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SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Olympia is green and lush, amidst groves of trees. Here was the great Sanctuary of Zeus, the Altis, and the setting for the Olympic Games. For over a thousand years, in peace and war, the Greeks assembled here to celebrate this great festival. The simple crown
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Olympia is green and lush, amidst groves of trees. Here was the great Sanctuary of Zeus, the Altis, and the setting for the Olympic Games. For over a thousand years, in peace and war, the Greeks assembled here to celebrate this great festival. The simple crown of wild olive was sufficient to immortalize the victor, his family, and his city. Aerial view of sanctuary from SE
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading The ancient Olympics were rather different from the modern Games. There were fewer events, and only free men who spoke Greek could compete, instead of athletes from any country. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different sites every time. trainer watching wrestlers
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Like our Olympics, though, winningathletes were heroes who put theirhome towns on the map. One youngAthenian nobleman defended hispolitical reputation by mentioninghow he entered seven chariots in theOlympic chariot-race. This high number of entries made both thearistocrat and Athens look very wealthy and powerful. chariot race
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading The ancient Olympic Games, part ofa major religious festival honoringZeus, the chief Greek god, were thebiggest event in their world. Theywere the scene of political rivalriesbetween people from different partsof the Greek world, and the site ofcontroversies, boasts, public announcements and humiliations. map of some cities which sent competitorsto the Olympics in the 5th century B.C.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Where did the Olympic games come from? One myth says that the guardiansof the infant god Zeus held the first footrace, or that Zeus himself started the Games to celebrate his victory over his father Cronus for control of the world. Another tradition states that after the Greek hero Pelops won a chariot race against King Oenomaus to marry Oenomaus's daughter Hippodamia, he established the Games. enthroned Zeus
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Why were they held at Olympia? Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greekworld. Since athletic contests were oneway that the ancient Greeks honored theirgods, it was logical to hold a recurringathletic competition at the site of a majortemple. Also, Olympia is convenientgeographically to reach by ship, whichwas a major concern for the Greeks.Athletes and spectators traveled fromGreek colonies as far away as modern-day Spain, the Black Sea, or Egypt Olympia, Temple of Zeus
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Were there other contests like the Olympics? There were 3 other major gameswhich were held on 2- or 4-yearcycles: the Isthmean Games atCorinth, the Pythian Games atDelphi, and the Nemean Games atNemea. Because it started 200years before the othercompetitions, the Olympicsremained the most famous athleticcontest in the ancient Greek world. Sites of the four major athletic competitions
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Who could compete in the Olympics? The Olympics were open to anyfree-born Greek in the world. Therewere separate mens' and boys'divisions for the events. Womenwere not allowed to compete in theGames themselves. However, theycould enter equestrian events asthe owner of a chariot team or anindividual horse, and win victoriesthat way. athletes
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading How were the athletes trained? Athletics were a key part of education inancient Greece. Many Greeks believedthat developing the body was equallyimportant as improving the mind foroverall health. Also, regular exercise wasimportant in a society where men werealways needed for military service. Plato'sLaws specifically mentions how athleticsimproved military skills. Greek youththerefore worked out in the wrestling-school(palaestra) whether they wereserious Olympic contenders or not. trainer
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading What prizes did Olympic victors get? A victor received a crown made fromolive leaves, and was entitled to have astatue of himself set up at Olympia. Although he did not receive money at the Olympics, the victor was treated muchlike a modern sports celebrity by hishome city. His success increased the fame and reputation of his community in the Greek world. It was common forvictors to receive benefits such as havingall their meals at public expense or front-row seats at the theater and other public festivals. One city even built a privategym for their Olympic wrestling championto exercise in Youth, detail of head and shoulders
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Who were the Olympic judges? Judges were drawn from Elis, the local region which included Olympia. The number of judges increased to 10 as more events were added to the Olympics. Even though the judges were all Eleans, local Elean Greeks were still allowed to compete in the Olympics. The Elean people had such a reputation for fairness that an Elean cheating at the Games was a shock to other Greeks. two boxers, official, and Olympias
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading What was the penalty for cheating? Anyone who violated the rules was fined by the judges. The money was used to set up statues of Zeus, the patron god of the Games at Olympia. In addition to using bribes, other offenses included deliberately avoiding the training period at Olympia. official on right
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading The latest Olympic Games
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Read the text and find something about the numbers here:
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading The Olympic Games are the biggest meeting in the world.There are _____kinds of Olympic Games.____is the Summer Olympic Games,and the_____ is theWinterOlympics._____of them are_____every_____years. two One Other Both held four The old Olympic Games_____around the year 776BC inGreece.At that time there were not___many sports____today.And women were mot allowed to____ ___ ___the games.But now there are many new sports in the Olympics.Just in the Summer Olympics there are more than 250 different sports.And_______are also allowed to join in the games.They even compete_____medals_____men of the games. began so as take part in women with for
