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Effects of Ibuprofen on Male Fertility - Elawoman

<br>However, despite the change in LH levels, the men's testosterone levels didn't change. This indicates that they had developed a condition called "compensated hypogonadism," which happens when testosterone production is reduced, but the body is able to compensate by increasing LH levels, the researchers said.<br><br>Compensated hypogonadism is typically found in older men, and it is linked with impaired fertility, according to the study. Separate experiments in the study using human testicular tissue in a lab dish also suggested that ibuprofen could affect testosterone production.<br>It's important to note that the study did not look at sperm production or other more direct indicators of the men's fertility, so further studies would be needed to examine this, the researchers said.<br><br>

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Effects of Ibuprofen on Male Fertility - Elawoman

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  1. Effects of Ibuprofen on Male Fertility- Elawoman Men who take relatively high doses of ibuprofen may be at increased risk for fertility problems, early researchsuggests. The small study, which was published yesterday (Jan. 8) in the journal Proceedings of the NationalAcademyofSciences,foundthatmenwhotook1,200milligramsofibuprofenadayfor six weeks developed a hormonal condition that is linked with reproductive problems. Ibuprofen Linked to Male Infertility However, because the study is small, more research is needed to confirm the results. It's also not clear whether the same hormonal effects would be seen in men taking lower doses of ibuprofen, or whether the effects are reversible, particularly in men who take ibuprofen for long periods, study co-author Bernard Jégou, director of the National Institute for Research on Environmental and Occupational Health in France, told CNN. Still, over the short term, it's likely thattheseeffectsarereversible,Jégousaid.[TryingtoConceive:12TipsforMen] Thestudyinvolved31men(ages18to35)whowererandomlyassignedtotakeibuprofen(two dosesof600mgeach)oraplaceboeverydayforsixweeks. The researchers found that, compared with the placebo group, the men who took ibuprofen experienced a 23 percent increase in levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) — a hormone that's secretedbythepituitaryglandandstimulatestheproductionoftestosterone—aftertwoweeks. Higher-than-normal levels of luteinizing hormone can indicate a problem with the testes, accordingtotheNationalInstitutesofHealth.

  2. However, despite the change in LH levels, the men's testosterone levels didn't change. This indicates that they had developed a condition called "compensated hypogonadism," which happens when testosterone production is reduced, but the body is able to compensate by increasingLHlevels,theresearcherssaid. Compensated hypogonadism is typically found in older men, and it is linked with impaired fertility,accordingtothestudy.Separateexperimentsinthestudyusinghumantesticulartissue inalabdishalsosuggestedthatibuprofencouldaffecttestosteroneproduction. It's important to note that the study did not look at sperm production or other more direct indicators of the men's fertility, so further studies would be needed to examine this, the researcherssaid. People who take over-the-counter ibuprofen tablets for pain or fever should not take more than 1,200 mgperdayunlessdirectedbyadoctor,accordingtoMedscape.Forexample,themakers ofAdvil, which containsibuprofen,recommendthatpeopledonottakemorethan1,200mg(or six200-mgpills)ina24-hourperiod. Taking the common painkiller ibuprofen has been linked in a small study with a condition affectingmalefertilityproblems.Malefertilityisdroppingaroundtheworldandtheresearchers wantedtoseeifibuprofenmightbecontributingtothis. Ibuprofen and Male Infertility Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug sold without a prescription for short-term treatment of pain, inflammation from injuries, and fever. Health professionals may recommend longer-termuse. Itisknowntoincreasetheriskofheartattacksandstrokeif takenregularlyinhighdosesfora long time. It has already been linked with fertility problems in women taking the drug. Common brandsofibuprofenincludeAdvilandMotrin. TheDanishandFrenchstudylookedat31athleticmenbetweentheagesof18and35. Halfthegrouptook600mgofibuprofentwiceaday–themaximumrecommendeddoseinthe U.S. is 800mg up tofour times a day -- for 2 weeks. The other half took a dummy(placebo)

