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State Mail User’s Forum

State Mail User’s Forum. September 21, 2010. Agenda. Phase I Archive Box preparation and tracking procedures. FedEx Ground Overnight BRM’s IMB redesign USPS Droop test USPS Rate change Phase II Self Mailer and Tabbing workshop. Archive Box Preparation - Archives.

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State Mail User’s Forum

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  1. State Mail User’s Forum September 21, 2010

  2. Agenda Phase I Archive Box preparation and tracking procedures. FedEx Ground Overnight BRM’s IMB redesign USPS Droop test USPS Rate change Phase II Self Mailer and Tabbing workshop

  3. Archive Box Preparation - Archives Obtain a Record Transfer Sheet from http://archives.utah.gov/recordsmanagement/forms/archives-transfer-sheet.html All incoming boxes must be listed on the Record Transfer Sheet. All Records Transfer Sheets must be emailed to and approved by the Records Center prior to shipment. All boxes must be clearly labeled and listed on the Records Transfer Sheet. The following information must be present: correct series number, agency, agency box #, total # of boxes, where to deliver, work order # All deliveries must be scheduled in advance.

  4. Archive Box Preparation - Archives Only one series per Transfer Sheet. No additional boxes or Transfer Sheets can be sent in with deliveries without approval. All files must be in the approved boxes, non standard boxes will be returned to the agency. Box lids must fit correctly. Please tape lids closed. Over-packed or damaged boxes will be returned to the agency. Penda-flex folders and 3-ring binders are not accepted if they hang from the sides of the boxes or cause the lids to fit incorrectly.

  5. Archive Box Preparation - SMDS For all: A SMDS courier will arrive at your location to transport your shipment. Your shipment will be rejected for damaged boxes, non-standard boxes, over-packed boxes, or invalid Record Transfer Sheets. Only boxes on the approved Records Transfer Sheet will be transported.

  6. Archive Box Preparation - SMDS For 6 or less: Place boxes in normal courier pick-up area (after completing Archive steps). Attach a copy of the Record Transfer Sheet to the shipment.

  7. Archive Box Preparation - SMDS For 7 or more: Contact State Mail and Distribution Services (SMDS) at 323-4300 to schedule your pick-up. SMDS will bill your agency the hourly rate in 15 minute increments on your monthly invoice. Inform the SMDS representative that your shipment has been approved by Archives. SMDS will produce a Work Order for your shipment. Inform the SMDS representative of the number of boxes you are shipping. This must match with the Transfer Sheet approved by Archives. Inform the SMDS representative of the date you scheduled with Archives for the delivery.

  8. Archive Box Tracking

  9. FedEx Ground Overnight

  10. FedEx Ground Overnight Overnight Shipping from 84116 to the following ZIP/Postal codes 81610 - 81610 81633 - 81633 81640 - 81640 81648 - 81648 82300 - 82309 82311 - 82323 82326 - 82326 82328 - 82328 82330 - 82330 82332 - 82334 82336 - 82399 82900 - 83499 84000 - 84509 84513 - 84514 84516 - 84524 84526 - 84529 84537 - 84539 84541 - 84799 86021 - 86022 86052 - 86052 89008 - 89008 89042 - 89043 89300 - 89399 89404 - 89404 89414 - 89414 89418 - 89418 89421 - 89421 89425 - 89426 89438 - 89438 89445 - 89446 89800 - 89899

  11. BRM IMB Redesign Effective immediately Mandatory May 2011 Better internal sorting

  12. BRM IMB Redesign

  13. HELPING MAILERS MEET NEW DEFLECTION STANDARDS New deflection standards for commercial flat-size mailpieces take effect June 7, 2010. However, the Postal Service will delay implementation of revised price eligibility until Oct. 3, 2010, as it works with mailers to assure flats preparation that is compatible with USPS processing and handling.

  14. USPS Droop Test For flats, length is the longest dimension 3 inch maximum droop • Cannot droop more than 2 inches less than the extended length. • DROOP TEST • For flats 10 inches or longer

  15. USPS First Class Mail Rate Change July 16, 2010 the Postal Service proposed a price increase for January 2, 2011. Rate Change proposal can be viewed at pe.usps.com under “*New* Jan. 2, 2011 Proposed Pricing Information.” Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) can accept or reject the proposal and should make a decision by Oct. 4, 2010.

  16. New Rate Comparison

  17. Questions???

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