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諸天宣揚 〈 台語 〉 1. 諸天宣揚,我復活主的榮耀, 誰能相比,我主的聖潔美麗; All Heav’n declares

諸天宣揚 〈 台語 〉 1. 諸天宣揚,我復活主的榮耀, 誰能相比,我主的聖潔美麗; All Heav’n declares the glory of the risen Lord Who can compare With the beauty of the Lord. 〈 副歌 〉 從永遠到永遠,羊羔在掌權; 我今歡喜跪落,單單向祢敬拜。 Forever He will be the Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow the knee, and worship Him alone. .

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諸天宣揚 〈 台語 〉 1. 諸天宣揚,我復活主的榮耀, 誰能相比,我主的聖潔美麗; All Heav’n declares

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  1. 諸天宣揚 〈 台語 〉 1. 諸天宣揚,我復活主的榮耀, 誰能相比,我主的聖潔美麗; All Heav’n declares the glory of the risen Lord Who can compare With the beauty of the Lord

  2. 〈 副歌 〉 從永遠到永遠,羊羔在掌權; 我今歡喜跪落,單單向祢敬拜。 Forever He will be the Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow the knee, and worship Him alone.

  3. 2. 我欲宣揚,我復活主的榮耀, 祂曾受死,使人與上帝和好; I will proclaim , the glory of the risen Lord. Who once was slain to reconcile man to God.

  4. 〈 副歌 〉 從永遠到永遠,羊羔在掌權; 我今歡喜跪落,單單向祢敬拜。 Forever He will be the Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow the knee, and worship Him alone.

  5. 2. 〈 華語 〉 我要宣揚,我復活主的榮耀, 祂曾受死,使我們與神和好; I will proclaim , the glory of the risen Lord. Who once was slain to reconcile man to God.

  6. 〈 副歌 〉 從永遠到永遠,羔羊永掌權; 我今歡喜屈膝,單單向祢敬拜。 Forever He will be The Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow the knee, and worship Him alone. ( repeat )

  7. 敬拜主Majesty 敬拜主,敬拜全能的主, 榮耀能力,一切讚美都歸給祂。 Majesty, worship His majesty. Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise.

  8. 敬拜主,敬拜權柄的主, 從祂寶座能力流出, 流到萬民。 Majesty, kingdom authority flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise.

  9. 來高舉,一同高舉主耶穌聖名, 來彰顯,一同彰顯 耶穌榮耀王。 So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus, Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.

  10. 敬拜主,敬拜尊貴的主, 祂曾捨命,今得榮耀, 萬王之王。 Majesty, worship His majesty. Jesus, who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.

  11. 敬拜主,敬拜全能的主, 榮耀能力,一切讚美都歸給祂。 Majesty, worship His majesty. Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise.

  12. 敬拜主,敬拜權柄的主, 從祂寶座能力流出, 流到萬民。 Majesty, kingdom authority flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise.

  13. 來高舉,一同高舉主耶穌聖名, 來彰顯,一同彰顯 耶穌榮耀王。 So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus, Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.

  14. 敬拜主,敬拜尊貴的主, 祂曾捨命,今得榮耀, 萬王之王。 Majesty, worship His majesty. Jesus, who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.

  15. 至尊至大 How Great Thou Art! 1.我主上帝,我愈想就愈憨愕, 祢的聖手所做一切工程; O Lord, my God when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,

  16. 看見星辰,又聽見鳴雷的聲, 宇宙充滿祢奇妙的工程。 I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

  17. 〈副歌〉 我心出聲讚美上帝聖名, 至尊至大,永遠無息! 我心出聲讚美救主聖名, 至尊至大,永遠無息! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art ! Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

  18. 2 . 真難了解,上帝無惜祂聖子, 差來世界替人類獻生命; And when I think that God His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in

  19. 於十架頂,甘願替贖咱罪過, 流血慘死使我可得永活。 That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.

  20. 〈副歌〉 我心出聲讚美上帝聖名, 至尊至大,永遠無息! 我心出聲讚美救主聖名, 至尊至大,永遠無息! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art ! Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

  21. 3. 主欲復來, 哨角的聲欲大鳴, 接我回去,天堂快樂無限; When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.

  22. 我就虔誠,謙卑跪落來敬拜, 報揚上帝 我主祢真偉大。 Then I shall bow in humble adoration and there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!

  23. 〈副歌〉 我心出聲讚美上帝聖名, 至尊至大,永遠無息! 我心出聲讚美救主聖名, 至尊至大,永遠無息! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art ! Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

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