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General Principles of Pathophysiology

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General Principles of Pathophysiology

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Presentation Transcript

    1. General Principles of Pathophysiology The Normal Cell Homeostasis Cellular & Tissue Response to Injury

    2. Topics Discuss the structure and function of normal cells Describe the mechanisms for the general maintenance of homesostasis Discuss the general responses to injury

    3. Structural Levels

    4. Cellular Functions Organization Metabolism Catabolism Anabolism Responsiveness Conductivity Movement Reproduction Growth Differentiation Respiration Secretion Excretion

    5. Cell Kingdoms Prokaryotes bacteria Eukaryotes plants, animals, fungi

    6. Building Blocks of Life Amino Acids -> Proteins Structure & Function Nucleic Acids -> DNA / RNA Information Transmission, energy storage Simple Sugars -> Polysaccharides Energy Sources, structure Fatty Acids -> Lipids Structure, Energy Source

    7. Human Genome as a Book There are 23 chapters, called CHROMOSOMES Each chapter contains several thousand stories, called GENES Each story is made up of paragraphs, called EXONS Each story is interrupted by advertisements called INTRONS Each paragraph is made up of words, called CODONS. Each word is written in letters called BASES

    8. Speaking of DNA…

    9. Cellular Components Phospholipid bilayer Membrane proteins Cytoplasm Nucleus Ribosomes Mitochondria Endoplasmic Riticulum Golgi Apparatus Lysosomes

    10. Generic Eukaryotic Cell

    11. Cell Membrane

    12. Phospholipid bilayer w/ proteins

    13. System Integration Homeostasis Homeo = alike, same Stasis = always, staying

    14. Energy Needs of Homeostasis Endothermic vs Exothermic Reactions Spontaneous vs Nonspontaneous Reactions ‘Coupling’ Metabolism Catabolism Anabolism

    15. Feedback Loops Negative Opposes a change Positive Enhances a change

    16. Feedback Loop Example

    17. Methods of Communication Endocrine Hormones Nervous Neurotransmitters

    19. Mechanism of Action

    20. Synaptic Transmission

    21. Nervous System

    22. Autonomic Nervous System

    23. Sympathetic Receptors

    24. General Response to Injury Cellular Adaptation Mechanisms of Cell Injury Manifestations of Cell Injury Cellular Death

    25. Cellular Adaptation Atrophy Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Dysplasia Metaplasia

    26. Atrophy

    27. Hypertrophy

    28. Hyperplasia

    29. Hyperplastic endometrium

    30. Dysplasia

    31. Cerical Dysplasia

    32. Metaplasia

    33. Mechanisms of Injury Hypoxic Chemical Structural (trauma…tons next semester!) Infectious Immunologic / Inflammatory

    34. Hypoxic Injury

    35. Hypoxic Injury (pathway 1)

    36. Hypoxic Injury (pathway 2)

    37. Hypoxic Injury (pathway 2)

    38. Hypoxic Injury (pathway 2)

    39. Na+ K+ ATP pump

    40. Chemical Injury

    41. Manifestations of Injury Cellular Swelling

    42. Physiological Cell Death

    43. Necrotic Cell Death

    44. Coagulative Necrosis - Kidney

    45. Liquefactive Necrosis - brain

    46. Caseous Necrosis

    47. Fatty Necrosis - pancreas

    48. Cirrhosis of the liver

    49. Gangrene

    50. Dry Gangrene

    51. Wet Gangrene 2ş to diabetes

    52. Web Resources Cell Membrane: http://www.d.umn.edu/~sdowning/Membranes/lecturenotes.html#anchor360899 Sodium Potassium ATP pump: http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu/hbooks/molecules/sodium_pump.html Kimbal’s Biology Page(s): You want it, he’s got it!: http://www.ultranet.com/~jkimball/BiologyPages/T/TOC.html

    53. Web Resources Virtual Library of Cell Biology: http://vl.bwh.harvard.edu/  On-line pathophysiology course: http://sonser4.nur.uth.tmc.edu/patho/

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