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Some methods to decompress your spine at home

Decompress spine at home with stretching, foam rolling, inversion therapy, heat/cold, core exercises, and good posture for relief and better spine health.

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Some methods to decompress your spine at home

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  1. Here Are  Some Methods To Decompress Your Spine At Home Spinal Stretching Exercises: Perform gentle stretching exercises targeting the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine. Examples include cat-cow stretch, child's pose, and seated spinal twist. Foam Rolling: Use a foam roller to gently roll along your spine, focusing on areas of tension. This can help release tight muscles and improve spinal mobility. Massage Therapy: Receive a massage from a qualified therapist who can target areas of tension and apply techniques to release pressure on the spine. Yoga or Pilates: Participate in a yoga or Pilates class that emphasizes spinal mobility and alignment. These practices can help improve posture, flexibility, and overall spine health. www.ocwellnessphysicians.com

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