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Read the text quickly to sum up every paragraph: Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: Para 5: The Olympic Games are held every four years. The ancient Olympic Games The modern Olympic Games The Olympic motto The preparation for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading four take part in from modern 776BC as Everyyears athletesall over the world the Olympic Games. The old Olympic Games from which the games came began around the yearin Greece. Many of the sports were the same they are now. were not allowed to take part in the games. After about the yearthe Olympic Games stopped. For . there were no Olympic Games. The first Olympic Games in modern happened in They were held in Greece — the country in which the games were born. In the 1896 games there were competitors from just countries. After that more and more countries joined in the games. In 2000 over _____ athletes from nearly countries went to Sydney for the Olympic Games! There are different events in the games.Horse-riding ,hammer throw and shooting are some of the more unusual sports. In Sydney the Chinese team got gold medals, ranking_____ of all the competing countries. Women 393AD centuries times 1896 311 13 10,000 200 27th 300 28 third
True or False SB1 UNIT 8 Reading _________ 1. Both the Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years. 2. The modern Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC. 3. In the old times both men and women were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games. 4. The first modern Olympic Games happened in the year 400 AD. 5. The Olympic Games were born in Greece. 6. The 26th Olympics was held in Sydney in Australia 7. In Sydney the Chinese team won 28 medals, ranking third of all the competing countries. 8. Horse-riding is one of the unusual sports in the Olympic Games. ( T) =every fourth year 每四年 ( F ) ______ =about ( F ) _________ =join in 参加(活动) ( F ) ( T ) ( F ) ( T ) ______ = and ranked ( T ) ______ =not usual
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Retell the text The history of the Olympics Born: in Greece,776BC men√ Women × Stopped: 393 AD Modern: in Greece, 1896 13 countries Sydney 2000 200 countries China: 2008
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading every + 基数词+名词 / +every +序数词+名词 表示”每……次””每隔……”的意思. He comes every four days. He comes every 4th day. 他每4天来一次/他每隔3天来一次 Take a pill every three hours. Take a pill every 3rd hour. 每3小时吃一次药/每隔两小时吃一次药 “每隔一”的表达方式: every other, every two, every 2nd. you only need to water plants every other day. 你只需每隔一天浇一次水. I visit my parents every other weekend. 我每隔一周探访我父母一次.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading • “where are we?” • ______one of the children asked him the question. • Every a few minutes B. Every few minutes • C. Every a few minute D. Every few minute √ B. Every few seconds /ten days. Every直接修饰few.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading • I see them once ______. • every second days B. every two day • C. every other day D. every other days √ C. Every second 后接单数可数名词,A错; every two后 接可数复数名词,B错;Every other 后接单数名词,D错
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading rank 做名词,意思是”军衔”,”官衔”,”职衔”,”学衔” That officer holds the rank of captain. 这位军官有上尉军衔. He is a scholar with rank of full professor. 他是正教授级的学者. He wants to be in the top rank of performers. 做动词,意思是”评等级”,”位于……等级”. Teachers usually rank students according to their grades. 老师通常按分数给学生评定等级. He is a student who ranks high in his class. 他是班上的优等生.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading rank • Star Wars: episode 4 and ET _____second and fourth on • the list of the most successful movies. • 2. He will become a soldier of the top ______. • 3. Mary ______ the top in the singing contest by the judges. • 4. He is a writer of first _______. • 5. Shanghai ______ as one of the world’s largest cities. rank was ranked rank ranks
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading more than no more than more than通常表示: “超过”,”比……多” The museum is more than ten kilometers from here. 博物馆距此有10多千米. “不仅仅是”,”不只是” China Daily is more than a newspaper. It helps to improve our English. <中国日报>不仅仅是一张报纸.它还有助于提高我们的英语水平. Mr. Zhang is more than a teacher. He is our best friend. 张老师不知识我们的老师。他还是我们最好的朋友。
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading no more than通常用来表示: “仅仅”,”不过”,”至多” He looked like a professor, but in fact he was no more than a college student. 他看上去像个教授,但事实上他只不过是一个大学生. There are no more than ten students in the classroom. 教室里只有10个学生。 比较: There are not more than ten students in the classroom. 不到10个学生在教室里.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading • don’t worry about her. She is _____ fifteen years old, and • she can take care of herself. • 2. She is _____ five years old. She is too young to understand it. • 3. It is much ______ a dictionary. It helps me a lot. • 4. I had ______ 2 Yuan in my pocket. But the book cost 5 Yuan, • so I couldn’t afford it. • 5. Mike is _____ a child, so please forgive him. • 6. This is a very large factory. There are ______ 45,000 • workers in it. • 7. He spent very little time at school, perhaps ______ a year in all. • More than 2. no more than 3. more than 4. no more than • 5. no more than 6. More than 7. no more than
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading prefer Prefer +名词 意思是”更喜欢” --- Would you prefer tea or coffee? --- I prefer tea. 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡? 我更喜欢喝茶. Prefer to do 意思是”宁可做某事” I prefer not to think about it. 我宁可不去想它.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading Prefer doing … to doing prefer +名词… to +名词 意思是”胜过……” “喜欢……, 而不喜欢” I prefer the town to the country. 我喜欢城市而不喜欢农村. I prefer reading to watching TV. 比起看电视,我还是喜欢看书. Prefer … rather than 意思是”宁愿……, 而不愿……” I prefer rice rather than noodles. 我宁可吃米饭也不吃面条. I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus. 我宁可走路也不愿坐公共汽车去那儿.
SB1 UNIT 8 Reading • He found those books too boring and ____ an interesting film. • He offered to drive us to the school, but we _____ (walk). • I _____ rice _____ bread. • He didn’t see the film yesterday. He _____ (stay) at home • ____(go) with us. • 5. She ______(live) abroad. • 6. Last year Jim ______(spend) the summer by himself. • preferred 2. preferred to walk • 3. prefer … to… 4. preferred to stay, rather than go • 5. Prefers to live 6. preferred to spend