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Agricultural Wave 1800BC – 1750AD

Agricultural Wave 1800BC – 1750AD. Business: Family Based, both the nuclear family along with the extended family worked as a unit providing necessities using the barter system. Family values were high and most families were agriculturally based.

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Agricultural Wave 1800BC – 1750AD

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  1. Agricultural Wave1800BC – 1750AD • Business: Family Based, both the nuclear family along with the extended family worked as a unit providing necessities using the barter system. Family values were high and most families were agriculturally based. • Communication: The only source of communication was face to face, therefore decisions and values were those of each individual family flavored by the effects decisions would have on surrounding families. • Education: Small group taught through verbal communication with limited access to books. • Family: Extended families driven by core values and ethics of the family with little infiltration of others. • Transportation: Horse or foot limiting travel and knowledge.

  2. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1900-1910Wright Brothers The Edison Battery

  3. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1900-1910 Model T Women’s Trade Union League

  4. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1900-1910 Sigmund Freud John Dewey- The School and Society The Dalton Plan -1908

  5. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1900-1910 The Classical Gold Standard NAACP

  6. Advances in Photography:1900-1910 Kodak Brownie Box-1900 First commercial color film-1907 Lewis Hine-Photograph children working- 1909

  7. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1910-1920 Kinetophones Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

  8. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1910-1920 Federal Highway Act Child Labor

  9. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1910-1920 Montessori Method-1912 “The Project Method” Dr. William Kilpatrick 1918

  10. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1910-1920 Titanic Sinks! Panama Canal

  11. Advances in Photography:1910-1920 35mm movie film Oscar Barnack-1914 Nippon Kogaku-Nikon-1917

  12. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1920-1930 KDKA Pittsburg Fairbanks Morse “Z” Engine

  13. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1920-1930 Discount Grocery Stores Freon

  14. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1920-1930 John Dewey’s Human Nature and Conduct Sidney Pressey Teaching Machine 1924

  15. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1920-1930 Bull Stock Market Nineteenth Amendment

  16. Advances in Photography:1920-1930 Photograms-1921 Leica-first 35mm-1924

  17. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1930-1940 Drive-in-Movie Photocopier-1937

  18. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1930-1940 Unemployment Insurance

  19. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1930-1940 Operant Conditioning Humanism Starts B.F. Skinner

  20. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1930-1940 Great Depression The Wagner ACT

  21. Advances in Photography:1930-1940 Strobe Photography-1931 Technicolor-1932 Fuji Film- 1934 Kodachrome-1936

  22. Industrial Wave1750 -1955 • Business: Top down bureaucracies and factories forming relationships outside of extended family. • Communication: Face to face, home phones in later part of era introducing opinions of others outside the extended family. • Education: Books, film strips, grade level schools folding pace of newly learned knowledge and ideas. • Family: Extended families dissipating due to travel and job opportunities putting emphasizes on bonds being made between unrelated nuclear families. • Transportation: Planes, trains and automobiles increase mobility and sharing of ideas.

  23. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1940-1950 ENIAC- 194 AT&T First Transanlantic Telephone Cable

  24. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1940-1950 Birth of McDonalds Tax Payment Act AFL-CIO

  25. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1940-1950 WWII Audio-Visual Cognitive Revolution

  26. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1940-1950 World War II NATO Established

  27. Advances in Photography:1940-1950 Magnum Picture agency-1947 SLR-Contax S- 1949

  28. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1950-1960 1951-UNIVAC First commercial computer 1951-1958 First Generation of Computers- used vacuum tubes

  29. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1950-1960 1951 -Credit Card General Motors Becomes Largest Business

  30. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1950-1960 Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development Bloom’s Taxonomy Brown v. BOE

  31. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1950-1960 President Kennedy Assassinated TV

  32. Advances in Photography:1950-1960 Nikon F- 1959 Gary Winogrand -1960

  33. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1960-1970 ERICEducation Resources Information Center Established as a national information system. 1968 The Mouse Douglas Engelbart introduces a prototype of the computer mouse.

  34. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1960-1970 Wal-mart 1962 Civil Rights 1964

  35. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1960-1970 CAI Papert’s LOGO

  36. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1960-1970 Space Race Vietnam

  37. Advances in Photography:1960-1970 First color instant film developed by Polaroid-1963

  38. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1970-1980 1974 Forth Generation of computers-characterized by microprocessor JVC- Japan Victor Company introduces the VHS format video cassette recorder

  39. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1970-1980 1976 Radio ShackThe corporations first computer 1977Apple- microcomputer

  40. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1970-1980 Social Learning Theory Vygotsky’s Albert Bandura Zone of Proximal Develpment

  41. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1970-1980 Oil Embargo Farm Strike 1977 1973/1979

  42. Advances in Photography:1970-1980 110 format cameras-1972 C-41 color negative-1973

  43. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1980-1990 1981 IBM introduces first home computer 1989 World Wide Web

  44. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1980-1990 1985 Microsoft Windows introduced AOL-America Online debuts

  45. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1980-1990 Gardner GOMS Minimalism

  46. Society and Culture/ Key Events that determined the thinking of 1980-1990 PC’s ERTA 1981

  47. Advances in Photography:1980-1990 Sony demonstrates Mavica “still video”camera 1982 Kodak disk camera-1983 Minolta first auto focus SLR “maxxum”-1985 Canon EOS-1987

  48. Technological Advances and Innovations: 1990-2000 1998 Smartboards 1995 WebQuests

  49. Business and Corporate Philosophies: The Nature of Work: 1990-2000 EBAY 1995 ADA 1990

  50. Educational Theories in Learning and Instruction: 1990-2000 IDEA No Child Left Behind

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