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architectural history

architectural history. (briefly). Architecture has at its beginnings caves and huts fashioned by people as shelters for their families. It wasn’t till the civilizations of Ancient Egypt that it was recorded that we as a race first used drawings to plan their designs.

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architectural history

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  1. architectural history (briefly)

  2. Architecture has at its beginnings caves and huts fashioned by people as shelters for their families. It wasn’t till the civilizations of Ancient Egypt that it was recorded that we as a race first used drawings to plan their designs. Imhotep, (contrary to the movie series the Mummy), is known as the world’s first named architect as well as an important advisor to the Pharoah. The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/dsteppyramid1.htm

  3. stonehenge Architectural advances are directly correlated with progress in learning, especially science/math. As new building materials and methods come about, the design changes. One of the oldest types of construction is the bearing wall. In this method, walls are used to take the load of the roof. In order to create a door opening in this, one uses a simple post and lintel system. This method was often used by the Greeks in creating their temples. lintel post http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Stonehenge_Inside_Facing_NE_April_2005.jpg Temple at Sounio

  4. With their extensive use of “posts”, the Greeks developed many types of columns such that today they exist as the Doric Order, the Ionic Order, and the Corinthian Order. As well there is the Tuscan Order and the Composite Order thanks to the Romans.

  5. From the post and lintel system, the Romans came up with the “Arch” which allowed for greater span without support. Through this method, each stone is supported by leaning on the keystone in the center which locks all the other stones in place. Roman Aqueducts http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/images/aqueduct_nimes.lg.JPG

  6. When the arch is extended, one gets a vault which is simply a series of arches. Barrel Vaults then became used as passageways and aisles and were especially popular in churches. Two barrel vaults intersecting creates a groin vault as seen here: Abbeye aux Dames, Caen, 1050 Barrel Vault at the cloisters in New York City http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/medieval/architecture/pictures/caendames/vault.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/architecture/groinvault.htm&h=533&w=400&sz=44&hl=en&start=3&um=1&usg=__nbn7pyKs7CRvztYfifAHXx8xeEw=&tbnid=vLoYJUHIbjyKaM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=99&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbarrel%2Bvault%2Bpictures%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/Barrel_Vault.jpg

  7. The final pinnacle of the arch is the dome which is simply multiple arches arranged such that the bases are in a circle and the top is the middle of the ceiling. This was thought to convey power so Romans often used it in religious and governmental structures. http://art.optzile.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/09_929-296_pantheon_interior.jpg Pantheon interior, Commissioned by Emperor Hadrian, 118-125 CE

  8. Much of this new architecture was being used in constructing churches, however, even with the vault and arch, there were limits about how far apart columns could be placed. Gothic Architecture used pointed arches and flying buttresses to take some of the weight off of the walls thus allowing for the use of large windows which let in light and allowed the church to feel more spacious while extending its height. http://afxafx.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/notre_dame.jpg Notre Dame de Paris, 1163-1285 http://lh6.ggpht.com/_cdbJDiM_6YY/SG_b1Bjm1MI/AAAAAAAACew/B4zaZ8QD0Z4/DSC00675.JPG

  9. Following the Gothic period was a return to the classical foundations of Rome with the Renaissance which later became more elaborate inciting a Baroque period. Following Baroque was the Neoclassical period, again returning to classical roots for inspiration. At this time countries like France and England began to develop their own more in depth styles for which they became known, (English tudor, French chateau, etc.) When it comes to the US, we have taken from both of these countries as well as Italy and Spain for the majority of our architecture.

  10. Another style that bears talking about is Art Nouveau, (or new style). Art Nouveau began in France and emphasized curving organic forms integrated into architecture, art, and everyday objects. It was a style that permeated the lives of people. Victor Horta, Hotel Van Eetvelde Staircase, Brussels http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HortaELWI.jpg Antonio Gaudi, Casa Batllo, Barcelona, 1905-1907 http://farm1.static.flickr.com/120/302759014_7981338c4f.jpg?v=1164124055

  11. With the advancement of new technology and materials, architecture has been able to grow and change by leaps and bounds in the past century. The development of steel, aluminum, structural glass, prestressed concrete, laminates and plastics have made buildings lighter and allowed them to change their shapes. Steel beams have allowed for cantilevered construction which takes the weight off of one end of a beam and spreads it to the other end. Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1938 http://greatbuildings.com/Fallingwater.html

  12. Taipei 101 is one of the world’s tallest completed skyscrapers. It would not be possible without steel. This building was recently outstripped by BurjKhalifain Dubai. Frank Lloyd Wright once proposed a mile high skyscraper and in the past 20 years there have been many buildings constructed each outstripping the others in height. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/101.portrait.altonthompson.jpg

  13. Disney Concert Hall, Frank Gehry, 2003 All of these developments lead us to the present day where such architects as Frank Gehry are in demand. Form doesn’t always allow for function, but in this work, Gehry meets both requirements.

  14. Other works of architectural greatness include: TajMahal, 1653 (considered to be a great example of Muhgal architecture)

  15. Great Wall of China, 5th century BC- 16th century (considered to be a great example of Muhgal architecture)

  16. Colosseo, 80 AD (considered to be one of the greatest feats of Roman engineering)

  17. Eiffel Tower, 1889-1930 (originally constructed as the entrance for the 1889 World’s Fair)

  18. Sydney Opera House, 1973, JornUtzon(Example of Modern Expressionism)

  19. Leaning Tower of Pisa, 1173-1372 (An example of poor engineering)

  20. Statue of Liberty, 1886, Frederic AugusteBartoldi(A gift of France to celebrate America’s centennial)

  21. And so on, and so on. The list of impressive/influential works of architecture is endless at this point. You as artists and students need to explore what is out there. Don’t limit your creativity. Look at how architecture has changed over the years, and how you might mix styles and industrial developments.

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