  3. tablet. Samples were taken before and after the trial for comparison. Effects of Ibuprofen on MaleFertility Those who took the ibuprofen were more likely to have indications of testicular problems -- including a condition called compensated hypogonadism that affects reproductive health -- meaningmenarelesslikelytobeabletofatherachild.Thisismorecommoninoldermenthan youngerones. Ibuprofenappearstoaffectthepituitaryglandthat'sinvolvedinproductionofthemalehormone testosterone,aswellasotherprocesseslinkedtospermproduction. Infertility affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. An infertility diagnosis is given to a couple who are unable to conceive over the course of one year. When the problem lies with the male partner itis referred to as male infertility. Male infertility factors contribute to approximately 30% of all infertility cases, and male infertility alone accounts for approximately one-fifthofallinfertilitycases. What causes maleinfertility? Therearefourmaincausesofinfertilityinmales: · · · · A hypothalamicor pituitary disorder (1-2%) Gonad disorder(30-40%) Spermtransport disorder (10-20%) Unknown causes(40-50%) Much research remains to be performed on the topic of male infertility, as many cases still receivean“unknowncause”diagnosis.Maleinfertilityusuallyoccursbecauseofspermthatare abnormal, because of inadequate numbers of sperm, or problems with ejaculation. Male InfertilityIssues

  4. Sperm can be considered abnormal for two possible reasons: unusually short life span of the sperm and/or lowmobility. Sperm abnormalities may be caused by one or more of thefollowing: · · · Inflammation of the testicles Swollen veins in the scrotum Abnormally developedtesticles Reasons for a low sperm count or lack of sperm include one or more of thefollowing: · · · · · · · · · · A pre-existing geneticcondition Useofalcohol,tobaccoorotherdrugs Severemumpsinfectionafterpuberty Herniarepairs Hormonedisorder Exposure to poisonouschemicals Exposure toradiation Blockagecausedfromapreviousinfection Wearing restrictive or tight underwear Injury to the groinarea Male Infertilitycanalsooccurwhenthereareproblemswithejaculation.

  5. Menstrual Crampsare painful sensations that affect many women before and during a menstrualperiod. Thepain, alsoknownasdysmenorrheaorperiodpains,rangesfromdullandannoyingtosevere andextreme.Menstrualcrampstendtobeginafterovulation when aneggisreleasedfromthe ovaries and travels down the fallopian tube. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back. Itusuallybegins1to2daysbeforemenstruationandlastsfrom2to4days. • Pain that is only associated with the process of menstruation is known as primary dysmenorrhea. If the cramping pain is due to an identifiable medical problem such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease, it is called secondary dysmenorrhea. • If the woman is a good candidate, a physician may prescribe hormonal birth control pills to prevent ovulation and reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. These work by thinning the liningoftheuterus,wheretheprostaglandinsform.Thisreducescrampingandbleeding. • In some cases, birth control pills can be used continuously, without the 4 to 7-day break each month that is normally adhered to. There will be no bleeding at all, in this case. Other types of birth control, including some types of hormonal IUD, vaginal rings, patches, and injections can all help decrease cramping.If the cramps are due to an underlying medical condition, such as endometriosisorfibroids,surgerymaybeneededtoremovetheabnormaltissue. • Donotsleepwithaheatedpadasitcouldcauseburns.beforepurchasingaTENSunit,compare brands andproduct reviews. • Homeremedies • Researchers at Imperial College London found that ingredients in chamomile tea may help relievemenstrualpainsbyrelaxingtheuterus. • Compare different brands online. In another study, Chinese herbal medicines were found to helpreducemenstrualcramps,buttheauthorscalledformoreresearch.

  6. Some dietary options, including herbs and vitamin supplements, may help. Some examples arelavender,fennel,andpycnogenol.Thesehaveverylittlerisk. • One study suggests that ginger powder may help if taken during the first 3 to 4 days of the menstrualcycle.Gingerpowederisavailabletopurchaseonline. • If you choose to use any herbal or supplement approaches, be cautious. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbs and supplements for quality or purity. • Gettingenoughrestandsleepandregularexercisemayhelp. For more information, call at : +91 –7899912611 Visit Website-www.elawoman.com ElaFacebook ElaTwitter ElaInstagram ElaLinkedin ElaYoutube

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