • What is the surface of Canada like? • What origin are the Canadians? • Who gave the country its name? • Where do most of the inhabitants live? • What parts does Canada consist of? • What is the capital city? • What are the biggest cities of Canada? • What languages are spoken in Canada? • What is Canada´s economy based on? • What kind of state is Canada? • What are some characteristic Canadian sports?

  3. Decide if these sentences are true or false: 1/ Canada is the largest country in the world. 2/ Winters in Canada are short and bitter. 3/ The Rocky Mountains are in the eastern part of Canada. 4/ Canadians like fishing. 5/ A nature trek is a popular animal in Canada. 6/ Toronto is the capital city of Canada. 7/ French language is spoken in Quebec province. 8/ The population density in the Canadian North is very high. 9/ The highest peak of Canada is Mt.Logan. 10/ Alaska is a part of Canada. 11/ Nunavut is one of the provinces of Canada. 12/ The name Canada comes from the Indian word ´Kanata´.

  4. Which of these cities are in Canada? Auckland Montreal Calgary Wellington Melbourne Quebec Sydney Chicago Ottawa Canberra Vancouver Which of these are the Canadian territories? Manitoba Yukon Ontario Newfoundland Alberta Quebec Northwestern Territories British Columbia Nunavut Nova Scotia Saskatchewan New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Which of these places are not in Canada? Ayers Rock Mt.Logan Niagara Falls Rotorua Hudson Bay Great Barrier Rief Bondi Beach Lake Huron

  5. Describe the Canadian flag 2

  6. What do these pictures show? a b 4 3 c d 6 5

  7. These animals live in Canada. Do you know their names? 7 10 8 11 9

  8. Translate using on-line dictionary: The Commonwealth of Nations border surface origin original inhabitants consist of population density trek

  9. Řešení Decide if these sentences are true or false: 1/ Canada is the largest country in the world. F 2/ Winters in Canada are short and bitter. F 3/ The Rocky Mountains are in the eastern part of Canada. F 4/ Canadians like fishing. T 5/ A nature trek is a popular animal in Canada. F 6/ Toronto is the capital city of Canada. F 7/ French language is spoken in Quebec province. T 8/ The population density in the Canadian North is very high. F 9/ The highest peak of Canada is Mt.Logan. T 10/ Alaska is a part of Canada. F 11/ Nunavut is one of the provinces of Canada. T 12/ The name Canada comes from the Indian word ´Kanata´. T Which of these cities are in Canada? Montreal Calgary Quebec Ottawa Vancouver Which of these are the Canadian territories? Yukon Northwestern Territories Nunavut Which of these places are not in Canada? Ayers Rock Rotorua Great Barrier Rief Bondi Beach What do these pictures show? a/ Vancouver – Museum of Antrophology b/ the Royal Canadian Mounted Police c/ Calgary – a rodeo d/ the Canadian Horseshoe Falls These animals live in Canada. Do you know their names? 7 polar bears 8 seals 9 walruses 10 elks 11 whales Translate using on-line dictionary: The Commonwealth of Nations - Britské společenství národů consist of - skládat se z border - hranice population density - hustota obyvatel surface - povrch trek - vysokohorská túra origin - původ original inhabitants - původní obyvatelé

  10. Použité zdroje • Kanada-vseobecnogeograficka-mapa. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.ucebne- • pomocky.sk/produkt/2126/kanada-vseobecnogeograficka-mapa-160x120cm • 2. Flag ofCanada. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.olstars.com/en/flag/Canada • On thegroundsofthe Museum ofAnthropology. [cit. 10. 11. 2012] . Dostupné na: • http://www.aroundtheregion.com/vancouver/on-the-grounds-of-the-museum-of-anthropology/ • EYE, Jarvis, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride. [cit.10.11.2012]. Dostupné na: • http://www.flickr.com/photos/24609104@N06/6110793264/lightbox/ / • Cowboy on BuckingBronco In Calgary Stampede. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: • http://www.getintravel.com/the-calgary-stampede-the-largest-western-rodeo-in-the-world/cowboy-on-bucking-bronco-in-calgary-stampede-alberta-canada/ • Niagara FallsHorseshoeFalls. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://saypeople.com/2011/08/16/ • student-drowned-from-niagara-falls/#axzz2CatgLffF • 7. Bez názvu. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.ryot.org.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/cubsmomma2.jpg • 8. LifeofSeal. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://life-sea.blogspot.cz/2011/11/seal.html • 9. TheWalrus. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.marinebio.net/marinescience/04benthon/arcwalrus.htm • 10. Elkdescription. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: /http://www.animalcorner.co.uk/wildlife/elk.html • 11. Velryba jižní. [cit. 10. 11. 2012]. Dostupné na: http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/svet/206570-na-jachtu- dosedla-40tunova- • velryba.html

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