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Industry Showcase Why elearning for the Master Builders?

Industry Showcase Why elearning for the Master Builders? Mary Gates Training Manager Master Builders Association of Victoria Context existing workforce language, literacy and numeracy skills considerably poorer than those of the Australian workforce in general (ABS)

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Industry Showcase Why elearning for the Master Builders?

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  1. Industry ShowcaseWhy elearning for the Master Builders? Mary Gates Training Manager Master Builders Association of Victoria

  2. Context • existing workforce • language,literacy and numeracy skills considerably poorer than those of the Australian workforce in general (ABS) • domestic and commercial sectors with different training priorities • key drivers for training take up traditionallyregulations/legislation • skills shortages impact on using training as mechanism for upskilling and retention

  3. Profile cont’d • commercial sector funding hasincreased opportunities and access to offsite training • CPD not compulsory for registered builders in Victoria • an industrial environment that means face to face delivery is advocated

  4. Sample: Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety Participants:Current Occupation/Site Role

  5. Identified Priorities Training resources that: • enable flexible delivery of training • are construction industry and sector specific (commercial/residential) • are relevant to Australian worksites • instructionally sound • incorporate real life footage and case studies • reflect best practice • are designed to take into account the diversity of language and literacy needs • used to support units of competency

  6. Online Considerations • profile of target audience (learning needs, level of computer literacy etc) • limitations re access to computers onsite/ during work hours • value of interaction with others in industry. Emphasis on general principle of consultation • need for collaborative learning • industrial environment – training undertaken in paid work time

  7. Online Considerations • opportunities provided when attending Master Builders Training Centre (access to other services) • online when used is for component of Diploma level eg. Safety Line Institute (existing resource and job role applicable) • prioritisation of use of resources (face to face training) • establishment of training partnerships through service agreements in regional areas

  8. Sample eLearning Products Safety Planning – managing occupational health and safety on domestic building sites • originally WELL funded • noted • interactive and voice • used in training sessions, individuals and pairs • easy to use tool with ‘toolkit’ of resources • product can take away

  9. Sample eLearning Products contd Human Body at Work • noted – unit of competency written by Master Builders for our Certificate III in OHS (building and construction) • interactive and voice • gap training tool issued to Cert IV OHS participants prior to training commencement • also used during training

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