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HUMORAL AND CELL - MEDIATED IMMUNITY Lucija Klobučar, 2 nd year 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat

HUMORAL AND CELL - MEDIATED IMMUNITY Lucija Klobučar, 2 nd year 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat. IMMUNITY. Lat. immunitas – freedom from Immune system. LEVELS OF IMMUNE RESPONSE. ANTIGEN. external barriers. INNATE IMMUNITY. phagocytic cells. IF NOT !. humoral.

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HUMORAL AND CELL - MEDIATED IMMUNITY Lucija Klobučar, 2 nd year 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat

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  1. HUMORALANDCELL-MEDIATEDIMMUNITY Lucija Klobučar, 2ndyear 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat

  2. IMMUNITY • Lat. immunitas – freedomfrom • Immunesystem

  3. LEVELSOFIMMUNERESPONSE ANTIGEN externalbarriers INNATEIMMUNITY phagocyticcells IF NOT! humoral SPECIFICIMMUNITY cell-mediated



  6. ANTIGEN-PRESENTINGCELLS • Macrophages (bacteria) • Dendriticcells • (viruses) • B lymphocytes • (toxins) Phagocyte and degrade Display on cell surface Enter lymph In tissues cytokines, typeofpresentingcell In lymph nodes Interaction with T helper cells DECISION Humoral or cell-mediated immune response


  8. HUMORAL IMMUNITY B cells – develop in bone marrow – blood, lymph, lymph nodes Primary follicle with resting B lymphocytes Antigen-presenting cell – lymph node – interaction with T helper cells INTERACTIONOF T HELPERCELLANDRESTING B LYMPHOCYTES Secondary follicle with activated B lymphocytes Plasma cells Memory B cells Secrete immunoglobulins Circulate

  9. IMMUNOGLOBULINS • Fiveclasses – IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM • Lymphnode – circulation – inflamedtissue – recognitionof antigen – activationofcomplementsystem Opsonizing antigen Enhancinginflammation

  10. CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY • T cells – developmentin bone marrowandthymus Selection Differentiation T helper cells T cytotoxic cells Circulate Circulate

  11. CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY Resting cytotoxic T cells Antigen-presenting cell – lymph node – interaction with T helper cells INTERACTIONOF T HELPERCELLANDRESTINGCYTOTOXIC T CELL Activated and multiplied cytotoxic T cells enter blood and lymph In inflamed tissue Recognitionandlysisofcellsinfectedwithviruses

  12. REFERENCES • Roitt, DelvesRoitt's Essential Immunology, 10th edition • Andreis, Batinić, Čulo, Grčević, Lukinović-Škudar, Marušić, Taradi, Višnjić Imunologija, 7. izdanje

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