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Pope Benedict XVI’s Year of Faith Oct. 11 th 2012 - Nov. 24 th 2013 as proposed in his Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei An Introduction. Presentation Sources. (i) Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter PORTA FIDEI for the indiction of the Year of Faith, 11 th October 2011.

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  1. Pope Benedict XVI’s Year of FaithOct. 11th 2012 - Nov. 24th 2013as proposed in his Apostolic LetterPortaFideiAn Introduction

  2. Presentation Sources (i) Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter PORTA FIDEI for the indiction of the Year of Faith, 11th October 2011. (ii) Congregation for the Doctrine of the FaithNote with Pastoral Recommendations for the Year of Faith, 6th January 2012.

  3. A Call to the Faithful Pope Benedict XVI has set aside a special year for Catholics to rediscover, and share with others, the precious gift of Faith entrusted to the Church and the personal gift of faith that we have each received from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

  4. Official Opening This will coincide with two important anniversaries: * 50th Anniversary of Opening Of Vatican II * 20th Anniversary of Publication of CCC Opening will co-incide with General Synod of Bishops in Rome addressing the theme The New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Christian Faith

  5. Why are these important? Vatican II ... ‘the great grace bestowed on the Church in the C20th’…‘a sure compass by which to take our bearings in the century now beginning.’ … if interpreted and implemented according to the mind of the Church stretching back to the Apostles,[Vatican II] can be and can become increasingly powerful for the ever necessary renewal of the Church’.

  6. Catechism of the Catholic Church What is it? a systematic presentation of the Catholic Faith thatenables us to know the full symphony of Faith.  Here we see the wealth of teaching that the Church has received, safeguarded and proposed in her 2,000 years of history. … a permanent record of the many ways in which the Church has meditated on the faith and made progress in doctrine so as to offer us certitude in our lives of faith.

  7. Experience Year of Faith as: a time of rediscovery of the journey of faith & content of the Faith a time when faithful will develop taste forfeeding themselves on the word of God &bread of life (cf. Jn 6:51)a time of introduction to Vatican II teaching a time of purification / summons toconversion to the Lord. • a time of reflection that will find expression in Gospel coherentliving Pope Benedict XVI’s Hopes

  8.  That each of us will experience the desire & find the courage to profess our faith in Christ in : * Our cathedrals * Our churches* Our homes and among our families, that everyone may feel a strong need to know better and to transmit to future generations the faith of all times. Pope Benedict XVI’s Hopes

  9. Intensify the celebration of the faith in the liturgy … especially in the Eucharist • Purification neededRetrace the history of our faith (holiness & sin) …bible characters & lives etc. of saints • Avail of Year as opportunity to intensify the witness of charity What is needed?

  10. CDF Suggestions Universal Church * Pilgrimages to Rome & other Holy Places* Events / pilgrimages that recognise special role of Mary in Salvation History * World Youth Day (Rio de Janeiro)* Symposia, Conferences etc. to promote understanding of Catholic doctrine* Study Vatican II documents & CCC* Receive homilies, catechesis etc. of Holy Father* Support specially organised ecumenical events

  11. CDF Suggestions Episcopal Conferences* Dedicated Study Day* Promote Vat. II documents, CCC & Compendium * Promote TV & Radio programmes , films etc. that focus on the faith* Disseminate knowledge of local saints (authentic witnesses of the faith)* Patrimony … promote catechesis through contemporary art* Promote CCC in centres of theological studies* Produce pamplets etc. on questions that arise* Ensure conformity of local catechisms to CCC* Examine ratio of formation of future priests

  12. CDF Suggestions Each Diocese* Have Opening & Closing Mass* CCC Study Day (for priests, consecrated life & catechists)* Pastoral Letter from Bishop on topic of faith* Organise catechetical events, esp. for youth & people searching for a sense of life* Review reception of Vatican II teaching & CCC in life & mission of diocese* Focus continuing education of clergy on Vatican II docs & CCC* Penitential celebrations, esp. during Lent* Renewed creative dialogue between faith & reason in academic & artistic communities* Promote encounters with people of good will who are searching* Pay greater attention to Catholic Schools

  13. CDF Suggestions Parishes / Communities* Read & meditate on PortaFidei* Intensify celebration of the faith in the liturgy, esp. Mass* Pastoral care, preaching, catechesis of clergy to draw from CCC & Vatican II documents* Cycles of homilies on chosen aspects of the faith, e.g. the encounter with Christ, content of the Creed etc.* Catechists should hold more firmly to doctrinal richness of CCC … create small communities of the faith* Distribute CCC & other resources suitable for families …”true domestic churches”* Parish Missions & missions in the workplace* Let each of us try to communicate our experience of the faith and charity to people of other faiths and none … engage in a kind of mission with those with whom we live and work

  14. CDF Suggestions Associations / Movements* Work towards new evangelisation with a renewed union to the Lord & mindful of your charism & importance of fidelity to Holy Father & Church doctrine* Pray for: (i) renewal of the faith among the People of God, (ii) a new impulse for its transmission to the young. * Promote specific initiatives, in collaboration with local clergy

  15. Concluding Comments In our days too faith is a gift to rediscover, to cultivate and to bear witness to” because the Lord “grants each one of us to live the beauty and joy of being Christians.Homily of Benedict XVI on Feast of Baptism of Our Lord, 2010. … faith commits every one of us to become a living sign of the presence of the Risen Lord in the world. What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness of people enlightened in mind and heart by the word of the Lord, & capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God & for true life, life without end. Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter PortaFidei# 15.

  16. Questions How shall I / we respond: as an individual? as a parish pastoral council / parish group / association etc? as a parish / pastoral area? as a diocese?

  17. Thank you

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