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SAVA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION. Dragan Zeljko The Sava Commission Secretariat Deputy Secretary for Integrated RBM and water planning. Main characteristics of the Sava River Basin (1/2). Sava river length: 944,7 km * Basin area: 97.713,2 km2 ** Mean discharge : 1564 m3/s ***.

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  1. SAVA RIVER BASINCOMMISSION Dragan Zeljko The Sava Commission Secretariat Deputy Secretary for Integrated RBM and water planning

  2. Main characteristics of the Sava River Basin (1/2) Sava river length: 944,7 km* Basin area: 97.713,2 km2** Mean discharge: 1564 m3/s*** *586 km navigable before 90-ies **2nd Danube tributary (after Tisza) *** 1st Danube tributary (almost 25% of total discharge)

  3. Main characteristics of the Sava River Basin (2/2)

  4. Need for action • Prior to disintegration of former Yugoslavia, Sava was the biggestnational river with proper instruments for water management and it was navigable • After the war Sava became an international river » Need for action Economic reasons: • Commercial traffic cannot be reestablished without rehabilitation of waterways, ports and other supporting infrastructure Lack of institutional mechanisms for: • addressing transboundary impacts causing serious environmental concerns in the basin • cooperation among the countries to rehabilitate, develop, and manage the basin

  5. Ratification of the Framework Agreement (FASRB) (December 29, 2004) Establishment of the Interim Sava River Commission (Brussels, March 12, 2003) (7 sessions + 1 ad-hoc session held, with the administrative support of REC, CO Banja Luka) Establishment of the Int. Sava River Basin Commission - ISRBC (Zagreb, June 27-29, 2005) Launch of the Sava River Initiative Stability Pact for SEE (June 2001) Signing the Letter of Intent on cooperation within the Sava River Basin(Nov. 29, 2001) Establishment of the ISRBC Secretariat (Zagreb, January 9, 2006) Signing the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin - FASRB(Kranjska Gora, Dec. 3, 2002) 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 From initiative to an agreement on cooperation

  6. The Parties The Parties to the FASRB: • Slovenia • Croatia • B&H • Serbia* *The Agreement signed by Serbia and Montenegro

  7. Negotiations • Started on March 12 2002 • Led and chaired by Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe • Soon recognized that expert teams formed by the negotiating countries are capable of drafting all legal norms alone => abandoned principle of agreeing of each step on the high level and under supervision of the SP coordinators • The final text adopted by the state delegations without modifications • Huge interest and different contribution to the process by the IC: - UN ECE, OSCE, UNITAR - EU institutions - Governments of the USA, Netherlands, Hungary - NGOs

  8. The Framework agreement on the Sava RB (FASRB)new legal framework for regional cooperation and development OBJECTIVES: • Establishment of an international regime of navigation on the Sava River and its navigable tributaries; • Establishment of sustainable water management; • Undertaking of measures to prevent or limit hazards, and reduce and eliminate adverse consequences(floods, ice hazards, droughts and incidents involving substances hazardous to water). GENERAL PRINCIPLES: • Cooperation on the basis of soverein equality, territorial integrity, mutual benefit, good faith • “no harm” rule - take all appropriate measures to prevent harm to others

  9. The Framework agreement on the Sava RB (FASRB) AREAS of cooperation: NAVIGATION: • Establishment of an international regime of navigation; • Marking of navigable waterways; • Development of technical rules; • Maintenance of the waterways • Establishment of sustainable water management; WATER MANAGEMENT: • Cooperation in integrated management of surface and ground waters • Preparation of the Sava river basin management plan (following the EU WFD principles and coordinated with the ICPDR activities)

  10. International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) • Established for the implementation of the FASRB; • 2 representatives from each state (member and deputy); • Rotating chairmanship every 3 year; • Regular sessions (1 per year) and special sessions; • Financing- annual contribution of the Parties; • Seat of the Sava Commission in Zagreb (Croatia); • Decisions shall be adopted by unanimous vote; • Decision in navigation binding to all Parties - Protocol; • Secretariat: administrative and executive services for Commission

  11. Main tasks of the Sava Commission Coordination: • in preparation of a joint / integrated Sava RBManagement Plan • in establishment of an unified information system • of activities on protection of the aquatic eco-system of the Sava RB • of majority of activities in the fields of navigation and water management Proposition: • of the Sava River Basin Management Plan • of priority projects Decision making in the field of navigation Cooperation with international and national organizations Issuing documents and publications

  12. Secretary Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary Special AdvisorforLegal & General Affairs Advisorfor Pro. Against Haz. Water Impacts Advisor for Prot. of Water & Aq. Ecosys. AdvisorforTechn. Issuesof Navigation SpecialAdvisorfor Econ. & Financ. Affairs Advisor for Reg. and Tech. Main.of Wat. Regime Advisor forNavigationSafety SpecialAdvisor for InformationSystems Integrated RBM& Water Planning Protection of Water & Aquat. Ecosystem Navigation Current Planned Structure of the Secretariat

  13. Decision making process

  14. Permanent and ad hoc expert groups Permanent expert groups (PEGs): • PEG for River basin management; • PEG for Navigation; • PEG for Accident prevention and control; • PEG for Flood prevention Ad hoc expert groups currently established: • Legal EG; • GIS EG; • Hydrological isues related to navigation; • More to come...

  15. Protocols • Additions to the FASRB for regulating specific issues • Protocol on navigation in force! • Development of protocols on: - transboundary impacts - flood protection - emergency situations - prevention of the water polution caused by navigation

  16. International Sava River Basin Commission Nova Ves 11 10 000 Zagreb Croatia Tel. +385 1 4886 960 Fax. +385 1 4886 986 E-mail: isrbc@savacommission.org dzeljko@savacommission.org Web: www.savacommission.org

  17. Thank you for your attention!

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