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SAS PROCs. ISYS 650. PROC Statement Syntax. PROC name options; Statements statement options; … RUN;. Procedure Options. DATA = N = ‘Number of subjects is: ‘ Include the number of observations in the output. Proc Print data=Mydata.Employee N; run;. PROC Statements. VAR variables;

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  1. SAS PROCs ISYS 650

  2. PROC Statement Syntax PROC name options; Statements statement options; … • RUN;

  3. Procedure Options • DATA = • N = ‘Number of subjects is: ‘ • Include the number of observations in the output Proc Print data=Mydata.Employee N; run;

  4. PROC Statements • VAR variables; • To use only the variables in the list for analysis. • BY variables; • Cause SAS to repeat the procedure for value of the variables, similar to GROUP BY. • SUM variables • Include total for specified variables • TITLE

  5. Examples Proc MEANS data=Mydata.Emp; VAR Salary; BY Race; run; PROC PRINT data=Mydata.Emp N; VAR Name Sex Race Salary; SUM Salary; TITLE 'Employee List'; run; PROC SORT data=Mydata.Emp; BY Name; run; PROC PRINT; VAR Name Race Salary; RUN;

  6. PROC SQL • PROC SQL is a powerful Base SAS Procedure that combines the functionality of DATA and PROC steps into a single step. • PROC SQL can sort, summarize, subset, join (merge), and concatenate datasets, create new variables, and print the results or create a new table or view all in one step! • PROC SQL can be used to retrieve, update, and report on information from SAS data sets or other database products.

  7. Creating a SAS Data Set Using ODBC and SQL Create Table Command Permanent data set: PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN='MySalesDB2007'); CREATE TABLE MyData.Customers AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO ODBC(SELECT * FROM Customer); Quit; **Note: End with the Quit command. Temporary data set: PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN='MySalesDB2007'); CREATE TABLE Customers AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO ODBC(SELECT * FROM Customer); Quit; PROC PRINT; RUN;

  8. Creating Data Set as a Result of a Join Command PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN='MySalesDB2007'); CREATE TABLE temp_sas AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO ODBC(SELECT Customer.CID, Cname, OID, Odate FROM Customer, Orders where Customer.cid=orders.cid); Quit; Proc Print; Run;

  9. Creating a View PROC SQL; CREATE VIEW ACustomer AS SELECT * FROM MyData.Customers where Rating='A'; Quit; Proc Print Data=ACustomer; Run;

  10. Select Records from a SAS Data Set PROC SQL; SELECT * FROM MyData.Customers Where Rating='A'; Quit; PROC SQL; SELECT City, Count(CID) AS NumberOfCustomer FROM MyData.Customers Group By City; Quit; PROC SQL; SELECT City, Count(CID) AS NumberOfCustomer FROM MyData.Customers Group By City Having Count(CID)>5; Quit;

  11. Run SQL DML Command Delete: PROC SQL; DELETE * FROM MyData.Emp Where name is Null; Quit; Update: PROC SQL; UPDATE MyData.Customers Set Rating='A' Where CID='C01'; Quit; Insert: PROC SQL; INSERT INTO MyData.Customers Values('C49','Smith','SF','C'); Quit;

  12. ODBC Connection to Oracle:User and Password PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN='OracleDChao' user='dchao' password='dchao'); CREATE TABLE CatSalesPlan AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO ODBC(SELECT * FROM SalesPlan); Quit;

  13. Join a total sales query from a data warehouse with a management plan in Oracle PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN='DWNW'); CREATE TABLE CatSales AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO ODBC(SELECT * FROM SalesByCatYear where year=1998); Quit; PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN='OracleDChao' user='dchao' password='dchao'); CREATE TABLE CatSalesPlan AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO ODBC(SELECT * FROM SalesPlan); Quit; Proc SQL; Select C.categoryID, C.Year,ActualSales, ProjectedSales, ActualSales/ProjectedSales*100 as PercentSales from CatSales C, CatSalesPlan p where C.CategoryID=p.CategoryID and C.Year=p.Year; Quit;

  14. Output Delivery System, ODS • With ODS you can choose to create output in other formats, including HTML, RTF and PDF. ODS HTML; Proc print data=StGpa ; run; ODS HTML CLose; ODS PDF file='C:\MyData\PDFCustomer.PDF'; Proc print data=Mydata.Customers ; run; ODS PDF CLose; ODS RTF file='C:\MyData\RTFCustomer.RTF'; Proc print data=Mydata.Customers ; run; ODS RTF CLose;

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