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EDPSD V.2 BETA DEMONSTRATION June 5, 2000. EDPSD v.2 Availability and Documentation Overview of EDPSD v.2 Generate a Tier 1 Screening List View EDPSD v.2 Data View EDPSD v.2 Ranking Algorithms Perform What-if Analyses Advanced Topics. EDPSD v.2 Availability and Documentation.

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  2. EDPSD v.2 Availability and Documentation • Overview of EDPSD v.2 • Generate a Tier 1 Screening List • View EDPSD v.2 Data • View EDPSD v.2 Ranking Algorithms • Perform What-if Analyses • Advanced Topics

  3. EDPSD v.2 Availability and Documentation EDPSD v.2 Software Download from http://www.ergweb.com /endocrine EDPSD v.2 User’s Guide and Tutorial Download from http://www.ergweb.com /endocrine EDPSD v.2 Help System Contains the full User’s Guide and Tutorial

  4. EDPSD v.2 Availability and Documentation EDPSD v.2 Help System

  5. EDPSD v.2 Availability and Documentation Technical Support E-mail: flessner.conrad@epa.gov Fax: 202-260-0981 ATTN: Conrad Flessner Regular Mail: Conrad Flessner US EPA/OPPT/EAB Mail Code 7406 US EPA Headquarters Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20460

  6. Categories Compartments Data Sources Priority-Setting Overview

  7. EDPSD v.2 Overview • 4 Categories • 27 Compartments • 50 Data Sources (27 unique) • 142,975 Chemicals

  8. Exposure Category Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment National Sediment Inventory (NSI) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS) Sample Category/Compartment/Data Source Organization

  9. Primary Functions of EDPSD v.2 • Generate the Tier 1 Screening List Report • View EDPSD v.2 Data • View Data Source and Compartment Ranking Algorithms • Perform What-if Analyses

  10. EDPSD v.2 Overview Questions?

  11. EDPSD v.2 Start-up Screen

  12. EDPSD v.2 File, Edit, and What-if Menus

  13. EDPSD v.2 Chemicals, Reports, and Help Menus

  14. Generate a Tier 1 Screening List - Step 1

  15. Generate a Tier 1 Screening List - Step 2

  16. Generate a Tier 1 Screening List - Step 3

  17. Scenario and Chemical Selection Information

  18. Scenario Name • Number of Chemicals Targeted • Number of Chemicals Processed • Number of Chemicals Selected

  19. Does the Number of Unique Chemicals Selected Equal or Exceed the User Entered Target Number? EDPSD v.2 Chemical Selection Process EDPSD v.2 Calculates the Number of Chemicals to be Selected from each Compartment (Target # Entered * Compartment) Weight EDPSD v.2 Selects the Highest Ranked Chemicals from each Compartment Until Compartment Target Number Reached User Enters Target Number of Chemicals to be Selected for the Tier 1 Screening List EDPSD v.2 Checks for Duplicates (i.e. chemicals selected from more than one compartment) EDPSD v.2 Calculates the Number of Unique Chemicals Selected EDPSD v.2 Combines All Selected Chemicals into One List EDPSD v.2 Selects Next Highest Ranked Chemical(s) from All Compartments No EDPSD v.2 Generates the Tier 1 Screening List Yes

  20. Number of Chemicals Processed • - Each time a chemical is selected from any compartment, it counts as a chemical processed • Number of Chemicals Selected Greater than Number Targeted • - Ranking ties • - The same chemical is selected from multiple compartments • Number of Chemicals Selected Less than Number Targeted • - Not enough ranked chemicals

  21. Compartment Codes • Target Number of Chemicals • - Carcinogenicity Compartment Weight = 3 % • - 100 chemicals targeted for Tier 1 Screening List • 0.03 * 100 = 3 • - 3 chemicals will be selected for the Tier 1 Screening List from the Carcinogenicity Compartment

  22. Selected Chemicals and Rank Information

  23. Tier 1 Screening List Report Data for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Chemical: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane CAS: 71-55-6 MIX: SF: 50 NONE: OA: 14 NOM: MHX: 1 HB: 13 ECT: EB: 8 RDT: 103 FDW: 6 CT: CC: 252 ET: 33 OE: 8 MHE: 24 SW: 2 CS: IA: 5 CHBE: 14 SS: 13 CHXE: 96 ER: 16 CEBE: 11 PI: 194 CEXE: 7

  24. EDPSD v.2 Tier 1 Screening List Generation Questions?

  25. Viewing Category Data - Exposure Category - Compartments tab

  26. Viewing Category Data - Exposure Category - Category Statistics tab

  27. Viewing Compartment Data - Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment Compartment Statistics tab

  28. Viewing Compartment Data - Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment Compartment Chemicals tab

  29. Viewing Compartment Data - Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment Compartment Ranking Technique tab

  30. Viewing Compartment Data - Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment Compartment Ranking Technique Notepad

  31. Viewing Data Sources - Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment National Sediment Inventory - Chemicals tab

  32. Sample of National Sediment Inventory Data Fields • Number of Monitoring Stations • Number of Monitoring Stations with Detects • Prevalence Factor: Number of Monitoring Stations with Detects/ Number of Monitoring Stations • Number of Regions that Monitored for the Chemical • Number of Regions that Detected the Chemical • Distribution Factor: Number of Regions that Detected the Chemical/ Number of Regions that Monitored for the Chemical • Minimum Detected Concentration • Maximum Detected Concentration • Mean Detected Concentration • Median Detected Concentration • Number of Samples • Number of Samples that were Detects • Frequency Factor: Number of Samples that were Detects/ Number of Samples • Overall Rank: Based on the Prevalence Factor, Distribution Factor, Median Detected Concentration, and Frequency Factor

  33. Viewing Data Sources - Sediment/Soil Monitoring Data Compartment National Sediment Inventory - Reference Information tab

  34. Viewing Chemical Data - Step 1

  35. Viewing Chemical Data - Step 2

  36. Viewing Chemical Data - Step 3

  37. Viewing Chemical Data - Step 4

  38. Viewing Chemical Data - Step 5

  39. EDPSD v.2 Category, Compartment, and Data Viewing Questions?

  40. Viewing a Weighted Ranking Algorithm

  41. Viewing an Advanced Ranking Algorithm

  42. Viewing a Combined Ranking Algorithm

  43. EDPSD v.2 Ranking Algorithm Viewing Questions?

  44. Perform a What-if Analysis - Step 1

  45. Perform a What-if Analysis - Step 2

  46. Perform a What-if Analysis - Step 3

  47. Perform a What-if Analysis - Step 4

  48. Perform a What-if Analysis - Step 5 Modify a Compartment Weight

  49. Perform a What-if Analysis - Step 6 Modify Data Source Weights Within a Compartment

  50. Rank the New Scenario - Step 1

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